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Node JS framework for working with Everscale and Venom contracts. Inspired by Truffle and Hardhat. Helps you build, test, run and maintain your smart contracts.


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Development environment for Everscale blockchain.

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Locklift is a development environment aiming to help you with Everscale contracts development. With Locklift, you get:

  • Network management for working with any networks (main, test, local, ...)
  • Automated contract testing with Mocha
  • Handy wrapper around Everscale smart contract
  • Custom givers support
  • Keys management
  • External script runner that executes scripts within a specified environment

Quick start

To install Locklift you need node 14 or later. Go to an empty folder, initialize an npm project (i.e. npm init), and run

npm install --save-dev locklift

Once it's installed you can initialize the project

// initialize in current directory
npx locklift init -f
// or specify new one
npx locklift init --path amazing-locklift-project

Get version

npx locklift --version

CLI docs

This section describes the set of commands, supported by the locklift package.

Initialize Locklift package

npx locklift init --path amazing-locklift-project
# New Locklift project initialized in amazing-locklift-project

This command initializes new Locklift project, filled with samples:

├── contracts
│   └── Sample.sol
├── locklift.config.ts
├── scripts
│   └── 1-deploy-sample.ts
└── test
    └── sample-test.ts

Other flags

-f, --force - force run the init command (in case you have any files in the target directory);


By default, the configuration file is called locklift.config.ts. Here's the basic layout:

const LOCAL_NETWORK_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost/graphql";

const config: LockliftConfig = {
  compiler: {
    // Specify path to your TON-Solidity-Compiler
    // path: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TON-Solidity-Compiler/build/solc/solc",

    // Or specify version of compiler
    version: "0.61.2",

    // Specify config for extarnal contracts as in exapmple
    // This filed for generating types only
    // externalContracts: {
    //   "node_modules/broxus-ton-tokens-contracts/build": ['TokenRoot', 'TokenWallet']
    // }

    // Additional comiler params can be added via this field
    // compilerParams: ["--tvm-version ton"],
  linker: {
    // Specify path to your stdlib
    // lib: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TON-Solidity-Compiler/lib/stdlib_sol.tvm",
    // // Specify path to your Linker
    // path: "/mnt/o/projects/broxus/TVM-linker/target/release/tvm_linker",

    // Or specify version of linker
    version: "0.15.48",
  networks: {
    locklift: {
      connection: {
        id: 1001,
        // @ts-ignore
        type: "proxy",
        // @ts-ignore
        data: {},
      keys: {
        // Use everdev to generate your phrase
        // !!! Never commit it in your repos !!!
        // phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
        amount: 20,
    local: {
      // Specify connection settings for
      connection: {
        group: "localnet",
        type: "graphql",
        data: {
          endpoints: [LOCAL_NETWORK_ENDPOINT],
          local: true,
      // This giver is the default local-node giverV2
      giver: {
        // Check if you need to provide a custom giver
        // giverFactory: (ever, keyPair, address) => new SimpleGiver(ever, keyPair, address),
        address: "0:ece57bcc6c530283becbbd8a3b24d3c5987cdddc3c8b7b33be6e4a6312490415",
        key: "172af540e43a524763dd53b26a066d472a97c4de37d5498170564510608250c3",
      tracing: {
        endpoint: LOCAL_NETWORK_ENDPOINT,
      keys: {
        // Use everdev to generate your phrase
        // !!! Never commit it in your repos !!!
        // phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
        amount: 20,
    mainnet: {
      // Specify connection settings for
      connection: "mainnet",
      // Here, default SafeMultisig wallet is used as a giver
      giver: {
        address: "0:ece57bcc6c530283becbbd8a3b24d3c5987cdddc3c8b7b33be6e4a6312490415",
        // you can use bip39 phrase instead of key
        phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
        accountId: 0,
      keys: {
        // Use everdev to generate your phrase
        // !!! Never commit it in your repos !!!
        // phrase: "action inject penalty envelope rabbit element slim tornado dinner pizza off blood",
        amount: 20,
  // you can use any settings that mocha framework support
  mocha: {
    timeout: 2000000,

Note about Giver settings:

Let's look at networks.giver this is giver settings filed. All known wallets and givers will be detected automatically e.g. EverWallet or GiverV2 (from local node). You only need to provide giver credentials - (address, secret key, or phrase with account id). But if you want to use something custom you will need to provide giverFactory callback for networks.giver.giverFactory that callback should return something that implements Giver interface

