There are many ways to contribute to Bullhorn FastREST.
- Submit bugs and help us verify fixes as they are checked in.
- Review source code changes.
- Contribute bug fixes.
- Make sure to write unit tests for any new code.
- Run all unit tests, fix any errors.
- Push
- Submit Pull Request
Prerequisite packages are:
- Phalcon >2.0
- Database must be MySQL
- All table column names must adhere to
Install composer in a common location or in your project:
curl -s | php
Create the composer.json file as follows:
"require": {
"bullhorn/fast-rest": "dev-master"
Run the composer installer:
php composer.phar install
Just clone the repository in a common location or inside your project:
git clone
Add or register the following namespace strategy to your Phalcon\Loader in order to load classes from the incubator repository:
$loader = new Phalcon\Loader();
'Bullhorn\\FastRest' => '/path/to/bullhorn/fast-rest/Library/'