This script assumes a moisture detector is connected to GPIO17 on a Raspberry Pi. Sensor is below:
The moisture sensor is activated when removed from water or the moisture level reaches below the threshold. When this happens an e-mail is sent.
- Python
- Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)
$ sudo pip install python-dotenv
$ sudo pip install jinja2
$ sudo pip install adafruit-mcp3008
Globally available as a script
$ sudo -i
$ PROJECT_ROOT=/home/pi/Projects/moisture-sensor
$ ln -s $PROJECT_ROOT/ /usr/local/bin/moisture-sensor
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/moisture-sensor
$ exit
NOTE: GPIO 2/3 are reserved for devices with hard-wired pull-ups.
NOTE: To use Amazon SES a TXT Record must be added to Namecheap's DNS Entries. Also, free-tier limits the FROM/TO to verified e-mails only. To send from [email protected]
- Create a catch-all redirect e-mail on namecheap and point it to gmail
- Send verification e-mail to the above from the Amazon SES console
- ???
- Profit.
To read specific moisture levels the sensor's analog signal must be used. Unfortunately, Raspberry PI doesn't support analog ootb so the following are needed:
- Adafruit MCP3008 (ADC):
- Half/Full breadboard:
Adafruit provides an easy to use library to interact with the MCP3008 and get readings from its channels. Along with examples:
Wire up the MCP3008
NOTE: I used hardware SPI which needs to be enabled:
- TODO: better error handling for when device not found on configured GPIO#
- TODO: calibrate it to soil: ~497-600 when soil is recently watered. slowly goes up to ~850 over 4hours
TODO: can we pull specific moisture levels? (See links below) - TODO: upgrade to python 3?
- TODO: keep count of warnings. if reached threshold send an e-mail
- TODO: limit e-mails via configuration variables
- TODO: non-blocking keyboard input using threads (
TODO: better logging for monitoring battery usage and soil calibration - TODO: