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Co-design cloud assistants with your web app and IoT devices.


Command Line Tools

To setup see {@link external:caf} (

The wrapper tool cafjs has subcommands of the form:

    cafjs <command> <commandOptions> arg1 arg2...

The commandOptions always start with --, and are passed unchanged to the underlying tools. They are mostly for power users.

The other arguments, e.g., arg1, arg2, are ordered. Positional arguments can always be replaced with equivalent commandOptions. However, when the same option is specified with conflicting values, the result is undefined.

cafjs run <run_options> <appLocalName> [appWorkingDir] [host/app Vol]

Starts a simulated Cloud to run your app. Uses separate Docker containers for a HAProxy-based http router, a Redis backend, and supporting services for authentication, managing CAs, or registering devices.

Two common use cases of cafjs run:

  • Quick prototyping mode: when creating a fresh container image each time is too expensive. Instead, build the app outside the container (cafjs build), and cafjs run will mount the host directory in a generic container image to run it.
  • Validation mode: create a container image with your app (cafjs mkImage), and test locally before deploying to the Cloud.

The run_options to cafjs run are:

  • --appImage <string> Container image with your app (validation mode only).
  • --appLocalName <string> A local name for your app. The owner is always root.
  • --appWorkingDir <string> The working directory for your app inside the container (quick prototyping mode only). Defaults to $PWD.
  • --hostVolume <string> The host directory made visible inside the container (quick prototyping mode only). Defaults to $HOME.
  • --appVolume <string> The internal container directory where the hostVolume is mounted (quick prototyping mode only). Defaults to $HOME.
  • --ipAddress <string> The network interface for the service. Defaults to localhost.
  • --port <number> The port number for the service. Defaults to port 80.
  • --debugApplication (or just -d) Start the node debugger listening on host port 9229 (app only).

For example, in Quick prototyping mode:

    cd $HOME/caf/apps/caf_helloworld; cafjs build; cafjs run helloworld

and in Validation mode:

    cafjs mkImage $HOME/caf/apps/caf_helloworld
    cafjs run --appImage helloworld

Some browser features, such as the Web Bluetooth API, are only enabled with https or http with localhost, and will not work with a suffix. A solution in Chrome is to directly access the app with the URL http://root-myappname.localhost:3003. This URL should also include a valid token, e.g., obtained from the iframe app URL. A USB-connected Android phone can also access this protected APIs by enabling port forwarding in the Chrome debugger.

cafjs build

Wrapper to yarn to build an application in the current directory using local dependencies. It assumes yarn workspaces, and a target task build in package.json.

cafjs generate <generate_options> <appName> [target] [appDir] [appConfig]

Creates an application skeleton using the following target of increasing app complexity:

  • cloud: Simple CA with a command line interface.

  • web (or default): Add a React+Redux web frontend to cloud.

  • iot: Add support for an iot device, e.g., a Rasperry Pi, to web.

  • iotbrowser: Add support for an iot device emulated in the browser, to iot.

  • vr: Add a virtual reality interface to iot using Aframe.

Note that target defaults to web.

The generate_options to cafjs generate are:

  • --templateImage <string> An optional Docker image that contains the template targets. It defaults to See the example in to create your own. Custom images could enable new values for the target argument.

The argument <appName> is the name of your new application.

<appDir> is the directory where the app will be written (defaults to $PWD).

<appConfig> is a file with extra properties to instantiate the app template. It defaults to generate.json in the caf_dcinabox/bin directory. It leverages the Caf.js standard preprocessing of json component descriptions, so that it can default to system environment properties.

cafjs reset

Brute force clean up of both containers and networks.

A reset for a running application is also triggered after two Control-C keystrokes. A single Control-C triggers a gentle, but slower, shutdown.

cafjs update

Pulls up-to-date versions of the core Docker images.

cafjs mkImage [--standalone] <src> <imageName>

Creates a Docker image with the app. The arguments are the app directory and the image name.

