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90+ utility user-defined type functions for luau.

Requires the following fflags to be enabled:

    "LuauTypeSolverRelease": "647",
    "LuauSolverV2": "true",
    "LuauUserDefinedTypeFunctionsSyntax2": "true",
    "LuauUserDefinedTypeFunction2": "true"

Documentation below

Core Types


Outputs the inputted type but only with specificied components/properties.

Name Type Description
input any The type to pick components/properties from.
toPick any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be picked.
type TypeResult = Pick<
    "hello" & "world" & "foo" & "bar",
    "world" | "bar"

-- type TypeResult = "bar" & "world"


Outputs the inputted type but only with components which extends the specified types.

Name Type Description
input any The type to pick components/properties from.
toPick any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to pick from.
type TypeResult = PickExtends<
    "hello" & boolean & "world" & true & string,

-- type TypeResult = boolean & true


Outputs the inputted type but with specificied components/properties removed.

Name Type Description
input any The type to omit components/properties from.
toOmit any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be omitted.
type TypeResult = Omit<
    "hello" | "world" | "foo" | "bar",
    "world" | "bar"

-- type TypeResult = "foo" | "hello"


Outputs the inputted type but without components which extends the specified types.

Name Type Description
input any The type to omit components/properties from.
toOmit any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be omitted.
type TypeResult = OmitExtends<
    "hello" | boolean | "world" | true | string,

-- type TypeResult = "hello" | "world" | string


Removes duplicate components from unions and intersections including inside table keys, values and indexers.

Name Type Description
input any The type to clean.
type TypeResult = Clean<{
    age: number | number,
    [boolean]: boolean | boolean

type TypeResult = {
    [boolean]: boolean,
    age: number


Recursively flattens intersections, unions and intersections of tables into one consolidated type.

Name Type Description
input any The type to flatten.
type TypeResult = Flatten<({ hello: "world" } & ({ foo: "bar" } | { lol: "kek" }))>

type TypeResult = {
    foo: "bar",
    hello: "world"
} | {
    hello: "world",
    lol: "kek"


Outputs true if the two inputted types are identical.

Name Type Description
inputA any The first type to compare.
inputB any The second type to compare.
type TypeResult = Equals<{ Kind: "Customer" }, { Kind: "Employee" }>

-- type TypeResult = false


Outputs the properties/components which exist in both inputA and inputB.

Name Type Description
inputA any The first type.
inputB any The second type.
type TypeResult = Overlap<"hello" & "world" & "foo", "lol" & "foo" & "world">

-- type TypeResult = "foo" & "world"


Outputs the properties/components which only exist in inputA, and which only exist in inputB.

Name Type Description
inputA any The first type.
inputB any The second type.
type TypeResult = Diff<"hello" | "world", "hello" | "foo">

-- type TypeResult = "foo" | "world"


Converts a type to camel case (camelCase).

Name Type Description
input any The type to convert to camel case.
type TypeResult = ToCamel<{ Name: string, Age: number }>

-- type TypeResult = { age: number, name: string }


Converts a type to pascal case (PascalCase).

Name Type Description
input any The type to convert to pascal case.
type TypeResult = ToPascal<"hello" & "world">

-- type TypeResult = "Hello" & "World"


Converts a type to upper case (UPPERCASE).

Name Type Description
input any The type to convert to upper case.
type TypeResult = ToUpper<"Foo" | "Bar" | "lol">

-- type TypeResult = "BAR" | "FOO" | "LOL"


Converts a type to lower case (lowercase).

Name Type Description
input any The type to convert to lower case.
type TypeResult = ToLower<{ HELLO: "world", FOO: "BAR" }>

type TypeResult = {
    foo: "BAR",
    hello: "world"


Returns true if the inputted type is empty.

Name Type Description
input any The type to test emptiness for.
type TypeResult = IsEmpty<{ }>

-- type TypeResult = true


Outputs a union of the inputted type and a nil singleton type.

Name Type Description
input any The type to make nilable.
type TypeResult = Nilable<string>

-- type TypeResult = string?


Outputs a union of the inputted type but with nil singleton types removed.