Build contracts

This command uses the specified TON Solidity compiler and TVM linker to build all project contracts.

npx locklift build
Found 1 sources
Building contracts/Sample.sol
Compiled contracts/Sample.sol
Linked contracts/Sample.sol

Test contracts

This command runs the project Mocha tests, test folder by default. The locklift object will be set up and included automatically, you don't need to import it manually.

npx locklift test --network local
  Test Sample contract
      âś“ Load contract factory
      âś“ Deploy contract (1491ms)
      âś“ Interact with contract (1110ms)

  3 passing (3s)


You can print to console in contracts with special library:

import "locklift/src/console.sol";

contract Sample {
  function testFunc(uint input) external {

    console.log(format("You called testFunc with input = {}", input));

Note: console.log functionality working only with tracing e.g:

await lockLift.tracing.trace(sampleContract.testFunc({ input: 10 }).sendExternal({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey }));

And then you will see this in your terminal:

You called testFunc with input = 10

Note the console.log is just an event, so if your message dropped on the computed phase (e.g. required didn't pass), you will not see the log message.


The tracing module scans the message tree, determines which contracts have been deployed, and decodes all method calls. In case of an error in some section of the execution graph, tracing will show the chain of calls that led to the error, as well as the error itself.

Note: If you want to use tracing be sure to provide a tracing endpoint to the config that supports graphql

// trace deploy
const {contract: deployedContractInstance, tx} = await locklift.tracing.trace(locklift.factory.deployContract(...))
// trace simple transaction
const changeStateTransaction = await locklift.tracing.trace(MyContract.methods.changeCounterState({newState: 10}).sendExternal({publicKey: signer.publicKey}))
// trace runTarget
const accountTransaction = await locklift.tracing.trace(myAccount.runTarget(...))

example with tracing output

npx locklift test -n local

 #1 action out of 1
Addr: 0:785ea492db0bc46e370d9ef3a0cc23fb86f7a734ac7948bb50e25b51b2455de0
MsgId: 963a963f227d69f2845265335ecee99052411204b767be441755796cc28482f4
TokenWallet.transfer{value: 4.998, bounce: true}(
    amount: 100
    recipient: 0:5d0075f4d3b14edb87f78c5928fbaff7aa769a49eedc7368c33c95a6d63bbf17
    deployWalletValue: 0
    remainingGasTo: 0:bb0e7143ca4c16a717733ff4a943767efcb4796dd1d808e027f39e7712745efc
    notify: true
    payload: te6ccgEBAQEAKAAAS4AXvOIJRF0kuLdJrf7QNzLzvROSLywJoUpcj6w7WfXqVCAAAAAQ
	#1 action out of 1
Addr: 0:b00ef94c1a23a48e14cdd12a689a3f942e8b616d061d74a017385f6edc704588
MsgId: bcbe2fb9efd98efe02a6cb6452f38f3dce364b5480b7352000a32f7bdfde949a
TokenWallet.acceptTransfer{value: 4.978, bounce: true}(
    amount: 100
    sender: 0:bb0e7143ca4c16a717733ff4a943767efcb4796dd1d808e027f39e7712745efc
    remainingGasTo: 0:bb0e7143ca4c16a717733ff4a943767efcb4796dd1d808e027f39e7712745efc
    notify: true
    payload: te6ccgEBAQEAKAAAS4AXvOIJRF0kuLdJrf7QNzLzvROSLywJoUpcj6w7WfXqVCAAAAAQ
	#1 action out of 1
Addr: 0:5d0075f4d3b14edb87f78c5928fbaff7aa769a49eedc7368c33c95a6d63bbf17
MsgId: 99034783340906fb5b9eb9a379e1fcb08887992ed0183da78e363ef694ba7c52
EverFarmPool.onAcceptTokensTransfer{value: 4.952, bounce: false}(
    tokenRoot: 0:c87f8def8ff9ab121eeeb533dc813908ec69e420101bda70d64e33e359f13e75
    amount: 100
    sender: 0:bb0e7143ca4c16a717733ff4a943767efcb4796dd1d808e027f39e7712745efc
    senderWallet: 0:785ea492db0bc46e370d9ef3a0cc23fb86f7a734ac7948bb50e25b51b2455de0
    remainingGasTo: 0:bb0e7143ca4c16a717733ff4a943767efcb4796dd1d808e027f39e7712745efc
    payload: te6ccgEBAQEAKAAAS4AXvOIJRF0kuLdJrf7QNzLzvROSLywJoUpcj6w7WfXqVCAAAAAQ
 !!! Reverted with 1233 error code on compute phase !!!

Ignoring errors

By default, tracing will throw an error on any non-zero code in the execution graph, but sometimes in contract, we can expect some specific errors that could be processed later with bounced msgs. In this cases, we don't want tracing to throw errors, because such behavior is expected. We can tell tracing to ignore specific errors on compute or action phases.

We can ignore errors on specific call:

// Tracing will ignore all 51 and 60 errors on compute phase + 30 error on action phase
// Here 51 compute and 30 action errors will be ignored for all transacions in msg chain and 60 compute error
// will be ignored only on specific address
const transaction = await locklift.tracing.trace(
  tokenRoot.methods.sendTokens({ walletOwner: "" }).sendExternal({ publicKey: signer.publicKey }),
    allowedCodes: {
      //compute or action phase for all contracts
      compute: [40],
      //also you can specify allowed codes for specific contract
      contracts: {
        [someAddress.toString()]: {
          action: [52, 60],

Or set ignoring by default for all further calls:

// ignore compute(or acton) phase errors for all transactions
locklift.tracing.setAllowedCodes({ compute: [52, 60] });
// ignore more errors for specific address
locklift.tracing.setAllowedCodesForAddress(SOME_ADDRESS, { compute: [123], action: [111] });

// remove code from a default list of ignored errors so that only 51 errors will be ignored
// this affects only global rules, per-address rules are not modified
locklift.tracing.removeAllowedCodes({ compute: [60] });
// remove code from deault list of ignored errors for specific address
locklift.tracing.removeAllowedCodesForAddress(SOME_ADDRESS, { compute: [123] });


For using this feature first of all need to wrap the transaction by tracing, and make sure that tracing is enabled. Otherwise, the traceTree will be undefined


const { traceTree } = await locklift.tracing.trace(myContract.method.myMethod().send());

tracingTree methods

  1. Beauty print


await traceTree?.beautyPrint();

example output

CALL Wallet.sendTransaction{valueReceive: 0,valueSent: 3.9, rest: -3.910662⮯, totalFees: 0.010662}(dest="StEverVault(0:5db...a9bcf)", value="3900000000", bounce=true, flags="3", payload="te6c...pQ==")
 CALL StEverVault.startEmergencyProcess{valueReceive: 3.9,valueSent: 3.867427, rest: 0⮬, totalFees: 0.032573}(_poofNonce="50341")
  CALL StEverAccount.onStartEmergency{valueReceive: 3.867427,valueSent: 3.857346, rest: 0⮬, totalFees: 0.010081}(_proofNonce="50341")
   CALL StEverVault.startEmergencyRejected{valueReceive: 3.857346,valueSent: 3.831589, rest: 0⮬, totalFees: 0.025757}(_user="Wallet(0:ae6...10a56)", errcode="2004")
    EVENT StEverVault.EmergencyProcessRejectedByAccount(emitter="Wallet(0:ae6...10a56)", errcode="2004")
    TRANSFER Wallet.undefined{valueReceive: 3.831589,valueSent: 0, rest: 3.830589⮬, totalFees: 0.001}()

let's look at random raw in beaty print

(1)CALL (2)StEverVault.(3)startEmergencyRejected{(4)valueReceive: 3.857346,(5)valueSent: 3.831589, (6)rest: 0⮬, (7)totalFees: 0.025757}((8)_user="Wallet(0:ae6...10a56)", errcode="2004")

(1) Action type ,it can be (CALL, EVENT, BOUNCE, TRANSFER)

(2) Contract name

(3) Method name

(4) How many value(ever) the method received

(5) How many value(ever) the method sent

(6) How many ever left on contract after current transaction step (valueReceive - valueSent - totalFees)

(7) Total fees used in current step

(8) Method params, if params are included addresses it can be tried to find associated contract for it

  1. Ever balance diff

This method is providing information about changing ever balance for a particular address or addresses

const balanceChange = traceTree.getBalanceDiff(account.address);
// -1859458715 nano
  1. Token balance diff

