Advanced build recipes for Capytaine
See also Capytaine's documentation and Capytaine's standalone distribution.
Build the docker image:
curl -o Capytaine_2.2.1__Ubuntu_Noble.Dockerfile
docker build -t capytaine:v2.2.1 - < Capytaine_2.2.1__Ubuntu_Noble.Dockerfile
And execute it:
docker run -it capytaine:v2.2.1 python
Or the following command to make the current directory accessible from the Docker image and run the file
from the current directory:
docker run -i -v (pwd):/home/user -t capytaine:v2.2.1 python
Note that graphical displays (matplotlib, vtk, ...) might require a complex setup to work from the Docker image.
For advanced users, Guix <>
_ package definitions are available at the root of the repository:
curl -o capytaine.scm
guix shell -L . python [email protected] -- python3 -c 'import capytaine; print(capytaine.__version__)'
Package definitions for former versions back to 1.3 are available.