Eesti haldus- ja asustusjaotuse klassifikaatori ruumiandmed CSV, GeoJSON ja TopoJSON formaadis / Spatial data for Estonian Administrative and Settlement Classification in CSV, GeoJSON and TopoJSON format. Monthly releases.
Eelvaade / Preview:
- MNIMI - maakonna nimi / County name
- MKOOD - maakonna kood / County ID
- ONIMI - omavalitsuse nimi / Municipality name
- OKOOD - omavalitsuse kood / Municipality ID
- ANIMI - asustusüksuse nimi / Settlements name
- AKOOD - asustusüksuse kood / Settlement ID
- TYYP - asustusüksuse tüüp / Settlement type
- AREA - pindala , m2 / area in square meters, added by buildig with
mapshaper -each 'AREA=this.originalArea'
Download shapefiles from Maa-amet and transform to json and csv format (requires mapshaper):
git clone [email protected]:buildig/EHAK.git &&
cd EHAK &&
chmod a+x &&
git pull origin master
git checkout -b {branch}
git add .
git commit -m "Version {version}."
git push origin {branch}
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff {branch}
git push origin master
git tag -a {version} -m "Version {version}"
git push origin --tags
Note! The use of administrative and settlement units data is not restricted but the reference to the data source (i.e. Estonian Land Board) and validity date (e.g. 26.01.2012) must be made!