$pip install virtualenv
$virtualenv venv
$source venv/bin/activate
$pip install django
$django-admin startproject djangoProject2 .
$python manage.py migrate
$python manage.py runserver
$python manage.py startapp accountapp
$python manage.py runserver
$python manage.py makemigrations
$python manage.py migrate
$python manage.py createsuperuser
$python manage.py runserver
$python manage.py runserver
->settings.py > SECRET_KEY = env_list['SECRET_KEY']
-.gitignore 파일 첨부
-.env 파일 SECRET_KEY
- accountapp/templates/accountapp/hello_world.html
- static 디렉토리 > base.css
- templates 디렉토리 > base.html, footer.html, head.html, header.html
- db.sqlite3
1.In the Database tool window (View | Tool Windows | Database ), click the Data Source Properties icon The Data Source Properties icon.
2.On the Data Sources tab in the Data Sources and Drivers dialog, click the Add icon (The Add icon) and select SQLite.
- db.sqlite3