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NestDrizzle -- Drizzle ORM integration for NestJS

This module was created to integrate Drizzle ORM with NestJS with all serverfull drivers:

'postgres-js' | 'mysql2' | 'supabase' | 'neon' | 'planetscale' | 'sqlite3'


To install this project:

npm i @ockonor/nest-drizzle 
npm i -D drizzle-kit

Create the drizzle-kit configuration in your project root folder

// <your project root>/drizzle.config.ts
import type { Config } from "drizzle-kit";
export default {
  schema: "./src/schema.ts",
  out: "./drizzle",
} satisfies Config;

Create your schema in your project src folder

See documentation here

// <your project root>/src/schema.ts
import { serial, text, timestamp, pgTable } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';

export const user = pgTable('user', {
  id: serial('id'),
  name: text('name'),
  email: text('email'),
  password: text('password'),
  role: text('role').$type<'admin' | 'customer'>(),
  createdAt: timestamp('created_at'),
  updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at'),

Add generate script in package.json and execute drizzle-kit documentation here

"scripts": {
    "start:dev": "tsc-watch -p --onSuccess \"node dist/main.js\"",
    "build": "tsc",
    "prepare": "npm run build",
    "format": "prettier --write \"src/**/*.ts\"",
    "lint": "tslint -p tsconfig.json -c tslint.json",
    "test": "jest",
    "test:watch": "jest --watch",
    "test:cov": "jest --coverage",
    "test:e2e": "jest --config ./test/jest-e2e.json",
  + "generate": "drizzle-kit generate:pg"
# Update you schema
npm run generate




  • register()
  • registerAsync()
  • forRoot()
  • forRootAsync()
// in your module
import { NestDrizzleModule } from '@ockonor/nest-drizzle';

  controllers: [NestDrizzleClientController],
  imports: [
      useFactory: () => {
        return {
          driver: 'postgres-js', // 'postgres-js'|'mysql2'|'supabase'|'neon'|'planetscale' |'sqlite3'
          url: 'postgres://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>', // postgres://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>, ./<your file>.sqlite
export class ...


Don't forget to import the good types in your controllers/services

// if you have driver 'postgres-js'|'supabase'|'neon'
import { PostgresJsDb, DRIZZLE_ORM } from '@ockonor/nest-drizzle';
// or if you have driver 'mysql2'|'planetscale'
import { MySql2Db, DRIZZLE_ORM } from '@ockonor/nest-drizzle';
// or if you have the driver 'sqlite3'
import { SQLite3Db, DRIZZLE_ORM } from '@ockonor/nest-drizzle';

Controllers / Services

See documentation here

// in your controller or service
import { Controller, Get, Inject } from '@nestjs/common';
import { user } from '../../schema';
import { PostgresJsDb, DRIZZLE_ORM } from '@ockonor/nest-drizzle';

export class NestDrizzleClientController {
  // private readonly db: PostgresJsDb or MySql2Db or SQLite3Db
  constructor(@Inject(DRIZZLE_ORM) private readonly db: PostgresJsDb) {}

  async index() {
    const allUsers = await;
    return allUsers;


  • Command for migration
  • Support another serverless databases + sqlite providers
  • Add forRoot and forRootAsync