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Zoosystema authored and rmzelle committed Dec 17, 2019
1 parent 525bba5 commit e3c1f85
Showing 1 changed file with 306 additions and 0 deletions.
306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions museum-national-dhistoire-naturelle.csl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style xmlns="" class="in-text" version="1.0" and="symbol" demote-non-dropping-particle="never" default-locale="en-GB">
<!-- This style was edited with the Visual CSL Editor ( -->
<title>Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle</title>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<name>Gilberto MARANI</name>
<email>[email protected]</email>
<name>Anne Mabille</name>
<email>[email protected]</email>
<name>Antonio Mendes Da Silva</name>
<email>[email protected]</email>
<category citation-format="author-date"/>
<category field="biology"/>
<category field="botany"/>
<category field="anthropology"/>
<category field="geology"/>
<category field="zoology"/>
<rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
<macro name="authors">
<if match="any" variable="author editor translator">
<names variable="author" font-variant="small-caps">
<name and="symbol" delimiter-precedes-last="never" initialize-with="." name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" ">
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<label form="short" text-case="capitalize-first" font-weight="normal" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
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<name-part name="family" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<label form="short" text-case="capitalize-first" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
<text term="anonymous" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<macro name="issued">
<if match="any" variable="issued">
<date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued">
<date-part name="year"/>
<text term="no date" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
<macro name="title">
<if type="book" match="any">
<text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
<text variable="title"/>
<macro name="contributors">
<if match="any" variable="editor translator">
<text value=" in " text-case="lowercase" font-style="italic" prefix=","/>
<names variable="editor translator" font-variant="normal" delimiter=", ">
<name font-variant="small-caps" and="symbol" delimiter-precedes-last="never" initialize-with="." name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" ">
<name-part name="family" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<label form="short" text-case="lowercase" strip-periods="false" font-variant="normal" font-weight="normal" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
<macro name="locator">
<if type="article article-magazine article-newspaper article-journal" match="any">
<!--Ajout de la variable "collection-title" pour recuperer le contenu du champ "titre de la collection" de Zotero pour les articles uniquement-->
<group prefix=", ">
<text variable="collection-title" font-weight="normal"/>
<!--Ajout d'une virgule et espace de separation devant le titre-->
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" prefix=". "/>
<text variable="volume" prefix=" "/>
<text variable="issue" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
<text variable="page" prefix=": "/>
<else-if type="chapter book" match="any">
<group suffix=".">
<!--Ajout d'une virgule et espace de separation devant le titre du livre-->
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" prefix=", "/>
<text variable="volume" prefix="Vol. "/>
<text macro="publisher" prefix="."/>
<text macro="pages" prefix=" "/>
<!--Ajout d'un point final après la mention de la collection-->
<text macro="collection" suffix="."/>
<else-if type="report thesis" match="any">
<text macro="genre"/>
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="pages"/>
<text macro="collection"/>
<else-if type="paper-conference" match="any">
<text macro="in"/>
<text macro="event"/>
<text macro="collection"/>
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="pages"/>
<else-if type="webpage" match="any">
<text value="Available from "/>
<text variable="URL"/>
<date delimiter=" " variable="accessed" prefix=" [accessed " suffix="]">
<date-part name="day"/>
<date-part name="month"/>
<date-part name="year" range-delimiter=""/>
<else-if type="entry-encyclopedia entry-dictionary" match="any">
<text macro="in"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="pages"/>
<text macro="collection"/>
<macro name="collection">
<group prefix=" (" suffix=")">
<text variable="collection-title" font-weight="normal"/>
<text variable="collection-number" prefix="; "/>
<macro name="publisher">
<group suffix=".">
<if type="paper-conference" match="none">
<if match="all" variable="publisher-place publisher">
<text variable="publisher-place" prefix=" " suffix=", "/>
<if type="thesis report" match="any">
<text variable="publisher" font-style="italic"/>
<text variable="publisher"/>
<macro name="pages">
<if match="any" variable="page">
<group prefix=" " suffix=".">
<text value="p. "/>
<text variable="page"/>
<else-if match="any" variable="number-of-pages">
<group prefix=" ">
<text variable="number-of-pages"/>
<text value=" p."/>
<macro name="genre">
<group prefix=" " suffix=". ">
<text variable="genre"/>
<text variable="number" prefix=" N�"/>
<macro name="event">
<group suffix=". ">
<text variable="event"/>
<text variable="event-place" prefix=", "/>
<macro name="in">
<if match="none" variable="editor translator">
<text value="in: " text-case="capitalize-first" font-style="italic"/>
<macro name="author-short">
<if match="any" variable="author editor translator">
<names variable="author">
<name form="short">
<name-part name="family" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<!--Ajout de cette ligne ci-dessous pour avoir et al en italique-->
<et-al font-style="italic"/>
<names variable="editor translator">
<name-part name="family" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<!--Ajout de cette ligne ci-dessous pour avoir et al en italique-->
<et-al font-style="italic"/>
<text term="anonymous" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<macro name="issued-year">
<if match="any" variable="issued">
<!--suppression de l'espace introduit avec le prefix qui provoque un espace en trop lorsque l'auteur ne s'utilise pas dans la citation-->
<date date-parts="year" form="text" variable="issued">
<date-part name="year"/>
<text variable="year-suffix" prefix=" "/>
<else-if match="any" variable="status">
<text variable="status" prefix=" "/>
<text variable="year-suffix" prefix=" "/>
<text term="no date" form="short"/>
<text variable="year-suffix" prefix=" "/>
<macro name="doi">
<if match="any" variable="DOI">
<group prefix=" ">
<text variable="DOI" prefix=""/>
<citation name-form="short" and="symbol" et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1" collapse="year">
<key variable="issued"/>
<key variable="author"/>
<layout delimiter="; " prefix="(" suffix=")">
<!--ajout d'un espace entre l'auteur et la date avec le delimiter ci-dessous-->
<group delimiter=" ">
<text macro="author-short"/>
<text macro="issued-year"/>
<key variable="author"/>
<key variable="issued" sort="descending"/>
<!--Ajout du code html qui va bien pour le tiret cadratin-->
<group suffix=". &#8212; ">
<text macro="authors"/>
<text macro="issued" prefix=" "/>
<text macro="title"/>
<text macro="contributors"/>
<text macro="locator"/>
<group prefix=". ">
<text macro="doi"/>

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