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Augustin Roux edited this page Jul 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

Events list

List of events listenable in external applications

focus Sent when user comes back to the application (available in r7extlib version 0.1.2)

blur Sent when user leaves the external application (available in r7extlib version 0.1.2)


player:zap Sent when player tries to zap on a new channel

player:play Sent when player starts playing

player:stopped Sent when player stops playing

player:progress Sent by the player to follow the progression of the playing (available from version 1.9.38)

player:playerStarted Sent when player starts playing, callback will receive informations about the position (r7webapp >= 1.16.2-3)

player:playerStopped Sent when player stops playing, callback will receive informations about the position (r7webapp >= 1.16.2-3)

player:playerSpeedChanged Sent when the speed changes, callback will receive the current speed (r7webapp >= 1.16.2-3)


programsNow:change When a program has changed on a channel


avio:outputChanged Sent on device video output changed


network:connected Sent on device connected

network:disconnected Sent on device disconnected


volume:changeVolume Sent when the volume changed or was muted/unmuted (available with webapp >1.16.3-X)

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