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Merge pull request #319 from jmid/qcheck2-shrink-improvements
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QCheck2 shrinker improvements to list, array, bytes, strings, and functions
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jmid authored Feb 5, 2025
2 parents 4e5b3df + 5583d9a commit 6726de8
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Showing 7 changed files with 577 additions and 199 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@


- Improve the `QCheck2.Gen.list` shrinker heuristic and utilize the improved
shrinker in other `QCheck2` `{list,array,bytes,string,function}*` shrinkers
- Use `split` and `copy` in `Random.State` underlying `QCheck2` to
avoid non-deterministic shrinking behaviour
- Add missing documentation strings for `QCheck.{Print,Iter,Shrink,Gen}` and `QCheck2.Gen`.
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116 changes: 97 additions & 19 deletions src/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,11 @@ let _opt_sum a b = match a, b with

let sum_int = List.fold_left (+) 0

let rec list_split l len acc = match len,l with
| _,[]
| 0,_ -> List.rev acc, l
| _,x::xs -> list_split xs (len-1) (x::acc)

exception Failed_precondition
(* raised if precondition is false *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,6 +88,25 @@ module Seq = struct

let cons x next () = Cons (x, next)

let rec force_drop n xs =
match xs() with
| Nil ->
| Cons (_, xs) ->
let n = n - 1 in
if n = 0 then
force_drop n xs

let drop n xs =
if n < 0 then invalid_arg "Seq.drop"
else if n = 0 then
fun () ->
force_drop n xs

(* End of copy of old functions. *)

let is_empty (seq : _ t) : bool = match seq () with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,6 +263,31 @@ module Tree = struct
let rec applicative_take (n : int) (l : 'a t list) : 'a list t = match (n, l) with
| (0, _) | (_, []) -> pure []
| (n, (tree :: trees)) -> liftA2 List.cons tree (applicative_take (pred n) trees)

let rec build_list_shrink_tree (l : 'a t list) : 'a list t Seq.t = match l with
| [] -> Seq.empty
| [_] ->
fun () -> Seq.cons (Tree ([], Seq.empty)) (* [x] leaves only empty list to try *)
(children (sequence_list l)) () (* otherwise, reduce element(s) *)
| _::_ ->
fun () ->
let len = List.length l in
let xs,ys = list_split l ((1 + len) / 2) [] in
let xs_roots = root xs in
let ys_roots = root ys in
(* Try reducing a list [1;2;3;4] in halves: [1;2] and [3;4] *)
Seq.cons (Tree (xs_roots, build_list_shrink_tree xs))
(Seq.cons (Tree (ys_roots, build_list_shrink_tree ys))
(fun () ->
(if len >= 4
then (* Try dropping an element from either half: [2;3;4] and [1;2;4] *)
let rest = l in
let rest_roots = root rest in
(Seq.cons (Tree (rest_roots, build_list_shrink_tree rest))
(Seq.cons (Tree (xs_roots@( ys_roots), build_list_shrink_tree (xs@( ys))))
(children (sequence_list l)))) (* at bottom: reduce elements *)
children (sequence_list l)) ())) ()

module Gen = struct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -583,7 +632,22 @@ module Gen = struct
loop size []

let list (gen : 'a t) : 'a list t = list_size nat gen
(** [list_ignore_size_tree] is a helper applying its own size shrinking heuristic,
and thus using only the root of [size]'s output shrink [Tree]. *)
let list_ignore_size_tree (size : int t) (gen : 'a t) : 'a list t = fun st ->
let st' = RS.split st in
let size = Tree.root (size st) in
let st' = RS.copy st' in (* start each loop from same Random.State to recreate same element (prefix) *)
let rec loop n acc = (* phase 1: build a list of element trees, tail recursively *)
if n <= 0 (* phase 2: build a list shrink Tree of element trees, tail recursively *)
let l = List.rev acc in
Tree.Tree ( Tree.root l, Tree.build_list_shrink_tree l)
else (loop [@tailcall]) (n - 1) ((gen st')::acc)
loop size []

let list (gen : 'a t) : 'a list t = list_ignore_size_tree nat gen

let list_repeat (n : int) (gen : 'a t) : 'a list t = list_size (pure n) gen

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -725,31 +789,45 @@ module Gen = struct
let string_size ?(gen = char) (size : int t) : string t =
bytes_size ~gen size >|= Bytes.unsafe_to_string

let bytes : bytes t = bytes_size nat
let bytes_of_char_list cs =
let b = Buffer.create (List.length cs) in
List.iter (fun c -> Buffer.add_char b c) cs;
let bytes = Buffer.to_bytes b in
Buffer.clear b;

let bytes : bytes t = list char >|= bytes_of_char_list

let bytes_of gen = list gen >|= bytes_of_char_list

let bytes_of gen = bytes_size ~gen nat
let bytes_printable = list printable >|= bytes_of_char_list

let bytes_printable = bytes_size ~gen:printable nat
let bytes_small = list_ignore_size_tree small_nat char >|= bytes_of_char_list

let bytes_small st = bytes_size small_nat st
let bytes_small_of gen = list_ignore_size_tree small_nat gen >|= bytes_of_char_list

let bytes_small_of gen st = bytes_size ~gen small_nat st
let string_of_char_list cs =
let b = Buffer.create (List.length cs) in
List.iter (fun c -> Buffer.add_char b c) cs;
let str = Buffer.contents b in
Buffer.clear b;

let string : string t = string_size nat
let string : string t = list char >|= string_of_char_list

let string_of gen = string_size ~gen nat
let string_of gen = list gen >|= string_of_char_list

let string_printable = string_size ~gen:printable nat
let string_printable = list printable >|= string_of_char_list

let string_small st = string_size small_nat st
let string_small = list_ignore_size_tree small_nat char >|= string_of_char_list

let string_small_of gen st = string_size ~gen small_nat st
let string_small_of gen = list_ignore_size_tree small_nat gen >|= string_of_char_list

let small_string ?(gen=char) = string_small_of gen

let small_list gen = list_size small_nat gen
let small_list gen = list_ignore_size_tree small_nat gen

let small_array gen = array_size small_nat gen
let small_array gen = list_ignore_size_tree small_nat gen >|= Array.of_list

let join (gen : 'a t t) : 'a t = gen >>=

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1200,14 +1278,14 @@ end = struct
(* This only gets evaluated *after* the test was run for [tbl], meaning it is correctly
populated with bindings recorded during the test already *)
let current_bindings : (k * v Tree.t) list = List.rev !(root.p_tree_bindings_rev) in
let take_at_most_tree : int Tree.t = Tree.make_primitive (Shrink.int_towards 0) (List.length current_bindings) in
let current_tree_bindings : (k * v) Tree.t list = (fun (k, tree) -> (fun v -> (k, v)) tree) current_bindings in
let shrunk_bindings_tree : (k * v) list Tree.t = Tree.bind take_at_most_tree (fun take_at_most -> Tree.applicative_take take_at_most current_tree_bindings) in
let shrunk_bindings_tree_seq : (k * v) list Tree.t Seq.t = Tree.build_list_shrink_tree current_tree_bindings in
(* During shrinking, we don't want to record/add bindings, so [~extend:false]. *)
let shrunk_poly_tbl_tree : (k, v) t Tree.t = (fun bindings -> List.to_seq bindings |> T.of_seq |> make ~extend:false) shrunk_bindings_tree in
(* [shrunk_poly_tbl_tree] is a bit misleading: its root *should* be the same as [root] but because of the required laziness
induced by the mutation of bindings, we don't use it, only graft its children to the original [root]. *)
Tree.children shrunk_poly_tbl_tree ()
let shrunk_poly_tbl_tree_seq : (k, v) t Tree.t Seq.t = (fun t -> (fun bindings -> List.to_seq bindings |> T.of_seq |> make ~extend:false) t) shrunk_bindings_tree_seq in
(* [shrunk_poly_tbl_tree_seq] is a bit misleading: its head *should* be the same as [root] but because of the required laziness
induced by the mutation of bindings, we don't use it, only graft its tail to the original [root]. *)
Seq.drop 1 shrunk_poly_tbl_tree_seq ()
Tree.Tree (root, shrinks)

Expand Down
75 changes: 37 additions & 38 deletions test/core/QCheck2_expect_test.expected.ocaml4.32
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,14 +69,13 @@ random seed: 1234
[16; 1; 1]
[16; 1]
[16; 1; 1]
[16; 1]
[0; 1; 1]
[0; 0; 1]
[0; 0; 0]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,51 +278,51 @@ Test printable never produces less than '5 failed (1 shrink steps):

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test bytes are empty failed (2 shrink steps):
Test bytes are empty failed (3 shrink steps):


--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test bytes never has a \000 char failed (198 shrink steps):
Test bytes never has a \000 char failed (9 shrink steps):


--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test bytes never has a \255 char failed (20 shrink steps):
Test bytes never has a \255 char failed (5 shrink steps):


--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test bytes have unique chars failed (28 shrink steps):
Test bytes have unique chars failed (31 shrink steps):


--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test strings are empty failed (2 shrink steps):
Test strings are empty failed (3 shrink steps):


--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test string never has a \000 char failed (198 shrink steps):
Test string never has a \000 char failed (9 shrink steps):


--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test string never has a \255 char failed (20 shrink steps):
Test string never has a \255 char failed (5 shrink steps):


--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test strings have unique chars failed (28 shrink steps):
Test strings have unique chars failed (31 shrink steps):


--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,15 +368,15 @@ Test pairs sum to less than 128 failed (24 shrink steps):

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test pairs lists rev concat failed (34 shrink steps):
Test pairs lists rev concat failed (35 shrink steps):

([0], [1])

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test pairs lists no overlap failed (15 shrink steps):
Test pairs lists no overlap failed (6 shrink steps):

([0], [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0])
([1], [1])

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,13 +488,13 @@ Test bind list_size constant failed (12 shrink steps):

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test lists are empty failed (2 shrink steps):
Test lists are empty failed (3 shrink steps):


--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test lists shorter than 10 failed (12 shrink steps):
Test lists shorter than 10 failed (16 shrink steps):

[0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -531,7 +530,7 @@ None

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test (int,string) result are Ok failed (1 shrink steps):
Test (int,string) result are Ok failed (2 shrink steps):

Error ("")

Expand All @@ -555,52 +554,52 @@ Test sum list = 0 failed (0 shrink steps):

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test fail_pred_map_commute_int failed (31 shrink steps):
Test fail_pred_map_commute_int failed (14 shrink steps):

([0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0], {0 -> -1; 1 -> 0; 2 -> 0; 5 -> 0; 21 -> 0; 7 -> 0; 9 -> 0; 78 -> 0; _ -> 0}, {0 -> true; 998130433 -> false; 1 -> false; 2 -> false; 402927669 -> false; 5 -> false; 21 -> false; 7 -> false; -1041906807 -> false; 9 -> false; -1072173830 -> false; -353172948 -> false; -952635860 -> false; 78 -> false; 286212959 -> false; _ -> false})
([0], {0 -> -1; _ -> 0}, {0 -> true; _ -> false})

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test fail_pred_map_commute_int32 failed (70 shrink steps):
Test fail_pred_map_commute_int32 failed (58 shrink steps):

([0l; 0l; 0l; 0l; 0l; 0l], {480624048l -> 0l; -1054565120l -> 0l; 708270421l -> 0l; -1441877194l -> 0l; -239944349l -> 0l; 0l -> 1l; -973889953l -> 0l; 1395009590l -> 0l; _ -> 0l}, {-1990017031l -> false; 443535120l -> false; 480624048l -> false; -1054565120l -> false; 829558403l -> false; -1311148841l -> false; 2084431360l -> false; 708270421l -> false; 79063824l -> false; -1441877194l -> false; -239944349l -> false; 0l -> true; 457187395l -> false; 1395009590l -> false; -973889953l -> false; _ -> false})
([0l], {0l -> 1l; _ -> 0l}, {0l -> true; _ -> false})

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test fail_pred_map_commute_int64 failed (125 shrink steps):
Test fail_pred_map_commute_int64 failed (113 shrink steps):

([0L; 0L; 0L; 0L; 0L; 0L], {-5912897149740583042L -> 0L; 2064264570832434420L -> 0L; 8769531915837689755L -> 0L; -1030553128493932961L -> 0L; 0L -> 1L; 6077417419721789289L -> 0L; -4529322700507305930L -> 0L; -6192815392369977003L -> 0L; _ -> 0L}, {-8367471897177334538L -> false; 8952564522059662897L -> false; -5912897149740583042L -> false; -5897649978982613650L -> false; 339576540681650169L -> false; 2064264570832434420L -> false; 1963604910111969040L -> false; 8769531915837689755L -> false; -1030553128493932961L -> false; 0L -> true; 6077417419721789289L -> false; -3575913752036838904L -> false; 3562926213990806743L -> false; -6192815392369977003L -> false; -4529322700507305930L -> false; _ -> false})
([0L], {0L -> 1L; _ -> 0L}, {0L -> true; _ -> false})

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test fail_pred_strings failed (2 shrink steps):
Test fail_pred_strings failed (1 shrink steps):

{"some random string" -> true; _ -> false}
{"some random string" -> true; "some other string" -> false; _ -> false}

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test fold_left fold_right failed (21 shrink steps):
Test fold_left fold_right failed (10 shrink steps):

(0, [0; 0], {(70, 3) -> 0; (3, 0) -> 0; (0, 6) -> 0; (2, 6) -> 0; (0, 90) -> 0; (3, 26) -> 0; (3, 9) -> 0; (20, 3) -> 0; (3, 2) -> 0; (2, 0) -> 0; (0, 70) -> 1; (4, 3) -> 0; (9, 6) -> 0; (6, 8) -> 0; (0, 3) -> 0; (6, 6) -> 0; (0, 7) -> 0; (0, 0) -> 70; _ -> 0})
(0, [1], {(1, 0) -> 1; _ -> 0})

+++ Messages ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Messages for test fold_left fold_right:

l=[0; 0], fold_left=1, fold_right=0
l=[1], fold_left=1, fold_right=0

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test fold_left fold_right uncurried failed (47 shrink steps):
Test fold_left fold_right uncurried failed (62 shrink steps):

({(3, 76) -> 0; (9, 3) -> 0; (5, 2) -> 0; (1, 2) -> 1; (34, 1) -> 0; (9, 6) -> 0; (7, 3) -> 0; (3, 8) -> 0; (67, 3) -> 0; (2, 24) -> 0; (1, 1) -> 0; (37, 6) -> 0; (6, 2) -> 0; (5, 8) -> 0; (5, 7) -> 0; (5, 6) -> 0; (4, 8) -> 0; (17, 3) -> 0; (3, 4) -> 0; (84, 79) -> 0; (4, 17) -> 0; (6, 1) -> 0; (7, 6) -> 0; (3, 5) -> 0; (9, 4) -> 0; (1, 9) -> 0; (2, 5) -> 0; _ -> 0}, 1, [2])
({(5, 2) -> 0; (4, 1) -> 0; (1, 2) -> 1; (79, 4) -> 0; (9, 6) -> 0; (7, 3) -> 0; (3, 8) -> 0; (17, 6) -> 0; (37, 6) -> 0; (4, 8) -> 0; (17, 3) -> 0; (3, 4) -> 0; (84, 79) -> 0; (8, 1) -> 0; (6, 8) -> 0; (4, 17) -> 0; (3, 5) -> 0; (1, 6) -> 0; (9, 4) -> 0; (2, 5) -> 0; (5, 4) -> 0; (3, 76) -> 0; (9, 3) -> 0; (3, 1) -> 0; (8, 3) -> 0; (3, 24) -> 0; (34, 1) -> 0; (3, 3) -> 0; (6, 9) -> 0; (76, 8) -> 0; (67, 3) -> 0; (8, 9) -> 0; (2, 24) -> 0; (1, 1) -> 0; (1, 5) -> 0; (2, 3) -> 0; (6, 2) -> 0; (5, 8) -> 0; (5, 7) -> 0; (5, 6) -> 0; (24, 5) -> 0; (2, 17) -> 0; (6, 1) -> 0; (7, 6) -> 0; (6, 3) -> 0; (2, 4) -> 0; (1, 9) -> 0; _ -> 0}, 1, [2])

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

Test fold_left fold_right uncurried fun last failed (26 shrink steps):
Test fold_left fold_right uncurried fun last failed (10 shrink steps):

(0, [0; 0], {(0, 20) -> 0; (90, 3) -> 0; (3, 9) -> 0; (8, 3) -> 0; (3, 2) -> 0; (9, 6) -> 0; (7, 3) -> 0; (6, 20) -> 0; (0, 70) -> 0; (6, 70) -> 0; (3, 0) -> 1; (0, 4) -> 0; (6, 0) -> 0; (0, 0) -> 3; (2, 0) -> 0; (26, 6) -> 0; (6, 3) -> 0; _ -> 0})
(0, [1], {(0, 1) -> 1; _ -> 0})

--- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------

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