Security Tool for Reconnaissance and Information Gathering on a website. (python 3.x)
- Add proxy function
- Redefining priorities/tasks
- Let's debug certificate subdomains results
- Display the current bypass number during scan ("CB:")
- Easter egg for xmas :)
- Option -nfs (not first step) to pass the first recon steps
- Google CSE before scan
- Creation of WIKI
- Detecting potential path disclosure into html webpage
- Detecting potential hidden directory
(for more details go on
- git clone && sudo python3 HawkScan/ install
- pip(3) install -r requirements.txt
- python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Check header information
- Check DNS information
- Check Github
- CMS detection + version and vulns
- Check in waybackmachine
- Check if DataBase firebaseio existe and accessible
- Testing if it's possible scanning with "localhost" host
- Check Google Dork
- Check Host IP
- Check backup domain name (ex:
- Check socketio connection
- cse google search (buckets...)
- Test backup/old file on all the files found (index.php.bak, index.php~ ...)
- Backup system (if the script stopped, it take again in same place)
- WAF detection and Response error to WAF + Testing bypass it
- Option --exclude to exclude page, code error, bytes
- Option rate-limit if app is unstable (--timesleep)
- Search S3 buckets in source code page
- Try differents bypass for 403/401 code error
- JS parsing and analysis (option --js)
- Auto resize relative to window
- Notify when scan completed (Only work on Linux)
- Multiple output format. Available formats: json, csv, txt
- Multiple website scanning
- Prefix filename (old_, copy of...)
- Detecting potential path disclosure into html webpage
P1 is the most important
[WIP] Multiple exclude like: --exclude 403,1337b [P1] [In progress] (see Exemples)
[WIP] Anonymous routing through some proxy (http/s proxy list) [P1] [In progress]
[WIP] Re-build resport scan [P1]
[WIP] HExHTTP replace "header information" before scan
- asyncio instead of threading ? [PX]
- Add to check potential hidden subdomain (with letdebug module ?) [PX]
- Push results into DB [P2]
- If re-scan a website with an existing folder, just doing a diff btw the scan to the folder (like) // interesting ? [P2]
- Pre-run to check the waf sensitive (by proxy with 40 threads for exemple) // add proxy funtion [P2]
- Check source code and verify leak or sensitive data in Github // Other tool ? [P3]
- Scan API endpoints/informations leaks [P3]
usage: [-h] [-u URL] [-f FILE_URL] [-t THREAD] [--exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]] [--auto] [--update] [-w WORDLIST] [-b [BACKUP ...]] [-p PREFIX] [-H HEADER_] [-a USER_AGENT] [--redirect] [--auth AUTH] [--timesleep TS] [--proxie PROXIE] [-r] [-s SUBDOMAINS] [--js] [--nfs] [--ffs] [--notify] [-o OUTPUT] [-of OUTPUT_TYPE]
> General:
-u URL URL to scan [required]
-f FILE_URL file with multiple URLs to scan
-t THREAD Number of threads to use for URL Fuzzing. Default: 30
--exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...] Exclude page, response code, response size. (Exemples: --exclude 500,337b)
--auto Automatic threads depending response to website. Max: 30
--update For automatic update
--lightmode For a just simple fuzzing 1 request per second & a new session for each request
> Wordlist Settings:
-w WORDLIST Wordlist used for Fuzzing the desired webite. Default: dichawk.txt
-b Adding prefix/suffix backup extensions during the scan. (Exemples:, /!\ beware, take more longer
-p PREFIX Add prefix in wordlist to scan
> Request Settings:
-H HEADER_ Modify header. (Exemple: -H "cookie: test")
-a USER_AGENT Choice user-agent. Default: Random
--redirect For scan with redirect response (301/302)
--auth AUTH HTTP authentification. (Exemples: --auth admin:admin)
--timesleep TS To define a timesleep/rate-limit if app is unstable during scan.
> Tips:
-r Recursive dir/files
-s SUBDOMAINS Subdomain tester
--js For try to found keys, token, sensitive endpoints... in the javascript page
--nfs Not the first step of scan during the first running (waf, vhosts, wayback etc...)
--ffs Force the first step of scan during the first running (waf, vhosts, wayback etc...)
--notify For receveid notify when the scan finished (only work on linux)
> Export Settings:
-o OUTPUT Output to site_scan.txt (default in website directory)
-of OUTPUT_TYPE Output file format. Available formats: json, csv, txt
python -u
//With specific dico
python -u -w dico_extra.txt
//with 30 threads
python -u -t 30
//With backup files scan
python -u -b
//With an exclude page
python -u --exclude profile.php
//With an exclude response code
python -u --exclude 403
//With an exclude bytes number
python -u --exclude 1337b
//With two excludes type
python -u --exclude 1337b,403
Layno ( [Technical helper]
Sanguinarius ( [Technical helper]
Jamb0n69 ( [Technical helper]
Cyber_Ph4ntoM ( [Beta tester & Logo Graphist]
Or if you want to offer me a coffee :)
This script use "WafW00f" to detect the WAF in the first step (
This script use "Sublist3r" to scan subdomains (