QGIS plugin to load layers from spreadsheet files (*.ods, *.xls, *.xlsx)
This plugin adds a Add spreadsheet layer entry in Layer / Add new Layer menu and a corresponding button in Layers toolbar. These two links open the same dialog to load a layer from a spreadsheet file with some options:
- select file
- layer name
- sheet selection
- header at first line
- ignore some rows
- load geometry from x and y fields
When dialog is accepted, it creates a new GDAL VRT file in same folder as the source data file and layer name, expanded with a .vrt suffix, which is loaded into QGIS.
When reusing the same file twice, the dialog loads its values from the existing .vrt file.
Due to a GDAL/OGR lacks of functionalities:
- use of header line on a per file basis ;
- ignore lines at the beginning of file ;
- correct end of .xls files detection.
The plugin use an SQLITE select statement with offset and limit parameters to extract corresponding data from the source file. When one of this functionalities is in use, this could have some side effects.
With GDAL <= 1.11.1, the plugin can't load geometry. With graceful degradation, geometry checkbox is then locked. To get the GDAL version in use, run this commands in QGIS python console:
import osgeo.gdal print(osgeo.gdal.__version__)
When opening a spreadsheet file, GDAL/OGR will try to detect the data type of columns (Date, Integer, Real, String, ...). This automatic detection occurs outside of plugin header and ignore lines functionalities, so when using this, GDAL/OGR should be unable to correctly detect data types.
GDAL do not allow to define the presence of header line on a per layer basis, this choice is made through environment variables for each driver OGR_ODS_HEADERS, OGR_XLS_HEADERS and OGR_XLSX_HEADERS, with tree possible values FORCE, DISABLE and AUTO. For more details, consult the corresponding drivers documentation ie: http://www.gdal.org/drv_ods.html, http://www.gdal.org/drv_xls.html and http://www.gdal.org/drv_xlsx.html.
You can change this values in QGIS settings:
open Settings / Options dialog;
select System tab, and go to Environment section;
check Use custom variables.
add a new line. Example:
restart QGIS to take this into consideration.
git clone [email protected]:camptocamp/QGIS-SpreadSheetLayers.git SpreadsheetLayers cd SpreadsheetLayers ln -s ${PWD}/SpreadsheetLayers ~/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins make
- run QGIS and activate SpreadsheetLayers plugin.
First update l10n files:
make tx-pull
Then create a commit if relevant:
git add -p . git commit -m 'Update l10n'
Now update SpreadsheetLayers/metadata.txt
file with the version number.
For an experimental release:
version=X.Y.Z-alpha+build experimental=False
Or for a final release:
version=X.Y.Z experimental=True
And create a new commit, tag, and push on GitHub:
git add -p . git commit -m 'Release version ...' git push origin master
Then create the package and test it with you local QGIS:
make package deploy qgis
Then, if everything looks fine, you can create a tag:
git tag X.Y.Z git push origin X.Y.Z
Then log in to QGIS plugins repository: https://plugins.qgis.org/accounts/login/
And upload the file dist/SpreadsheetLayers.zip
here: https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/SpreadsheetLayers/