Name Type Description
input any The type to make non-nilable.
type TypeResult = NonNilable<string?>

-- type TypeResult = string


Outputs true if the inputted type is nilable.

Name Type Description
input any The type to test to see if it is nilable.
type TypeResult = IsNonNilable<string?>

-- type TypeResult = true


Outputs true if the inputted type is non-nilable.

Name Type Description
input any The type to test to see if it is non-nilable.
type TypeResult = IsNonNilable<string?>

-- type TypeResult = false
Table Types


Outputs the inputted table but only with specified properties.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to pick properties from.
toPick any The union of types or a singleton/primitive to be picked.
type TypeResult = TablePick<{
    name: string,
    age: number,
    [string | number]: "fooBar"
}, "name" | string>

type TypeResult = {
    [string]: "fooBar",
    name: string


Outputs the inputted table but only with properties whos keys extends the specified types.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to pick properties from.
toPick any The union of types or a singleton/primitive to pick from.
type TypeResult = TablePickExtends<{
    name: string,
    age: number,
    [string | number]: "fooBar"
}, string>

type TypeResult = {
    [string]: "fooBar",
    age: number,
    name: nil


Outputs the inputted table but with specified properties omitted.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to omit properties from.
toPick any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be omitted.
type TypeResult = TableOmit<{
    name: string,
    age: number
}, "age">

type TypeResult = {
    name: string


Outputs the inputted table but without components which extends the specified types.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to omit properties from.
toPick any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to omit from.
type TypeResult = TableOmitExtends<{
    name: string,
    age: number
}, string>

type TypeResult = {  }


Flattens intersections of tables into one consolidated type.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to flatten.
type TypeResult = TableFlatten<
    { Name: string, Age: number } &
    { Kind: "Employee" }

type TypeResult = {
    Age: number,
    Kind: "Employee",
    Name: string


Removes duplicate components from unions and intersections inside of table keys, values and indexers.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to clean.
type TypeResult = TableClean<{ Name: string | string, Age: number }>

-- type TypeResult = { Age: number, Name: string }


Outputs true if the two inputted tables are identical.

Name Type Description
inputA { [any]: any } The first table to compare.
inputB { [any]: any } The second table to compare.
type TypeResult = TableEquals<{ Name: "Bob" }, { Name: "Bob" }>

-- type TypeResult = true


Outputs a table of properties which only appear in inputA, and which only appear in inputB.

Name Type Description
inputA { [any]: any } The first table.
inputB { [any]: any } The second table.
type TypeResult = TableDiff<
    { Hello: "World", Foo: "Bar" },
    { Hello: "World", Baz: "Biz" }

type TypeResult = {
    Baz: "Biz",
    Foo: "Bar"


Outputs a table of properties which only appear in both inputA and inputB.

Name Type Description
inputA { [any]: any } The first table.
inputB { [any]: any } The second table.
type TypeResult = TableOverlap<
    { Hello: "World", Foo: "Bar" },
    { Hello: "World", Baz: "Biz" }

-- type TypeResult = { Hello: "World" }


Returns a union of the two inputted tables, where keys of the first table are added to the second table (if not already) but with a falsy value and vice virsa.

Name Type Description
inputA { [any]: any } The first table.
inputB { [any]: any } The second table.
type TypeResult = Either<
    { Success: true, Data: string },
    { Success: false }

type TypeResult = {
    Data: (false | never)?,
    Success: false
} | {
    Data: string,
    Success: true


Outputs a type where another type needs to have at least one of the properties from the input type in order to satify it.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table type input.
type TypeResult = TableAtLeast<{
    hello: "world", foo: "bar", baz: "bix"

type TypeResult = {
    baz: "bix",
    foo: "bar"?,
    hello: "world"?
} | {
    baz: "bix"?,
    foo: "bar",
    hello: "world"?
} | {
    baz: "bix"?,
    foo: "bar"?,
    hello: "world"


Makes all of the properties in a table optional.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to make partial.
type TypeResult = Partial<{ hello: "world", foo: "bar" }>

type TypeResult = {
    foo: "bar"?,
    hello: "world"?


