The website documentation for Clear Linux* OS for Intel Architecture
should be written in :abbr:`ReStructuredText (ReST)` AKA .rst
, which
makes it easy to build parsable, command-line readable, indexed, and
search-friendly documentation and APIs with Sphinx.
To build documentation with Sphinx, ensure your system has these prerequisites:
The instructions for installing these varies according to OS. On a basic out- of-the-box Ubuntu-like OS (which usually has Python installed by default), check your python version you might need something like:
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pip install -U sphinx sphinx-autobuild
$ python -c 'print __import__("sphinx").__version__'
We have confirmed Sphinx installed. The next step is to clone Gitlab repository to our local machine.
$ git clone
Finally are we ready to run :command:`make`. Be sure to :command:`cd` to the
:file:`source/` directory where your .rst
files are, before
running :command:`make html`, or the doc format of your choice.
$ make html
sphinx-build -b html -d _build/doctrees . _build/html
Running Sphinx v1.3.1
making output directory...
build succeeded, 0 warnings.
Build finished. The HTML pages are in _build/html.
Open one of the .html pages in a web browser to view the rendered documentation.
For tips on how to contribute documentation formatted in the .rst style needed to integrate beautifully on the website, please see
Theming Sphinx.