Deploy an EMR cluster on AWS, with Spark, Hail, Zeppelin and Ensembl VEP using CloudFormation service.
- A valid AWS account with appropriate permissions
- A VPC, a subnet and a security group ready to ensure appropriate access to the cluster
- A S3 bucket to receive the data
- A github repository to store the zeppelin notebooks
- A github account with write permission on the repository and a personal access token with full repo permissions.
In addition you may want to install / be able to run Ensembl's Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)
- A S3 bucket containining VEP cache data, see section Install Ensembl's Variant Effect Predictor (VEP).
- Clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:c-BIG/Hail-on-AWS.git
- Copy the source files to a S3 bucket
# Replace [Bucket] below by your personal bucket name
aws s3 sync src/ s3://[Bucket]/Hail-on-AWS/
- Connect to AWS Management Console
- Navigate to CloudFormation service
- Create a new stack using the template of this repo
- Set the parameters to fit your requirements and launch the Stack.
The template used below create a cluster with cheaper instance (AWS Spot instances). Note that if user require 0 CPU, a minimal cluster is created with 1 MASTER of 4 CPUs and 1 CORE of 4 CPUs, both instances been charged on demand. Additional spot instances are created when SpotCPUCount > 4
- Template URL:[Bucket]/Hail-on-AWS/hail_emr_spot.yml
- Stack Name:
- EMRClusterName
- EMRReleaseLabel
- EMRLogBucket
- Subnet
- SecurityGroup
- KeyName
- InstanceType
- SpotCPUCount
- DiskSizeGB
- BidPercentage
- GitHubAccount
- GitHubRepository
- GitHubToken
[Personal access token]
- CFNBucket
- HailVersion
- VEPInstall:
- VEPBucket:
- VEPVersion
- Assembly
- NameTag
- OwnerTag
- ProjectTag
# Replace [EMRMasterDNS] below by the value displayed in stack Outputs
# Replace [path/to/key] below by the path to your EC2 Key .pem file
# SSH on the master node (with tunnel)
# * Hadoop :8088
# * Zeppelin :8890
# * SparkUI :18080
MASTER=[EMRMasterDNS]; ssh -i [path/to/key].pem -L 8088:$MASTER:8088 -L 8890:$MASTER:8890 -L 18080:$MASTER:18080 hadoop@$MASTER
- Visit Zeppelin
- Create a new note(book)
- Import and initialize Hail and SparkContext
# Import and initialize Hail
import hail as hl
- Import Bokehjs
# Import bokeh
from import show, output_notebook
from bokeh.plotting import figure
# Import bokeh-zeppelin
import bkzep
- in Zeppelin menu, click on Version control
- Write a commit message and click on Commit
- Click on Ok
- Save your work on github
cd /opt/zeppelin
git push origin master
First we need to download VEP cache and store it on AWS.
Be aware that the data represents ~25Gb.
Set DiskSizeGB
CloudFormation template parameter accordingly
# Replace [EMRMasterDNS] below by the value displayed in stack Outputs
# Replace [path/to/key] below by the path to your EC2 Key .pem file
# SSH on the master node (with tunnel)
# * Hadoop :8088
# * Zeppelin :8890
# * SparkUI :18080
MASTER=[EMRMasterDNS]; ssh -i [path/to/key].pem -L 8088:$MASTER:8088 -L 8890:$MASTER:8890 -L 18080:$MASTER:18080 hadoop@$MASTER
# For VEP92, replace [image] below by 'owjl/vep92_loftee:latest'
# For VEP95, replace [image] below by 'konradjk/vep95_loftee:0.2'
IMAGE=[image]; sudo docker pull $IMAGE
sudo mkdir /mnt/vep/vep_data
sudo chmod a+rwx /mnt/vep/vep_data
# Replace [assembly] below by 'GRCh37' or GRCh38'
docker run -v /mnt/vep/vep_data:/opt/vep/.vep -w /opt/vep/src/ensembl-vep $IMAGE perl -a cf -s homo_sapiens_merged -y $ASSEMBLY -n
# Replace [Bucket] below with your personal bucket name
aws s3 cp /mnt/vep/vep_data//homo_sapiens_merged/ s3://[Bucket]/Hail-on-AWS/vep_data/homo_sapiens_merged/ --recursive
Now we can create a cluster with VEP installed by default
- DiskSizeGB:
- VEPInstall:
- VEPBucket:
- VEPVersion:
- Assembly:
# Load sites
# Replace [Path/to/table] below by the path of the hail table you wish to annotate
ht = hl.read_table('s3://[Path/to/table].ht')
# Filter out * alleles (not allowed by VEP)
ht_nostar = ht.filter((ht.alleles[0] != '*') & (ht.alleles[1] != '*'))
# Add VEP fields
# Replace [Bucket] below with your personal bucket name
# Replace [VEPVersion] below by the value of the template parameters
# Replace [Assembly] below by the value of the template parameters
ht_vep = hl.vep(ht_nostar, 's3://[Bucket]/Hail-on-AWS/vep_data/vep[VEPVersion]_[Assembly]_config.json')
# Write table
ht.write('s3://[Path/to/table]', overwrite=True)
In Hail v0.2.60, the function hl.export_elasticsearch
is not compatible with scala v2.12.x that is included in emr-6.x. Hail team is actively working on that issue, see #9767
In the mean time we can deploy Hail on emr-5.x that includes scala v2.11.x where hl.export_elasticsearch
Note that emr-6.x and emr-5.x includes different version of zeppelin (v0.8 vs v0.9) with incompatibility. Therefore the notebooks created on one emr version will not appears on the other emr version that.
- EMRReleaseLabel: