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Tartoob edited this page Sep 16, 2017 · 1 revision


The Menu-Component allows us to create dynamic menu's for multiple areas.


You can load the component in your AppController:

public function initialize() {
    // code


There are no configurations yet...



A web-page can contain multiple areas for menu's. Think about a main-area, a header, and a footer. The menu-items for the Menu-Component are stored in a specific area.

An area can be set via:


To get the current area (string) you can use:


Adding items

An example of adding an item:

$this->Menu->add('Bookmarks', [
        'id'  => 'App.Bookmarks',
        'url' => [
            'plugin'     => false,
            'prefix'     => false,
            'controller' => 'bookmarks',
            'action'     => 'index'

The first parameter is default the title of the item.

The second parameter is an array of settings.

  • id - You can add an id to your item. This can be usefull for controlling the item, like editing, or deleting it's item.
  • url - Adding an url is just like CakePHP: adding an array or string.
  • parent - This can be used for adding items under items.
  • title - The title can also be set via this setting. This is needed when you use the first parameter as ID.
  • weight - This is a value to order your items. If you add a specific item after another, but give it a lower integer (weight is default 10), it will be sorted above the other item.
  • icon - Sometimes you want to add icons (like font-awesome). You can add icons via this setting.
  • area - Changing the area can also via this setting.
  • active - This setting is default set to false; and will automatically be set to true if the given url is equal to the current url. The helpers will be able to read this and react on it.

Adding children

You can easily add an item by using the parent option:

$this->Menu->add('Logout', [
    'parent' => 'User'

This example will add the 'Logout' button as child of the 'User' button.

Removing items

You can remove items using it's id:


Getting items

You can get the current menu-list by the getMenu-method:

// get the whole menu with all areas

// get specific area

Activate items

By using the active-method, you can make the used id active:

// makes the 'blogs' item active


Adding menu-items can be done in your AppController. For that, the MenuComponent calls an initMenuItems-method. So, when you add the following to your AppController, menu-items will be added:

public function initMenuItems() {
    // your items here


Using the menu-data

The component creates an variable $menu for your view. This variable is an array with the area's as keys. If you select a key, you have an array of all items with the ID as key and options as data.

Loading a helper

Showing menu's

With the following code you are able to generate a menu-list for the chosen area:

// the menu is generated for the area `main` and the helper `MainMenu` is used.
$this->Menu->menu('main', 'MainMenu');

MainMenu is an helper wich is a template for the menu.

Custom menu templates

Of course you want to create your own menu templates. For that, we added the MenuBuilderInterface. You can easily use the interface this way:

namespace App\View\Helper;

use Cake\View\Helper;
use Utils\View\Helper\MenuBuilderInterface;

class MainMenuHelper extends Helper implements MenuBuilderInterface
     * Used helpers
     * @var array
    public $helpers = [

     * Default configuration.
     * @var array
    protected $_defaultConfig = [];

    public function afterItem($menu = [], $options = []) { return ''; }
    public function afterMenu($menu = [], $options = []) { return ''; }
    public function afterSubItem($item = [], $options = []) { return ''; }

    public function beforeItem($menu = [], $options = []) { return ''; }
    public function beforeMenu($menu = [], $options = []) { return ''; }

    public function beforeSubItem($item = [], $options = []) { return ''; }

    public function item($item = [], $options = []) { return ''; }

    public function subItem($item = [], $options = []) { return ''; }

The interface `MenuBuilderInterface contains the following helper-methods:


Used to start a menu.


An item itself.


Used to start an item.


Used to end an item.


An subItem itself.


Used to start a subItem.


Used after an subItem.


Used when all menu items are viewed, and the menu will be closed.

All methods contain the attribute $item, with the current menuItem, and should return a string wich contains html. If a method is unused, let it return an empty string.