GroupLang-secretary-bot is a Telegram bot that transcribes voice messages, summarizes the content, and allows users to tip for the service. It uses AWS services for transcription and a custom API for summarization. The bot is designed to be deployed as an AWS Lambda function.
- Transcribe voice messages using AWS Transcribe
- Summarize transcribed text using a custom API
- Allow users to tip for the service
- Secure handling of API keys and tokens
- Deployable as an AWS Lambda function
- Poetry for dependency management
- AWS account with Transcribe access
- Telegram Bot Token
- MarketRouter API Key
Clone the repository:
git clone cd GroupLang-secretary-bot
Install Poetry if you haven't already:
curl -sSL | python3 -
Install dependencies using Poetry:
poetry install
Set up environment variables:
: Your Telegram Bot TokenAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
: Your MarketRouter API Key
Configure AWS credentials:
- Either set up the AWS CLI or use environment variables as mentioned above
Activate the Poetry virtual environment:
poetry shell
Start the bot:
uvicorn main:app --reload
In Telegram, start a conversation with the bot or add it to a group
Send a voice message to the bot
The bot will transcribe the audio, summarize the content, and send the result back
Users can tip using the inline button provided with the response
To add a new package:
poetry add package_name
To update all packages:
poetry update
To update a specific package:
poetry update package_name
The bot uses the following external APIs:
- AWS Transcribe: For audio transcription
- MarketRouter API: For text summarization and reward submission
Refer to the respective documentation for more details on these APIs.