Picks all the partial keys from a table.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to pick partial keys from.
type TypeResult = PickPartial<{
    hello: "world"?, foo: "bar", baz: "bax"?

-- type TypeResult = { baz: "bax"?, hello: "world"? }


Makes all of the properties in a table required.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to make required.
type TypeResult = Required<{ hello: "world"?, foo: "bar"? }>

-- type TypeResult = { foo: "bar", hello: "world" }


Picks all the required keys from a table.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to pick required keys from.
type TypeResult = PickPartial<{
    hello: "world"?, foo: "bar", baz: "bax"?

-- type TypeResult = { foo: "bar" }


Makes all of the properties in a table read only.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to make read only.
type TypeResult = ReadOnly<{ hello: "world", foo: "bar" }>

type TypeResult = {
    read foo: "bar",
    read hello: "world"


Makes all of the properties of a table readable and writable (mutable).

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to make mutable.
type TypeResult = ReadWrite<{ read hello: "world", read foo: "bar" }>

type TypeResult = {
    foo: "bar",
    hello: "world"


Outputs all values of a table as a union of types (or a singleton/primitive).

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to get values of.
type TypeResult = ValueOf<{ hello: "world", foo: "bar" }>

-- type TypeResult = "bar" | "world"


Removes the indexer from a table type.

Name Type Description
tble { [any]: any } The table to remove the indexer from.
type TypeResult = TableRemoveIndexer<{  hello: "world", [number]: number }>

-- type TypeResult = { hello: "world" }


Sets the indexer for a table type.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to set the indexer for.
keyType any The key type for the new indexer.
value any The value for the new indexer.
type TypeResult = TableSetIndexer<{ foo: "bar", [number]: number }, string, "hello world">

type TypeResult = {
    [string]: "hello world",
    foo: "bar"


Converts all string literal keys in a table to be camel case (camelCase).

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to convert to camel case.
type TypeResult = TableToCamel<{ Name: string, Age: number }>

type TypeResult = {
    age: number,
    name: string


Converts all string literal keys in a table to be pascal case (PascalCase).

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to convert to pascal case.
type TypeResult = TableToPascal<{ name: string, age: number }>

type TypeResult = {
    Age: number,
    Name: string


Converts all string literal keys in a table to be upper case (PascalCase).

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to convert to upper case.
type TypeResult = TableToUpper<{ name: string, age: number }>

type TypeResult = {
    AGE: number,
    NAME: string


Converts all string literal keys in a table to be lower case (lowercase).

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to convert to lower case.
type TypeResult = TableToLower<{ NaMe: string, AgE: number }>

type TypeResult = {
    age: number,
    name: string


Returns true if the table is empty.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to test emptiness for.
type TypeResult = TableIsEmpty<{}>

-- type TypeResult = true


Gets the metatable for a table.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to get the metatable for.
type TypeResult = GetMetatable<SetMetatable<{ foo: "bar" }, { get: () -> string }>>

-- type TypeResult = { get: () -> string }


Sets the metatable for a table.

Name Type Description
input { [any]: any } The table to set the metatable for.
metatable { [any]: any } The metatable to set.
type MyMetatable = { get: () -> string, __index: MyMetatable }
type TypeResult = SetMetatable<{ foo: "bar" }, MyMetatable>

    @metatable t1, 
        foo: "bar"
} where t1 = {
    __index: t1,
    get: () -> string
Union Types


Outputs the inputted union or singleton/primitive but only with specified components.

Name Type Description
input any The union or singleton/primitive to pick components from.
toPick any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be picked.
type TypeResult = UnionPick<
    "hello" | string | "world",

-- type TypeResult = "world"


Outputs the inputted union or singleton/primitive but only with components which extends the specified types.

Name Type Description
input any The union or singleton/primitive to pick components from.
toPick any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to pick from.
type TypeResult = UnionPickExtends<
    "hello" | false | string | "world" | boolean,
    false | string

-- type TypeResult = "hello" | "world" | false | string


Outputs the inputted union or singleton/primitive but with specified components omitted.

