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Repository files navigation Chain Indexing Service Chain Indexing Service (chain-indexing) is a service to index all publicly available data on chain and persist structured information into storage.

Right now it supports Postgres database and provides RESTful API as query interface.

1. Usage

package main

import (

	applogger ""

func main() {
	// Init configurations...
	logger := infrastructure.NewZerologLogger(os.Stdout)
	fileConfig := bootstrap.FileConfig{}
	// filling fileConfig
	// ...
	config := bootstrap.Config{
		FileConfig: fileConfig,

	// Init indexing app
	app := bootstrap.NewApp(logger, &config)
		initProjections(logger, &config),
		initCronJobs(logger, &config),
	app.InitHTTPAPIServer(initRouteRegistry(logger, &config))

	// Run indexing app

func initProjections(
	logger applogger.Logger,
	config *bootstrap.Config,
) []projection.Projection {
    // append your Projections

func initCronJobs(
	logger applogger.Logger,
	config *bootstrap.Config,
) []projection.CronJob {
	// append your CronJobs

func initRouteRegistry(
	logger applogger.Logger,
	config *bootstrap.Config,
) bootstrap.RouteRegistry {
	// append your Routes


config := bootstrap.Config{
    FileConfig: bootstrap.FileConfig{
        Blockchain: bootstrap.BlockchainConfig{
            // Bonding denom of the blockchain
            BondingDenom:           "",
            // Account address prefix of the blockchain
            AccountAddressPrefix:   "",
            // Account public key prefix of the blockchain
            AccountPubKeyPrefix:    "",
            // Validator address prefix of the blockchain
            ValidatorAddressPrefix: "",
            // Validator public key prefix of the blockchain
            ValidatorPubKeyPrefix:  "",
        System: bootstrap.SystemConfig{
            Mode: "",
        Sync: bootstrap.SyncConfig{
            // Window size of Sunc process
            WindowSize: 0,
        Tendermint: bootstrap.TendermintConfig{
            // HTTP address of Tendermint client
            HTTPRPCUrl:           "",
            // Connection type
            Insecure:             false,
            StrictGenesisParsing: false,
        CosmosApp: bootstrap.CosmosAppConfig{
            // HTTP address of Cosmos app client
            HTTPRPCUrl: "",
            // Connection type
            Insecure:   false,
        HTTP: bootstrap.HTTPConfig{
            // HTTP address to be listened
            ListeningAddress:   "",
            // Prefix of all routes
            RoutePrefix:        "",
            // Allowed CORS for Origins
            CorsAllowedOrigins: nil,
            // Allowed CORS for Methods
            CorsAllowedMethods: nil,
            // Allowed CORS for Headers
            CorsAllowedHeaders: nil,
        Debug: bootstrap.DebugConfig{
            // Enable pprof server
            PprofEnable:           false,
            // Pprof server address to be listened
            PprofListeningAddress: "",
        Database: bootstrap.DatabaseConfig{
            // Connection type
            SSL:      false,
            // Database host
            Host:     "",
            // Database port
            Port:     0,
            // Database username
            Username: "",
            // Database password
            Password: "",
            // Database name
            Name:     "",
            // Database schema name
            Schema:   "",
        Postgres: bootstrap.PostgresConfig{
            // Max connections of Database
            MaxConns:            0,
            // Min connections of Database
            MinConns:            0,
            // Max connections life time of Database
            MaxConnLifeTime:     "",
            // Max connections idle time of Database
            MaxConnIdleTime:     "",
            // Health check interval of Database
            HealthCheckInterval: "",
        Logger: bootstrap.LoggerConfig{
            Level: (logger.LogLevel),
            // Enable colered logs
            Color: false,
        CosmosVersionEnabledHeight: bootstrap.CosmosVersionEnabledHeightConfig{
            // BLock height from cosmos sdk version v0.42.7
            V0_42_7: 0,
        GithubAPI: bootstrap.GithubAPIConfig{
        	// Username of your git hub api account
            Username:           "username",
			// Token of your git hub api where at least have public repo access right
            Token:              "token",
            // Specific branch, tag or commit. Leave it empty if always using the latest master
            MigrationRepoRef:   "ref",
        Prometheus: bootstrap.PrometheusConfig{
            Enable:     true,
            ExportPath: "/metrics",
            Port:       "9090",

