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kieranrcampbell committed Mar 18, 2021
0 parents commit 5ac9f1d
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Showing 4 changed files with 320 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ACDC/
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207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions ACDC/
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from sklearn import preprocessing
#from sklearn.mixture import GMM
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture as GMM
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch

from collections import Counter

def get_label(table):
return table.axes[0], table.axes[1]

def sort_feature(data):
pds = np.asarray(data)
Y = pdist(pds) # ~ N^2 / 2
ind = sch.leaves_list(sch.linkage(Y)) # N-1
return data[ind, :]

def compute_marker_model(df, table, thres):
## compute 2-gaussian mixture model for each marker
## output mean, variance, and weight for each marker
mk_model = {}
for mk in table.axes[1]:
gmm = GMM(n_components=2, n_init=10)
tmp = df[mk].to_numpy()[tmp > thres, np.newaxis])
index = np.argsort(gmm.means_, axis = 0)
mk_model[mk] = (gmm.means_[index], gmm.covariances_[index], gmm.weights_[index])

return mk_model

def appr_fun(x, xroot, slope):
## heuristic for axxproimating the decision boundary
y = np.exp( (x - xroot) * slope)
y = y / (1.0 + y)
return np.squeeze(y)

def compute_paras(mk_model, mk):
## compute the critical point of the decision bounary
## critical point is defined by P(theta = 1|x) = P(theta = 0|x)
## given a 1-D two-mixture model
## inputs:
## mk_model: precomputed 2-gassian mixture model for all markers
## mk: one selected marker
## outputs:
## xroot: location of the critical point
## slope: slope of the decision boundary at the critical point

mus, sigmas, ws = mk_model[mk]
a = (-0.5 / sigmas[0] + 0.5 /sigmas[1])
b = mus[0] / sigmas[0] - mus[1] / sigmas[1]
c = 0.5 * (-mus[0] **2 / sigmas[0] + mus[1] ** 2 / sigmas[1]) + np.log(ws[0] / ws[1]) + 0.5 * np.log(sigmas[1] / sigmas[0])
xroot = (-b - np.sqrt(b ** 2 - 4.0 * a * c) ) / (2.0 * a)
slope = 0.5 * (xroot - mus[0]) / sigmas[0] - 0.5 * (xroot - mus[1]) / sigmas[1]
return xroot, slope

def score_fun(x, mk_model, mk):
## compute the score function
## the score should roughly proportional to P(theta = + | x)

xroot, slope = compute_paras(mk_model, mk)
return appr_fun(x, xroot, slope)

def get_score_mat(X, weights, table, y_cluster, mk_model):
## compute the cluster x annotation score matrix
## X: sample x feature data matrix
## table: a list of (ind, sign)
if y_cluster:
clusters = np.unique(y_cluster)
mu = np.vstack([np.mean(X[y_cluster==cl, :], axis = 0) for cl in clusters])
score = get_score_mat_main(mu, weights, table, mk_model, thres)
score = get_score_mat_main(X, weights, table, mk_model)
return score

def get_score_mat_main(X, weights, table, mk_model):
## compute the cluster x annotation score matrix
## X: sample x feature data matrix
## table: a list of (ind, sign)
score = np.zeros((X.shape[0], len(table.axes[0])))
for i, ct in enumerate(table.index):
#score_tmp = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
#count = 0.0
score_tmp = np.ones(X.shape[0])
count = 1.0
for j, mk in enumerate(table.columns):
if table.loc[ct, mk] > 0:
score_tmp = np.min([score_tmp, score_fun(X[:, j], mk_model, mk)], axis = 0)
#score_tmp += score_fun(X[:, j], mk_model, mk)
#count += 1.0
elif table.loc[ct, mk] < 0:
score_tmp = np.min([score_tmp, 1.0 - score_fun(X[:, j], mk_model, mk)], axis = 0)
#score_tmp += 1.0 - score_fun(X[:, j], mk_model, mk)
#count += 1.0
score[:, i]= score_tmp / count
return score

def get_unique_index(X, score, table, thres):

ct_score = np.abs(table.to_numpy()).sum(axis = 1)
ct_index = np.zeros((X.shape[0], len(table.index) + 1))

for i, ct in enumerate(table.index):
ct_index[:, i] = (score[:, i] > thres) * 1

for i in np.where(ct_index.sum(axis = 1) > 1)[0]:
mk_tmp = np.where(ct_index[i, :] == 1)[0]
score_tmp = ct_score[mk_tmp]
ct_index[i, :] = 0
if np.sum(score_tmp == score_tmp.max()) == 1:
ct_index[i, mk_tmp[np.argmax(score_tmp)]] = 1

ct_index[:, -1] = (score[:, -1] > thres) * 1
return ct_index

def get_landmarks(X, score, ct_index, idx2ct, obj, thres):

res_c = {}
for idx, ct in enumerate(idx2ct):
if np.any(ct_index[:, idx] == 1):
item = X[ct_index[:, idx] == 1, :]
item = X[score[:, idx] > thres, :]

if item.shape[0] > 60:
res = obj.cluster(item, k=30, directed=False, prune=False, min_cluster_size=10, jaccard=True,
primary_metric='euclidean', n_jobs=-1, q_tol=1e-3)
res_c[ct] = return_center(item, res[0])
elif item.shape[0]> 0:
res_c[ct] = item.mean(axis = 0)[np.newaxis, :]

return res_c

def soft_max(x):
# x: sample x feature matrix
# w: 1 x weights
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-x))

