This repository hosts the code needed to generate the collectd JMX docker image used mainly at Camptocamp for the geOrchestra projects.
The docker image is hosted in a [](private repository) in the docker hub camptocamp organisation.
Used in a rancher catalog entry, this allows to scan the whole containers of a rancher environment to automatically provide a prometheus entry point to gather datas from JMX endpoints.
$ docker build -t camptocamp/jmx-collectd:vx.y .
See the from the rancher-catalog-georchestra entry for the usage.
Added jetty_sessions
Somehow collectd seems to segfault in some environments (ppige, geopicardie). This version removes useless configuration files, as advised by @mfournier. The root docker image has also been fixed to camptocamp/collectd:v0.2.3.
MBeans for getting metrics on Jetty have been renamed, so we need to add a new one, to target the newly named bean, and also keeping backward compatibility:
%0 - evictionPolicy (int, r)
%1 - removeUnloadableSessions (boolean, r)
%2 - saveOnCreate (boolean, r)
%3 - saveOnInactiveEviction (boolean, r)
%4 - sessionsCurrent (long, r)
%5 - sessionsMax (long, r)
%6 - sessionsTotal (long, r)
%7 - state (java.lang.String, r)
%8 - stopTimeout (long, rw)
Adding 2 metrics for geoserver when controlflow is instrumented with DropWizard's metrics library. See:
Cleaning up jetty sessions metrics gathering.
Switch to debian:bookworm as base image, run as non-root user.