A simple piece of software posting a summary of upcoming meetups to a Slack channel.
Intended to run on AWS Lambda, using Serverless
Capra internal details: https://confluence.capraconsulting.no/x/kINGBw
Two elements in Parameter Store:
- API key for meetup.com/meetup-reminder/prod/slack-webhook-url
- Slack webhook URL
Install Serverless globally:
npm install serverless -g
Install Serverless dependencies:
npm install
Install Python venv and activate:
# use python3 if python refers to python 2
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Activate AWS credentials (this depends on your setup):
aws-vault exec capra
Verify account (assumes you have aws cli installed):
aws sts get-caller-identity
Account ID should be 923402097046.
Deploy template:
serverless deploy --verbose