def return_center(X, labels):
clusters = np.unique(labels)
centers = []
for i in clusters:
centers.append(np.mean(X[labels == i, :], axis = 0))
return np.vstack(centers)

def select_centers(res_center, X, table, mk_model):
# X: sample x feature data matrix
# table: a list of (ind, sign)

res_score = {}
res_select = {}

for ct, item in res_center.items():
if item.shape[0] > 1:
score = np.ones(item.shape[0])
for j, mk in enumerate(table.axes[1]):
if table.loc[ct, mk]== 1:
score = np.min([score, score_fun(item[:, j], mk_model, mk)], axis = 0)
if table.loc[ct, mk]== -1:
score = np.min([score, 1.0 - score_fun(item[:, j], mk_model, mk)], axis = 0)

res_score[ct] = score
res_select[ct] = res_center[ct][np.argmax(score), :][np.newaxis, :]
res_select[ct] = res_center[ct].copy()
return res_score, res_select

def output_feature_matrix(res, label=None):
## turn a dictionary data structure into a matrix
## input:
## res: a dictionary that map a key (cluster) to an (n_sample, n_features) array
## label: a list of keys. output will be arragned as the order of keys in this list
## output:
## feature_mat: a (n_sample, n_features) matrix
## ct_mat: a (n_sample,) that each element is a key (cluster)

ct_mat = []
feature_mat = []
if not label:
label = res.keys()

for key in label:
if key in res:
item = res[key]
if item.shape[0] > 0:
ct_mat += [key] * item.shape[0]

feature_mat = np.vstack(feature_mat)
return feature_mat, ct_mat

86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions ACDC/
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from sklearn.neighbors import kneighbors_graph, BallTree
# from sklearn.utils.graph import graph_laplacian
import scipy.sparse
import numpy as np
import time

def add_value(cor, key, val):
if key not in cor:
cor[key] = 0.0
cor[key] += val

def dict_2_cs(cor):
data, indices, indptr = [], [], [0]
ptr_curr = 0
for key, item in cor.items():
indices += item.keys()
data += item.values()
ptr_curr += len(item)

return data, indices, indptr

def knn_neighbors(data, lpts, n_neighbor):
X_semi = np.concatenate([lpts, data], axis = 0)
btree = BallTree(X_semi)
nbr_id = btree.query(X_semi, k=n_neighbor + 1, return_distance=False)
return nbr_id

def compute_BTLu(y_lpt, nbr_id, n_sample, n_type, n_lpt):

cor_Lu = {i:{} for i in range(n_sample)}
cor_BT = {i:{} for i in range(n_type)}

for i in range(n_lpt):
for j in nbr_id[i, :]:
if j >= n_lpt:
add_value(cor_BT[y_lpt[i]], j - n_lpt, -1)
add_value(cor_Lu[j - n_lpt], j - n_lpt, 1)

for i in range(n_sample):
for j in nbr_id[n_lpt + i, 1:]:
add_value(cor_Lu[i], i, 1)
if j < n_lpt:
add_value(cor_BT[y_lpt[j]], i, -1)

elif j >= n_lpt:
add_value(cor_Lu[j - n_lpt], i, -1)
add_value(cor_Lu[i], j - n_lpt, -1)
add_value(cor_Lu[j - n_lpt], j - n_lpt, 1)

BT = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(dict_2_cs(cor_BT), shape=(n_sample, n_type), dtype = np.float)
Lu = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(dict_2_cs(cor_Lu), shape=(n_sample, n_sample), dtype = np.float)
return BT, Lu

def rm_classify(data, lpts, y_lpt, n_neighbor):
## data: (n_sample, n_feature) ndarray. unlabeled data
## lpts: (n_lpt, n_feature) ndarray. labeled data
## y_lpts: (n_lpt, ) ndarray, labels for the labeled data
## n_neighbors: number of neighbors
## labels: order of labels

n_lpt = lpts.shape[0]
n_type = len(set(y_lpt))
n_sample = data.shape[0]

idx2lpt =sorted(set(y_lpt))
lpt2idx = {l:idx for idx, l in enumerate(idx2lpt)}

y_lpy_tmp = np.array([lpt2idx[l] for l in y_lpt])

nbr_id = knn_neighbors(data, lpts, n_neighbor)

BT, Lu = compute_BTLu(y_lpy_tmp, nbr_id, n_sample, n_type, n_lpt)

lp = np.zeros((n_sample, n_type))
for i in range(n_type):
result = scipy.sparse.linalg.bicg(Lu, BT[:, i].toarray(), tol = 1e-6)
lp[:, i] = -result[0]

y_pred = np.argmax(lp, axis = 1)
y_pred = np.array([idx2lpt[l] for l in y_pred])
return lp, y_pred

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# **A**utomated **C**ell type **D**iscovery and **C**lassification through knowledge transfer #
### ACDC for CyTOF data processing ###

This is a Python 3 implementation of methods used in "Automated cell type discovery and classification through knowledge transfer", a automated method for analyzing CyTOF data

### Setup ###
* Dependencies
* This package was tested in Python 3.5
* scikit-learn >0.18.0
* scipy
* third-party package [Phenograph](

* Installation
* Currently, simply put the ACDC folder in the same place where the python script is executed

### Tutorials ###
For the ease of website maintenance, tutorials are hosted [here](

* [BMMC visualization](

* [BMMC classification](

* [AML visualization](

* [AML classification](

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