This is a PHP application which implements a bulletin system, enabling users to submit entries, and for administrators to assemble the bulletin from those entries and send it out.
- Clone the repository.
- Download the library dependencies and ensure they are in your PHP include_path.
- Download and install the famfamfam icon set in /images/icons/
- Add the Apache directives in httpd.conf (and restart the webserver) as per the example given in .httpd.conf.extract.txt; the example assumes mod_macro but this can be easily removed.
- Create a copy of the index.html.example file as index.html in the URL directory where the application will run from, and fill in the parameters.
- Access the page in a browser at a URL which is served by the webserver.
- You will be prompted to quote a database superuser password, so that the database structure can be installed by the application.
- application.php application support library
- database.php database wrapper library
- frontControllerApplication.php front controller application implementation library
- ultimateForm.php form library
- FamFamFam Silk Icons set
Martin Lucas-Smith, CUSU, 2010-14.