Initial projections

package main

import (

	projection_entity ""
	applogger ""
	cosmosapp_infrastructure ""
	github_migrationhelper ""

func initProjections(
    logger applogger.Logger,
    rdbConn rdb.Conn,
    config *bootstrap.Config,
    customConfig *CustomConfig,
) (projections []projection_entity.Projection) {
    // Skip if API_ONLY is on
	if !config.IndexService.Enable {
        return projections

    connString := rdbConn.(*pg.PgxConn).ConnString()
    githubMigrationHelperConfig := github_migrationhelper.Config{
        GithubAPIUser:    config.GithubAPI.Username,
        GithubAPIToken:   config.GithubAPI.Token,
        MigrationRepoRef: config.GithubAPI.MigrationRepoRef,
        ConnString:       connString,

    var cosmosAppClient cosmosapp.Client
    if config.CosmosApp.Insecure {
        cosmosAppClient = cosmosapp_infrastructure.NewInsecureHTTPClient(
            config.CosmosApp.HTTPRPCUrl, config.Blockchain.BondingDenom,
    } else {
        cosmosAppClient = cosmosapp_infrastructure.NewHTTPClient(
            config.CosmosApp.HTTPRPCUrl, config.Blockchain.BondingDenom,

    sourceURL := github_migrationhelper.GenerateDefaultSourceURL("Account", githubMigrationHelperConfig)
    databaseURL := migrationhelper.GenerateDefaultDatabaseURL("Account", connString)
    migrationHelper := github_migrationhelper.NewGithubMigrationHelper(sourceURL, databaseURL)
    // Append `Account` projection
    projections = append(account.NewAccount(logger, rdbConn, config.Blockchain.AccountAddressPrefix, cosmosAppClient, migrationHelper). projections)

    sourceURL = github_migrationhelper.GenerateDefaultSourceURL("AccountTransaction", githubMigrationHelperConfig)
    databaseURL = migrationhelper.GenerateDefaultDatabaseURL("AccountTransaction", connString)
    migrationHelper = github_migrationhelper.NewGithubMigrationHelper(sourceURL, databaseURL)

    projections = append(account_transaction.NewAccountTransaction(logger, rdbConn, config.Blockchain.AccountAddressPrefix, migrationHelper), projections)

    for _, projection := range projections {
        if onInitErr := projection.OnInit(); onInitErr != nil {
			    "error initializing projection %s: %v",
			    projection.Id(), onInitErr,

    return projections

Custom projection

package example

import (

	applogger ""
	example_view "your_view_packge"

	event_entity ""
	event_usecase ""

type AdditionalExampleProjection struct {

	rdbConn      rdb.Conn
	logger       applogger.Logger

func NewAdditionalProjection(
	logger applogger.Logger,
	rdbConn rdb.Conn,
) *AdditionalExampleProjection {
	return &AdditionalExampleProjection{
		rdbprojectionbase.NewRDbBase(rdbConn.ToHandle(), "Example"),

var (
	NewExamplesView              = example_view.NewExamplesView
	UpdateLastHandledEventHeight = (*AdditionalExampleProjection).UpdateLastHandledEventHeight

func (_ *AdditionalExampleProjection) GetEventsToListen() []string {
	return event_usecase.MSG_EVENTS

func (projection *AdditionalExampleProjection) OnInit() error {
	return nil

func (projection *AdditionalExampleProjection) HandleEvents(height int64, events []event_entity.Event) error {
	rdbTx, err := projection.rdbConn.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error beginning transaction: %v", err)

	committed := false
	defer func() {
		if !committed {
			_ = rdbTx.Rollback()

	rdbTxHandle := rdbTx.ToHandle()

	examplesView := NewExamplesView(rdbTxHandle)

	for _, event := range events {
		if typedEvent, ok := event.(*event_usecase.MsgSend); ok {
			row := &example_view.ExampleRow{
				Address: typedEvent.ToAddress,
				Balance: typedEvent.Amount,
			if handleErr := projection.handleSomeEvent(examplesView, row); handleErr != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("error handling MsgSend: %v", handleErr)

	if err = UpdateLastHandledEventHeight(projection, rdbTxHandle, height); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error updating last handled event height: %v", err)

	if err = rdbTx.Commit(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error committing changes: %v", err)
	committed = true

	return nil

func (projection *AdditionalExampleProjection) handleSomeEvent(examplesView example_view.Examples, row *example_view.ExampleRow) error {
	return examplesView.Insert(row)
package view

import (



	_ ""

type Examples interface {
	Insert(*ExampleRow) error

type ExamplesView struct {
	rdb *rdb.Handle

func NewExamplesView(handle *rdb.Handle) Examples {
	return &ExamplesView{

func (exampleView *ExamplesView) Insert(example *ExampleRow) error {
	sql, sqlArgs, err := exampleView.rdb.StmtBuilder.