An optional argument --standalone emulates the automated building of the image when we commit changes/tags to a properly configured github repository. This build uses a standard base image with the framework, and directly calls docker build -f It does not use local workspace packages, and your app does not need to be part of the workspace. See the file in caf_helloworld for an example.

cafjs device <device_options> <deviceId>

Simulates a device that access a CA. It uses qemu-arm-static to execute ARM instructions on your laptop or VM. This enables testing or building Docker images for the Raspberry Pi anywhere, even with modules using native extensions. No more cross-compilation mess!

The (Linux) host should have binfmt enabled and properly configured. In Ubuntu just install the packages qemu-user-static and binfmt-support.

The execution speed is not that bad, mostly because qemu-arm-static only emulates the application, and not the OS (i.e., the I/O). A CPU core of my laptop is roughly the same as an RPi 2 CPU core.

Many applications for the RPi are not CPU intensive, and it is possible to pack about a hundred simulated devices in a large VM. This simplifies stress testing in a Cloud-only environment.

What about RPi I/O, like GPIO pins? For example, the caf_rpi_gpio package uses local files and inotify to mock GPIO pins.

Simulating a device will create two containers:

  • A privileged container that manages apps, providing tokens for single sign-on, or building images locally. Its corresponding CA is an instance of the root-gadget application. See package extra/caf_gadget_daemon for details.
  • An application container to run your app.

The device_options to cafjs device are:

  • --deviceId <string>: a name for this device of the form <owner>-<caLocalName>, for example, foo-device1. The user foo is always present with password bar.
  • --password <string>: a password to obtain authentication tokens. This argument is optional because the default password is valid for user foo.
  • --rootDir <string>: the configuration root directory. It defaults to /tmp. To support multiple devices, cafjs creates subdirectories with the device name, e.g., /tmp/foo-device1/config.
  • --appSuffix <string>: the URL suffix for the Cloud services. It defaults to If set to a non-local suffix, the protocol switches to https, e.g., This allows the connection of a simulated device to a service deployed in the Cloud.
  • --ipAddress <string> The network interface for the service. Defaults to localhost.
  • --port <number> The port number for the service. Defaults to port 80.
  • --debugApplication (or just -d) Start the node debugger listening on host port 9230 (app only).

cafjs mkIoTImage <appLocalName> [privileged:boolean]

This command is not commonly used because cafjs device creates device container images when needed.

To execute this command we need the app running (see cafjs run above). cafjs mkIoTImage pretends to be a manager container, downloads a tar file with the app, and creates the device container image.

cafjs help [command]

Prints a help summary, or details of any of the above commands.

Putting it all together: Workflows with a simulated device

Let's start in quick prototyping mode

First, we build and run an IoT Caf.js application:

    cd $HOME/caf/apps/caf_hellorpi; cafjs build; cafjs run hellorpi

Login with a browser for user foo, password bar, and URL

Create a gadget CA instance to manage the device device1 using the main menu. The application publisher is root, application name gadget, and CA name device1. Choose the target application name root-hellorpi and press the update button. Ignore the No token warning, the token propagates with the next step.

Create another CA instance, but this time for the application: owner root, local name hellorpi, and CA name device1, i.e., the previous device name.

And now we are ready to start in debug mode the simulated device, i.e., with -d, so that we can see pin changes in the console:

    cafjs device -d foo-device1

This command first builds the device app image using the ARM emulator and, after a few minutes, the main loop should start reporting device status.

In the browser, choose the hellorpi app and press the Do it! button. The output log should show the default pin turned on for about a second.

And now in validation mode

Build the container image, and run the app with a simulated device:

    cd $HOME/caf/apps/caf_hellorpi
    cafjs mkImage .
    cafjs run --appImage hellorpi
    cafjs device -d foo-device1

Local multi-host deployment

Pick an external network interface for the service. For example, if is the address of wlan0 in my laptop:

    cafjs run --appImage --ipAddress --port 8080 hellorpi

and to connect a simulated device running in a different host:

    cafjs device -d --ipAddress --port 8080 --password bar foo-device1

Note that the URL for the service changes to

where provides a DNS wildcard domain that maps to my IP address

Multi-host deployments can also connect to real devices by using the previous URL. Some devices are hard to mock...


CAF command line tools






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