This example shows an Android application implemented in Java using Jetpack Compose for the views, Reactive Extensions for Java and the SmallRye config implementation of microprofile-config for configuration.
Install gradle and gradle wrapper
brew install gradle
gradle wrapper
Download the latest version of Android Studio and open the project. Then create a simulator device and debug it on that device.
The app can be configured in the src/main/resources/ file. According to the standard also a META-INF/ is present.
in the we cannot use the usual way to get the config:
var config = ConfigProvider.getConfig().unwrap(SmallRyeConfig.class);
To see the problem remove the comment in the above source code line and try to uses this as a config instead of the current one.
This crashes with a java.nio.file.ProviderNotFoundException propably because the android implementation of java.nio.file contains no jar file provider. For Details see Jar and Zip FileSystemProvider not present on API 26+.
As a workaround we implement our own ConfigSourceProvider.
- Download Android Studio
- Start Android Studio
- create a new Project "Empty Activity"
- Under "Gradle Scripts" open (Module :app)
- add the following line to dependencies:
- add the following line
excludes += "META-INF/INDEX.LIST"
to the same so that the section reads:
packaging {
resources {
excludes += "/META-INF/{AL2.0,LGPL2.1}"
excludes += "META-INF/INDEX.LIST"
- open MainActivity.kt and add the following line after
val config = ConfigProvider.getConfig().unwrap(
- Start the project, it will display "Hello, Android!
- In Project Explorer switch from "Android" to "Project" view
- Navigate to "app/src/main" and add a folder "resources" and below resources add a folder "META-INF"
- Add a file "" to the folder app/src/main/resources/META-INF
- start the project again