Name Type Description
input any The union or singleton/primitive to omit properties from.
toOmit any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be omitted.
type TypeResult = UnionOmit<
    "hello" | string | "world",

-- type TypeResult = "hello" | string


Outputs the inputted union or singleton/primitive but without components which extends the specified types.

Name Type Description
input any The union or singleton/primitive to omit properties from.
toOmit any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to omit from.
type TypeResult = UnionOmitExtends<
    "hello" | false | string | "world" | boolean,
    false | string

-- type TypeResult = "hello" | string | "world"


Removes duplicate types from a union (or a singleton/primitive).

Name Type Description
input any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be cleaned.
type TypeResult = UnionClean<"hello" | string | "world" | string | "foo" | "hello">

-- type TypeResult = "foo" | "hello" | "world" | string


Recursively flattens nested unions into one union, semantics are preserved.

Name Type Description
input any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be flattened.
type TypeResult = UnionFlatten<"foo" | ("hello" | ("world" | "lol"))>

-- type TypeResult = "foo" | "hello" | "lol" | "world"


Outputs true if the two inputted unions (or a singleton/primitive) are identical.

Name Type Description
inputA any The first union to compare.
inputB any The second union to compare.
type TypeResult = UnionEquals<"hello" | "lol", "hello" | "kek">

-- type TypeResult = false


Outputs a union of components which only appear in inputA, and which only appear in inputB.

Name Type Description
inputA any The first union.
inputB any The second union.
type TypeResult = UnionDiff<"hello" | "foo", "hello" | "bar">

-- type TypeResult = "bar" | "foo"


Outputs a union of components which only appear in both inputA and inputB.

Name Type Description
inputA any The first union.
inputB any The second union.
type TypeResult = UnionOverlap<"hello" | "foo", "hello" | "bar">

-- type TypeResult = "hello"
Intersection Types


Outputs the inputted intersection or singleton/primitive but only with specified components.

Name Type Description
input any The intersection or singleton/primitive to pick components from.
toPick any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be picked.
type TypeResult = IntersectionPick<
    "hello" & string & "world",

-- type TypeResult = "world"


Outputs the inputted intersection or singleton/primitive but with components which extends the specified types.

Name Type Description
input any The union or singleton/primitive to pick properties from.
toPick any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to pick from.
type TypeResult = IntersectionPickExtends<
    "hello" & false & string & "world" & boolean,
    false & string

-- type TypeResult = "hello" & "world" & false & string


Outputs the inputted intersection or singleton/primitive but with specified components omitted.

Name Type Description
input any The intersection or singleton/primitive to omit properties from.
toOmit any The intersection of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be omitted.
type TypeResult = IntersectionOmit<
    "hello" & string & "world",

-- type TypeResult = "hello" & string


Outputs the inputted intersection or singleton/primitive but without components which extends the specified types.

Name Type Description
input any The union or singleton/primitive to omit properties from.
toOmit any The union of types (or a singleton/primitive) to omit from.
type TypeResult = IntersectionOmitExtends<
    "hello" & false & string & "world" & boolean,
    false & string

-- type TypeResult = "hello" & string & "world"


Removes duplicate types from a intersection (or a singleton/primitive).

Name Type Description
input any The intersection of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be cleaned.
type TypeResult = IntersectionClean<"hello" & string & "world" & string & "foo" & "hello">

-- type TypeResult = "foo" & "hello" & "world" & string


Recursively flattens nested intersections into one intersection, semantics are preserved.

Name Type Description
input any The intersection of types (or a singleton/primitive) to be flattened.
type TypeResult = IntersectionFlatten<"foo" & ("hello" & ("world" & "lol"))>

-- type TypeResult = "foo" & "hello" & "lol" & "world"


Outputs true if the two inputted intersections (or a singleton/primitive) are identical.

Name Type Description
inputA any The first intersection to compare.
inputB any The second intersection to compare.
type TypeResult = IntersectionEquals<"hello" & "lol", "hello" & "kek">

-- type TypeResult = false


Outputs an intersection of components which only appear in inputA, and which only appear in inputB.

Name Type Description
inputA any The first intersection.
inputB any The second intersection.
type TypeResult = IntersectionDiff<"hello" & "foo", "hello" & "bar">

-- type TypeResult = "bar" & "foo"


Outputs an intersection of components which only appear in both inputA and inputB.

Name Type Description
inputA any The first intersection.
inputB any The second intersection.
type TypeResult = IntersectionOverlap<"hello" & "foo", "hello" & "bar">

-- type TypeResult = "hello"
Function Types


Removes duplicate types from a functions arguments and return types.

Name Type Description
input (...any) -> ...any The function to be cleaned.
type TypeResult = FunctionClean<(number, string | string | boolean) -> any | any>

-- type TypeResult = (number, boolean | string) -> any


Recursively flattens the arguments and parameters of a function so that intersections, unions and intersections of tables are flattened into one consolidated type.

Name Type Description
input (...any) -> ...any The function to be flattened.
type TypeResult = FunctionClean<(string | (number | boolean)) -> (any & (boolean & number))>

-- type TypeResult = (boolean | number | string) -> any & boolean & number


Outputs true if the two inputted functions have identical arguments and return types.

Name Type Description
inputA (...any) -> ...any The first function to compare.
inputB (...any) -> ...any The second function to compare.
type TypeResult = FunctionEquals<(string) -> number, (number) -> string>

-- type TypeResult = false


Outputs the arguments of a function.

Name Type Description
input (...any) -> ...any The function to get arguments for.
type TypeResult = Args<(number, string, boolean) -> any>

type TypeResult = {
    1: number,
    2: string,
    3: boolean


Sets the arguments for an existing function type.

Name Type Description
input (...any) -> ...any The function to set arguments for.
args { [{number}]: any, Tail: any } The new arguments for the function.
type MyFunction = () -> { name: string, age: number }
type TypeResult = SetArgs<MyFunction, { ["1"]: string, Tail: any }>

type TypeResult = (string, ...any) -> {
    age: number,
    name: string


Outputs the return types of a function.

Name Type Description
input (...any) -> ...any The function to get return types for.
type TypeResult = Returns<() -> (string, number)>

type TypeResult = {
    1: string,
    2: number


Sets the return types for a function.

Name Type Description
input (...any) -> ...any The function to set return types for.
returns { [{number}]: any, Tail: any } The new return types for the function.
type MyFunction = (string) -> boolean
type TypeResult = SetReturns<MyFunction, { ["1"]: number }>

-- type TypeResult = (string) -> number


Builds a function type using a table for the arguments and the return types.

Name Type Description
args { [{number}]: any, Tail: any } The arguments for the function.
returns { [{number}]: any, Tail: any } The new return types for the function.
type TypeResult = Function<
    { ["1"]: string, ["2"]: number },
    { ["1"]: boolean, Tail: string }

-- type TypeResult = (string, number) -> (boolean, ...string)
String Types


Converts a string literal (or string literals within a union/intersection) to camel case (camelCase).

Name Type Description
input string The string to convert to camel case.
type TypeResult = StringToCamel<"HelloWorld">

-- type TypeResult = "helloWorld"


Converts a string literal (or string literals within a union/intersection) to pascal case (PascalCase).

Name Type Description
input string The string to convert to pascal case.
type TypeResult = StringToPascal<"helloWorld">

-- type TypeResult = "HelloWorld"


Converts a string literal (or string literals within a union/intersection) to lower case (lowercase).

Name Type Description
input string The string to convert to lower case.
type TypeResult = StringToLower<"helloWorld">

-- type TypeResult = "helloworld"


Converts a string literal (or string literals within a union/intersection) to upper case (UPPERCASE).

Name Type Description
input string The string to convert to upper case.
type TypeResult = StringToUpper<"helloWorld">

-- type TypeResult = "HELLOWORLD"


Replaces part(s) of a string literal (or string literals within a union/intersection) with another using a pattern.

Name Type Description
input string The string to replace in.
replace string The string pattern to replace.
replaceWith string The replacement string.
type TypeResult = StringReplace<"wolf", "f$", "ves">

-- type TypeResult = "wolves"


Joins a table of strings together.