	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error building examples insertion sql: %v: %w", err, rdb.ErrBuildSQLStmt)

	result, err := exampleView.rdb.Exec(sql, sqlArgs...)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error inserting example into the table: %v: %w", err, rdb.ErrWrite)
	if result.RowsAffected() != 1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("error inserting example into the table: no rows inserted: %w", rdb.ErrWrite)

	return nil

type ExampleRow struct {
	Address string     `json:"address"`
	Balance coin.Coins `json:"balance"`

Append custom projection

func initProjections(
    logger applogger.Logger,
    rdbConn rdb.Conn,
    config *bootstrap.Config,
    customConfig *CustomConfig,
) (projections []projection.Projection) {
    // ...

    githubMigrationHelperConfigForCustomProjection := github_migrationhelper.Config{
        GithubAPIUser:    config.GithubAPI.Username,
        GithubAPIToken:   config.GithubAPI.Token,
        MigrationRepoRef: customConfig.ServerGithubAPI.MigrationRepoRef,
        ConnString:       connString,

    sourceURL := generateGithubMigrationSrouceURLForCustomProjection("Example", githubMigrationHelperConfigForCustomProjection)
    databaseURL := migrationhelper.GenerateDefaultDatabaseURL("Example", connString)
    migrationHelper := github_migrationhelper.NewGithubMigrationHelper(sourceURL, databaseURL)

    projections = append(example.NewAdditionalProjection(params.Logger, rdbConn, migrationHelper), projections)

    return projections

Initial CronJobs

package main

import (
	projection_entity ""
	applogger ""
	github_migrationhelper ""

func initCronJobs(
	logger applogger.Logger,
	rdbConn rdb.Conn,
	config *bootstrap.Config,
	customConfig *CustomConfig,
) (crons []projection_entity.CronJob) {
    // Skip if API_ONLY is on
	if !config.IndexService.Enable {
        return crons

    connString := rdbConn.(*pg.PgxConn).ConnString()
    sourceURL := github_migrationhelper.GenerateSourceURL(
    databaseURL := migrationhelper.GenerateDefaultDatabaseURL("BridgeActivityMatcher", connString)
    migrationHelper := github_migrationhelper.NewGithubMigrationHelper(sourceURL, databaseURL)
    // Append `BridgeActivityMatcher` cron
    crons = append(bridge_activity_matcher.New(logger, rdbConn, migrationHelper). crons)

    for _, cron := range crons {
        if onInitErr := cron.OnInit(); onInitErr != nil {
                "error initializing cronjob %s: %v",
			    cron.Id(), onInitErr,
    return crons

Initial route

package routes

import (
    applogger ""
    cosmosapp_infrastructure ""
    httpapi_handlers ""
    tendermint_infrastructure ""

func InitRouteRegistry(
	logger applogger.Logger,
	rdbConn rdb.Conn,
	config *bootstrap.Config,
) bootstrap.RouteRegistry {
	routes := make([]Route, 0)
	searchHandler := httpapi_handlers.NewSearch(logger, rdbConn.ToHandle())
	routes = append(routes,
			Method:  GET,
			path:    "api/v1/search",
			handler: searchHandler.Search,

	blocksHandler := httpapi_handlers.NewBlocks(logger, rdbConn.ToHandle())
	routes = append(routes,
			Method:  GET,
			path:    "api/v1/blocks",
			handler: blocksHandler.List,
			Method:  GET,
			path:    "api/v1/blocks/{height-or-hash}",
			handler: blocksHandler.FindBy,
			Method:  GET,
			path:    "api/v1/blocks/{height}/transactions",
			handler: blocksHandler.ListTransactionsByHeight,
			Method:  GET,
			path:    "api/v1/blocks/{height}/events",
			handler: blocksHandler.ListEventsByHeight,
			Method:  GET,
			path:    "api/v1/blocks/{height}/commitments",
			handler: blocksHandler.ListCommitmentsByHeight,

	return &RouteRegistry{routes: routes}
package routes

import (


type RouteRegistry struct {
	routes []Route

type Route struct {
	Method  string
	path    string
	handler fasthttp.RequestHandler

func (registry *RouteRegistry) Register(server *httpapi.Server, routePrefix string) {
	if routePrefix == "/" {
		routePrefix = ""

	for _, route := range registry.routes {
		registerRoute(server, routePrefix, route)

func registerRoute(server *httpapi.Server, routePrefix string, route Route) {
	switch route.Method {
	case GET:
		server.GET(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", routePrefix, route.path), route.handler)

const (
	GET = "GET"

2. Example implementation

Go here

3. Test

./ [--install-dependency] [--no-db] [--watch]

Providing --install-dependency will attempt to install test runner Ginkgo if it is not installed before.

4. Lint

With Local Installed golangci-lint



With Docker

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app golangci/golangci-lint:v1.33 golangci-lint run -v

5. Contributing

Please abide by the Code of Conduct in all interactions, and the contributing guidelines when submitting code.

6. License

Apache 2.0


No description, website, or topics provided.







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