OreoSearch is a simple home page for your basic non-ugly browser needs. Need your home page to sit flush with your top bar? I solved the issue!
This page will be rewritten from the ground up, using vue and some other libraries. Feedback is appreaciated, wait for all the features to roll out meanwhile.
This page was rewritten using vue and npm. Feedback is still appreciated as I start rolling out new features.
This rewriting is barely compatible with its vanilla js counterpart. To fix any issues, just reset your local (web) storage for the website.
Go to dev tools (F12), go to the console and type "localStorage.clear()". Hit enter and reload the page. All done! Enjoy the smoother experience of Vue!
OreoSearch has the following feautures:
Extra custom!
- Accent color for text and components
- Background page color
- Background image
5 search engines and counting:
- DuckDuckGo
- Bing
- Brave
- Ecosia
Greetings! The page will gladly greet you. Set your username in the settings!
Bookmarks! The page has bookmarks now! Simply type a url on the search bar and click the + icon on the right side and input the bookmark name! To remove it, just right click it.
To request features, open an issue or contact me:
- Telegram: https://t.me/OrioOreo
- Bookmarks
- Bookmarks
- Bookmark Icons
- Recents
You can use this home page like any other. To access the different features, just click the settings button in the top right corner. Enjoy!
Click the menu icon on the top right corner of Firefox, go to Settings, Home. Alternatively you can paste about:preferences#home in your URL bar.
Next to "New Windows and Tabs" select "Custom URLs.." on the dropdown menu for "Homepage and new windows". An input field will appear and you can paste https://cakephone.github.io/OreoSearchPage/ in there.
Next you'll need to install New Tab Override and if a new tab doesn't open upon installing it, make one. The new tab will be the Add-On's settings page, by default it's set to custom URL so all you need to do is paste https://cakephone.github.io/OreoSearchPage/ in the URL field.
All done! Enjoy the search page!
Click the three dots icon on the top right corner of the screen and click settings. Then go to the "On start-up" tab on the left menu and select "Open a specific page or set of pages". Click "Add new page" and paste https://cakephone.github.io/OreoSearchPage/ in the url box.
Then install Custom New Tab URL and go to the extension options, click the checkbox to enable it and past this URL https://cakephone.github.io/OreoSearchPage/ in the box and hit the save button. Close the tab and enjoy Oreo home page!
Since this home page is hosted on Github Pages, it's updated automagically with every push. Enjoy the hassle free updates!