Name Type Description
input { [{number}]: string } The string table to join together.
type TypeResult = StringJoin<{ ["1"]: "Hello", ["2"]: " world!" }>

-- type TypeResult = "Hello world!"


Splits a string literal (or string literals within a union/intersection) at every occurance of a specific string.

Name Type Description
input string The string to split.
splitAt string The string to split at.
type TypeResult = StringSplit<"Hello, world!", ",">

type TypeResult = {
    1: "Hello",
    2: " world!"


Returns the character of a string at a specific index.

Name Type Description
input string The string table to join together.
at {number} The stringified position to get character at.
type TypeResult = StringAt<"hello", "2">

-- type TypeResult = "e"


Gets the length of a string (returns as a stringified integer as luau doesn't currently support integer literals).

Name Type Description
input string The string to get the length of.
type TypeResult = StringLength<"hello">

-- type TypeResult = "5"


Outputs true if the input string is of the required length.

Name Type Description
input string The string to test the length of.
length {number} The expected length of the string.
type TypeResult = StringIsLength<"hello", "5">

-- type TypeResult = true


Outputs true if the string is empty.

Name Type Description
input string The string to test emptiness for.
type TypeResult = StringIsEmpty<"">

-- type TypeResult = true


Returns true if the string is a string literal.

Name Type Description
input string The string to test to see if its a string literal.
type TypeResult = StringIsLiteral<"Hello">

-- type TypeResult = true
Boolean Operation Types


If a truthy type is inputted then it outputs false, and if a falsy type is inputted then it outputs true.

Name Type Description
input any The union/singleton you wish to perform a Not operation on.
type TypeResult = Not<true>

-- type TypeResult = false


If all types of the union (or singleton/primitive) are truthy then it outputs true, but if at least one of the types of the (or singleton/primitive) are falsely then it outputs false.

Name Type Description
input any The union/singleton you wish to perform an And operation on.
type TypeResult = And<true | false>

-- type TypeResult = false


If at least one of the types of the union (or singleton/primitive) are truthy then it outputs true, but if all of the types of the union (or singleton/primitive) are falsely then it outputs false.

Name Type Description
input any The union/singleton you wish to perform an Or operation on.
type TypeResult = Or<true | false>

-- type TypeResult = true
Logical Operation Types


Returns true if all of the input types extends at least one of the output types.

Name Type Description
input any The type to test.
extends any The type to test if input extends.
type CustomerSchema = { name: string, age: number, kind: "Customer" }

type TypeResult = Extends<{ name: "Bob", age: number, kind: "Employee" }, CustomerSchema>
-- This does not extend `CustomerSchema` as `kind` is not the string literal `"Customer"`.

-- type TypeResult = false


Returns true if input has the same type or subtype (via vanilla luau subtyping) to compareTo.

Name Type Description
input any The type to compare.
compareTo any The type to compare to.
type CustomerSchema = { name: string, age: number, kind: "Customer" }

type TypeResult = Compare<{ name: "Bob", age: number, kind: "Employee" }, CustomerSchema>

-- type TypeResult = true


If input is a truthy type then it outputs ifTruthy, if else then it outputs ifFalsy.

Name Type Description
input any The type for the condition.
ifTruthy any The type to output if input is truthy.
ifFalsy any The type to output if input is falsy.
type TypeResult = Condition<
    "Is String Literal",
    "Is Not String Literal"

-- type TypeResult = "Is String Literal"
Miscellaneous Types


Throws a type error if the first type does not equal the second.

Name Type Description
expect any The type to be compared.
toBe any The type you want to compare expect to.
type TypeResult = Expect<true, false>

-- TypeError: 'Expect' type function errored at runtime: [string "Expect"]:872: expection error!


Returns the inputted type but with unions and intersections turned into arrays so they can be inspected better.

Name Type Description
input any The type to be inspected.
type TypeResult = Expect<true, false>

-- TypeError: 'Expect' type function errored at runtime: [string "Expect"]:872: expection error!


90+ utility user-defined type functions for luau.








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