This tool doesn't work. At all. So don't use it right now.
This is a personal tool I am writting in order to help do daily katas without all the boilerplate work. Eventually, I want to have a repo
kata g ruby -d integer_stack -f stack -t rspec -s codeeval
kata g
kata generate
Required - Default set in lib/settings.json
kata g <language>
kata g --lang <language>
The lanaguage in which you are generating code for
What you want to name your directory.
Default: [language_name]_[time]
Optional - default is the same as Directory Name
--file [FILE_NAME]
Optional - default is decided when official language support is added
If you add you own lanaguage, you must set the testing framework and testing
command in lib/settings.json
Optional - Default is nil
--src [SOURCE]
This credits the source and builds a link to that challenge online on the specific kata readme
Default Version - ~> 2.0
Default Testing Framework - RSpec
Default Version - ~> ES5
Default Testing Framework - Jasmine
Default Version - ~> 1.1
Default Testing Framework - Testing Package, Table Driven Testing
- Lanugage to do (in order of my preference)
- Go
- Elixir
- Objective C
- Python
- Scala
In all honesty, this would probably be much better off written in bash or something lower level. Especially since this is basically a glorified code generator and process starter.
I am comfortable in Ruby though, and until more people than me use it, I'll stick to Ruby.
I'll be asking the questions around here! (burn out from wordpress $h*t)