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Releases: bstaruk/starbase


13 Apr 17:23
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Starbase has been rebuilt from the ground-up for the 4th time in just over 7 years!

Features and upgrades include:

  • Installation is a simple command (npx starbase@latest) now -- no more copy & pasting files.
  • The boilerplate has been drastically simplified to reduce the amount of cleanup developers will have to do before they can get started building.
    • used to run on the boilerplate found in this repo. I create a new repo (starbase-web) for the website going forward.
  • ECMAScript / Babel has been swapped out for TypeScript. All hail TypeScript!
  • Sass has been swapped out for PostCSS (hello again, old friend) and Tailwind CSS.
    • Tailwind can be removed very easily for folks who don't like it.

I expect 4.1 will soon follow with updates to linting & formatting, as I work more with the new digs and inevitably find things that need adjusting.

3.6.3 (v4 coming soon)

30 Mar 20:49
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This is the final maintenance release of Starbase v3. All dependencies have been updated, and I am going to be working on a v4 release over the next couple weekends.

The main features of v4 will be:

  • Installation via npx starbase@latest (no more manual copy & pasting)
  • TypeScript
  • PostCSS & Tailwind CSS
  • Much less boilerplate (HTML & CSS) to enable faster startup

If anyone is interested in watching v4 come together, you can check out the v4 branch.


24 Jan 23:39
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happy new year! this is a maintenance release, made in preparation for an upcoming project that i'll be using starbase on.

all dependencies have been updated, except the stylelint related ones, due to this issue with the stylelint-webpack-plugin dependency. that one'll just need to wait for the next release.

i've also updated some docs because it's not 2023 anymore. cheers!


29 Sep 14:21
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This is a bug fix release that fixes a breaking issue with the lint-staged hooks.


27 Sep 17:52
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3.6.0 is a maintenance releases that sees all dependencies updated, and a couple small adjustments:

  1. Lint-staged rules have been moved out of package.json, into .lintstagedrc.js.
  2. .nvmrc now calls for the latest LTS (v18).

I'm thinking of dusting this project off and upgrading to TypeScript for v4. Feel free to comment with thoughts on this, or other ideas for v4.


02 Sep 00:46
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i keep expecting breaking changes whenever i hit npm outdated and install the latest updates... but it ain't 2019 no more.

this is an incremental update which sees all dependencies updated, a small tweak to a boilerplate sass file to appease the newly-updated stylelint gods, and the creation of an .nvmrc file to allow the use of nvm install for my fellow node version managers.


05 Jul 18:16
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This is a maintenance release which updates all dependencies. No changes were required to the boilerplate to accommodate the updates, so this is an incremental update.


09 Apr 23:51
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  • various tweaks to the boilerplate html/sass (what you see on
  • http://localhost:8080 now opens when start script is executed
  • all dependencies updated


28 Feb 15:26
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This is a mostly-maintenance update which includes the following changes:

  • Husky & lint-staged have been added to the project, to run our linting & formatting libraries in a pre-commit hook. Project readme has been updated to reflect these changes.
  • All dependencies updated -- including replacing node-sass with sass. Both libraries share the same API so no changes (in the boilerplate code, nor in your project sass) should be required to accommodate the replacement.

Note: If you're upgrading an existing installation of starbase, you'll need to run npm run prepare to initialize the new pre-commit hook. If you're using starbase on a new project, you can disregard this note because the prepare script is automatically run on first install.


31 Oct 17:43
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Maintenance release which updates all dependencies, improves the boilerplate code (sass & js) and resolves an issue with how environment variables were being set in the scripts.

  • Boilerplate (css & js) improvements
  • No longer defining NODE_ENV in package.json, as it was breaking the app for Windows users
  • Fetch & promise polyfills have been removed from the project because IE11 support is not a concern for most developers in 2021
  • All dependencies updated