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Rich Bodo edited this page Sep 28, 2017 · 26 revisions

Official terminology

Status: This terminology is under active development. We're working on picking terminology for internal use that applies to more use cases, allows odds to be used, and is consistent with financial terminology. We should note that we hope that no end user is ever exposed to these terms - these terms are for internal use.

Internal terms for market objects

Match Params

Criteria that match the state of an issue at a time. We include the time in this.

Meta-example: {Match_Param_ID, Repo_URL, Issue_Number, Status(Open/Closed/Etc), Labels[], Date}

Real-world-example: {13452345,, 28, Closed, , 1/1/2018}

Suggested replacements for this term: aspect


Initial offer on a set of match params. No odds for now.

We have been saying that there is a "bid side" of a cross, which we equate to the "buy side" and the "offer to pay for a fix" side. This has also been called the "unfixed side", as in "I bought $100 of the unfixed side of that bug to incentivize someone to solve the problem." You might be able to remember it better by calling it the "It is going to be fixed..." side, which better relates to the prediction you are making.

Meta-example: {Bid_ID, Owner_ID, Match_Param_ID, Amount_in_eth, [True/False]}

Real-world-example: {74564356, 13452345, 1, TRUE}


Matching offer for a bid - taking the other side of a bid - a bid that cannot be made without an existing bid.

We have been saying that the ask side is the "sell side" or the "offer to fix an issue" side. This has also been called the "fixed side" (or "it is going to be fixed...side", as in "I bought $100 of the fixed side and will fix it shortly to collect my dough."

There are several ways to implement this. Here is one that is essentially only a bid (we could eliminate the "ask" terminology if we use something like this, and make everything bids. One way:

Real-world-example: {74564356, 13452345, 1, FALSE}

// this "ask" takes the other side of the bid above - it's just a bid that the match params will prove false.

Here is another that must fully take the other side of a bid:

Meta-example: {Ask_ID, Bid_ID}

Suggested replacements for this term: Eliminate it entirely. It's just a bid. A user can make bids on the true and false side of match params. We don't need two terms for these.


A matching bid/ask pair. We say that when we have a matching bid and ask that "we have a cross."

It is easy to match a single bid and ask together if they are for the same amount.

We are currently developing the algorithmic mechanisms for matching multiple bids and asks into one cross.

Meta-example: {Cross_ID, Ask_ID[], Bid_ID[]}

//two arrays of bids that take either side of a set of match params.