This repository contains materials that helped me get comforatble with vim.
I collected shortcuts and commands into my cheatsheet. See a fuzzy searchable version at I used a simplistic tone, to help me get familiar the basics in a practicable manner.
Once you dive into vim you'll realize there are much more combinations. My goal was just to give an overview of the features, shortcuts, and commands that can boost productivity.
I figured that the best way to learn vim is to practice it. Only reading these helpful lines is not very effective, it does not go into muscle memory, so I wrote a simple python3 code to practice my tips.
command, it is basically a textfile opened with vim that gives you a solid base- openvim, a nice interactive tutorial
- vim.rtorr, a great cheatsheet that inspired me to create my own collection
- vim fandom, a wiki page with useful tips and tricks
- vim help
For fun I try to solve challenges from vimgolf
My vim configuration (.vimrc
file) is available in my dotfiles repository.