County and City Reports for Opioid Project
Copy any new EMS files in E:\Data\Mi-EMSIS and E:\Data\Washtenaw EMS to the E:\alex\EMS\txt folder and rename the file according to the file format of the other files. The other files do not need to be moved from their original locations
From the Start Menu, Open the Anaconda Prompt terminal
Change directory:
cd /d E:\opioid-utils
Run batch script:
The output of this script is written to
. This should generate five updated web_*.csv files used by the Report Generation section.
From Start Menu, Open the Anaconda Prompt terminal
Change directory:
cd /d E:\opioid-web
Start program:
Open Chrome Browser. Navigate to localhost:5000
This should bring you to the home page.
Select date range, data source, and county or city from the map
Date Range: The default range is 2 weeks (14 days) counting backwards from your access date
Custom Range: select the start date, then the end date. Click Apply to use these dates.
- Data Source: Toggle amongst 3 data sources: EMS, ME, and ED
County or City: There are two options for selecting a county or city — through the map and through the autocomplete search
- Hover and Click on a City or County to select from the map.
- Type and Select a name to select from the search bar. Click the “Set Location” button to confirm your selection. Successful selection changes the county/city’s color on the map (see below for example).
Click the “Generate Report” button located at the bottom of the page to navigate to the report