A yii2 wrapper package for the custom select for @twitter bootstrap using button dropdown http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/
If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at getcomposer.org.
You can then install the package using the following command:
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist cakebake/yii2-bootstrap-select "*"
or add
"cakebake/yii2-bootstrap-select": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
file and run php composer.phar update
Add this in your view (If you want it globally, you can take the file "views/layouts/main.php"):
This automatically integrates the files and converts all select fields automatically.
If you want more control, you can use the available options.
cakebake\bootstrap\select\BootstrapSelectAsset::register($this, [
'selector' => '.selectpicker', //The jQuery selector (all select forms by default)
'menuArrow' => true, //You can also show the tick icon on single select
'tickIcon' => false, //The bootstrap menu arrow can be added
'selectpickerOptions' => [ //available bootstrap-select data options @see http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/3/#options
'size' => 3, //example option @see http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/3/#options
'width' => '50%', //example option @see http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/3/#options
Checkout the documentation for further information.