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1. Getting Started
This section describes how to install and configure ROScopter on your computer.
Environment Setup
Install the latest version of ROS on your computer. Make sure to install the following packages to your python environment.
$ pip install pyyaml
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install rospkg
$ pip install pycryptodomex
$ pip install gnupg
$ pip install empy
Also install the following ROS package substituting VERSION with the ROS version you have installed
sudo apt install ros-VERSION-eigen-stl-containers
If you would like to use the keyboard or a joypad to control the multirotor make sure to install pygame.
$ pip install pygame
Next install catkin and create a catkin workspace.
Clone Essentials
Clone this repo (ROScopter) and the ROSflight repo into your catkin_ws/src.
Clone Simulation Packages
To use the gazebo simulation package, clone the ROSflight_plugins repo.
If you would like to use the keyboard as a RC controller, clone the rosflight_joy repo as well.
To use the rosflight_holodeck simulation package, clone the rosflight_holodeck repo and follow installation instructions on the linked page.
Build and source the catkin workspace by navigating to the workspace and running these commands.
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash