This example is written in Express and demonstrates 'Signing protocal example' for a web app.
- Transfer CAT example
Replace the following constants in the index.js
with your own information.
const client_id = ''; // Replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID here
const client_secret = ''; // Replace YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET here
const redirect_uri = `http://localhost:${PORT}/auth/cryptobadge/callback`; // Need to config redirect_uri in your application when login success
Production environment
const uri = '';
canPassApi: '',
In index.ejs
endPoint: '';
signTxURL: ''
Install the dependencies and run the server as follows.
yarn start
Then, visit http://localhost:3002. You can login to the example with your CANpass account by hit the yellow button 'Sign in with can-pass'.
After you login to CANPass successfully, you will receive a token like this:
token = {
access_token: 'da54054101352f743b792f52f0f383d2c77519c7',
token_type: 'Bearer',
expires_in: 3599,
refresh_token: 'ba298435dbd0c835b2a56607c0a243bd44ab6298',
scope: 'email'
The home page will show when you login success
Home page - Transfer CAT Example (http://localhost:3002/)
- Input your CAN account
- Input CAN account's receiver
- Input quantity - Amount of CAT you want to transfer
- Redirect URL - a callback URL when sign transaction Server Side (use for option 2)
We have 2 option to sign a transaction.
Option 1: Click on button 'Transfer Cat' (This is sign transaction with CIF style - a popup or new tab will open)
Request sign transaction in client side with can-pass-js sdk
Build a transaction details and call function signTx of can-pass-js sdk
Need to init values (such as clientId, version, endPoint, signTxURL,...) for CanPass sdk before you call signTx
In signTx we have a callback to get a result when you finished sign a transaction
function requestSignTx(tx) {
canPass.signTx(tx, 'RequestSignTxOptions', (error, tx) => {
if (error) { //When sign transaction have errors, do somthing here
console.log('Fail', error);
} else { // When success
console.log('Sign Success', tx);
Option 2: Click on button 'Server Side' (Redirect style)
Request sign transaction in server side by call can-keys api
Get input values from client
Call a mutation graphql to get headerLocation
and redirect to headerLocation
After sign a transaction, redirect to Redirect URL (input in client side)
I have write an Redirect URL input example http://localhost:3002/sign-tx-callback
app.get('/sign-tx-callback', (req, res) => {
const trx = req.query.trx;
if(trx) {
console.log('Sign Transaction Success!');
You can get transaction info in req.query
Check balance tab (http://localhost:3002/check-balance)
- Input an CAN account (auto fill your CAN account)
- Click Check button to get current balance (
code: eosio.token
,symbol: CAT
) of your input account - The code example in UI
Transfer History tab (http://localhost:3002/transfer-history)
- Input CAN account, Code, Symbol (example
CAN Account: ibyumaaj4gtk
,Code: eosio.token
,Symbol: CAT
) - Click on Query history
- The table will show 10 transaction of user
with theCAT
token - If CAN account field empty, The table will show 10 transaction of the given token you input
- Code query example in UI