Storybook theming addon. Code is intially copied from version 1.1.10. Allows to develop themed components in isolation.
- Switching between themes from addon panel.
- Auto changes background
- Supports dark Storybook theme
- Keep selected theme on stories updates
Run both npm run dev
and npm start
to see changes in demo storybook.
install the library
specify addon in .storybook/main.js
// .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.js'],
addons: ['storybook-bb-app-theming-addon'],
or in .storybook/addons.js
for older versions of Storybook
import 'storybook-bb-app-theming-addon/register';
Then you'll need to add a decorator with a ThemeProvider of your library. This project is not related to any particular styling solutions, instead, you can use any of theme providers you're using in your project.
import ThemeProvider from 'library-of-your-choice';
import { withThemes } from 'storybook-bb-app-theming-addon';
import { theme } from '../src/theme';
const themeSelector = {
device: ['ios', 'android'],
mode: ['light', 'dark', 'legacy'],
brand: ['default', 'video'],
// create decorator
const themingDecorator = withThemes(ThemeProvider, [theme], themeSelector);
ThemeProvider should accept a theme via theme
props. The theme is an object with name
and pallete
export const themeAlt = {
name: 'ios-light-default',
palette: {
colors: {
white: '#ffffff',
whiteTransparent: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)',
blackTransparent: '#fcfcfc',
accent1: '#3bd9d6',
accent2: '#0a8997',
accent3: '#292b2c',
accent4: '#7c0435',
accent5: '#ac924d',
accent6: '#e0a8b4',
accent7: '#6cb09e',
accent8: '#8b8b6b',
accent9: '#1f595f',
textRed: 'orange',
The name
needs to match the one of combination of themeSelector
values. For example: "ios-light-default" or "android-dark-video".
In case of non standard ThemeProvider you can pass providerFn
function in options:
const providerFn = ({ theme, children }) => {
return <ThemeProvider theme={muTheme}>{children}</ThemeProvider>;
const themingDecorator = withThemes(null, [theme], themeSelector, {
// .storybook/preview.js
import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components';
import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';
import { withThemes } from '@react-theming/storybook-addon';
import { theme } from '../src/theme';
const selectedValue = {
name: 'accent5',
namespace: ['palette', 'colors'],
type: 'color',
value: '#ac924d',
const getCustomFieldSnippet = selectedValue => {
const { namespace, name } = selectedValue;
const path = namespace.join('.');
const fullPath = `${path}.${name}`;
const themeProp = `\${({ theme }) => theme.${fullPath}}`;
return themeProp;
// The snippet Func function takes the SelectedValue parameter and returns a string
withThemes(ThemeProvider, [theme], themeSelector, { getCustomFieldSnippet }),
By default, the addon outputs colors in HEX format, if you need some kind of add-in, then pass the colorSnippet parameter.
const getCustomValueSnippet = ({ value, name, type }) => {
// Here is your code
return value;
// The colorSnipept function accepts an object consisting of { value : HEX, name: string, type: color}
withThemes(ThemeProvider, [theme], themeSelector, { getCustomValueSnippet }),
This addon has ability to auto change background color when it detect a dark theme. By default it checks if the theme name contains 'dark'.
You can customize this behavior by passing onThemeSwitch
export const onThemeSwitch = context => {
const { theme } = context;
const background = === 'ios-light-default' ? '#2c2f33' : 'white';
const parameters = {
backgrounds: {
default: background,
// Pass backgrounds: null to disable background switching at all
return {
const themingDecorator = withThemes(null, [theme], themeSelector, {
This way you can have own checks of what the theme is selected and pass what ever color you need.
!important: The addon change background color on each theme selecting. In some scenarios you might want to disable this behavior e.g. if you already using addon-backgrounds. You can disable background switching by passing backgrounds: null
in parameters.