Online web app for your diaries build with ReactJS on the frontend and with NodeJS, ExpressJS and JWT in the backend, using a MySQL database.
The server side represents the back-end which is built with Node.js and Express.
In order for the server to run, you need to have installed NodeJS, MySQL and Knex globally.
Steps to follow to setup the project:
- Log in into your local MySQL DB, using a CLI or any GUI.
- Create a database for the current project.
- Navigate to the /server/config/ and duplicate the
file intodbcredentials.js
and replace the database name, the username and password with your credentials. - Open a CLI, navigate to the folder /server/ and run
npm i
- After all the packages are installed, while still in the server folder, run the following commands,
in this order:
npm run m:rollback
,npm run m:latest
and finallynpm run s:run
- When all the migrations and seeds completed, you can start the server by running
npm run start-dev
and in the terminal the messageserver is running on port 8899 should appear
The client represents the front-end of the app and is built with ReactJS.
In order to get it running, in your CLI, navigate to the /client/ folder and run the following commands: npm i
and npm run start
. After this, the development server should start and a new browser on http://localhost:3000/
will open.