This codebase automates the installation of couchdb for obsididan-livesync with ansible
This codebase uses ansible to automate the installation of couchdb as a standalone database. Please note that this configuration opens up the database for remote connections with the password. If the database is open to the web, https is required in order to prevent mitm attacks on login.
These files support Debian based remotes
Install ansible
pip install ansible
Ensure ssh is installed locally
Install sshd, ensure sshd is started your remote, and add your ssh pubkey to the remote user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Set your inventory:
Change the ip in inventory.yml
to another IP or your web server url
For example if your host was
your inventory.yml
would look like this:
is the remote with ssh access that you want to install couchdb. the host can also be an IP (see the provided inventory.yml
for an example)
You can set the password with or without vault. Using vault is a secure way of storing the couchdb password
overwrite vault.yml
rm vault.yml
vim vault.yml
and set it to
couchdb_password: yourthrowawaypassword
You can encrypt the vault later with:
ansible-vault encrypt vault.yml
Using vault provides a way of using the same password for provisioning without leaving it on your filesystem in plaintext.
rm vault.yml
ansible-vault create vault.yml
Set the vault password with one that you store in your password manager.
Set the contents of vault.yml
to the password you want for couchdb:
couchdb_password: yourstrongcouchdbpassword
If inventory.yml
and the couchdb password is set, this configures couchdb in its entirety.
After this playbook runs, you should be able to connect obisdian livesync at http://<your ip or domain>:5984
Use the password you set inside vault.yml
for obsidian-livesync
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml main.yml
Enter your vault password.
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml main.yml