This method is providing information about changing token balance by a particular token wallet

const tokenBalanceChange = traceTree?.tokens.getTokenBalanceChange(myUSDTTokenWalletContract.address);
// -1859458715 measurements depends of token decimals
  1. Getting information about calling methods and emitting events
// Events
const addEvents = traceTree?.findEventsForContract({
  contract: myContract,
  name: "Add" as const, // 'as const' is important thing for type saving

//Methods calls
const depositCalls = traceTree?.findCallsForContract({
  contract: myContract,
  name: "deposit",
  1. Total gas used

This method is providing information about how much gas used after evaluating the full transaction

const gasUsed = traceTree?.totalGasUsed();
// 256859 nano

Tracing testing feature

For better testing your contracts you can use our chai plugin that includes to locklift package.

Just add this to your locklift.config.ts

import { lockliftChai } from "locklift";
import chai from "chai";


This plugin is providing useful things for testing everscale contract

  1. .emit

With this method, you can test emitting events, like this

    amount: "150",
    user: "user address",

.emit method gets the event name as a first parameter and an optional parameter with the type type Addressable = Contract | Address | string;

  1. .call

With this method, you can test evaluating contract methods, as this


.call parameters are the same as .emit

  1. .error

With this method, you test cases with errors like this

// expect(traceTree);

All .error parameters are optional, so you can test particular errors or all errors that happened or not happened

And last but not least you can combine each of these methods e.g.

    depositor: "userAddress",
    depositor: "userAddress",


In this paragraph we age going to explain some features of locklift network.

  1. It supports fork mode (see below)
  2. It supports inserting any accounts to the network
  • - insert wallet with provided address to the network
  • - insert account with provided address,boc,abi to the network


Locklift supports fork mode. In this mode, locklift will execute all accounts locally and if the contract doesn't exist in current context, it will download its state.

Note: it can be used only inside locklift network

We are supporting two types of forking:

  • Live mode - in this mode, locklift will download the latest state of the contract by provided network config
  • Block mode - in this mode, locklift will download the state of the contract by provided block number(mainnet only)


For using this we need to update our config file

const config: LockliftConfig = {
  /// ...
  networks: {
    locklift: {
      connection: {
        /// ...
      keys: {
        /// ...
      fork: {
        source: {
          type: "block",
          block: 32438397,
        // or
        // source: {
        //   type: "live"
        //   connection: 'mainnetJrpc', // or arbitrary network config
        // },
        contracts: [
            abi: {
              path: "path to abi file", // note: file name will be used for type generation
            // We need to provide address or code hash for contract that we want to associate with abi
            address: "",

            // or
            // codeHash: "",

            // or
            // codeHash:{
            //   deriveAddress: 'address of contract that we will use for deriving code hash and abi'
            // }
  /// ...

Now we can use external contracts as like it was deployed in our network. Let's imagine we added Staking project to our config

  /// ...
  fork: {
    /// ...
    contracts: [
        abi: {
          path: path.resolve(`externContarcts/Staking.json`), // note: file name will be used for type generation
        address: "0:675a6d63f27e3f24d41d286043a9286b2e3eb6b84fa4c3308cc2833ef6f54d68",
  /// ...
const stakingVault = locklift.factory.getDeployedContract(
  "Staking", // name of abi file
  new Address("0:675a6d63f27e3f24d41d286043a9286b2e3eb6b84fa4c3308cc2833ef6f54d68"), // address of contract
// Now you can interact with this contract.
const stakingDetails = await stakingVault.methods.getDetails().call();
// Let make owner account
const ownerAccount =;

// And lets do something as if we were the owner
const { traceTree } = await locklift.tracing.trace(
    from: ownerAccount.address,
    amount: toNano(1),

await traceTree.beautyPrint();
// And inside the output we will se detailed call trace thanks abi that was provded inside the

Also, you can add any contracts and used it as like it was deployed in your network. Some words about algorithm of searching contract in fork mode:

  1. If you or your contract is trying to interact with contract that wasn't deployed in your network, locklift will try to find it in fork
  2. If contract wasn't found in fork, it will show a warning
  3. If contract was found in fork locklift will try to apply ABI to this contract
## Run script

This command runs an arbitrary Node JS script with an already configured `locklift` module.

npx locklift run --network local --script scripts/1-deploy-sample.ts
Sample deployed at: 0:a56a1882231c9d901a1576ec2187575b01d1e33dd71108525b205784a41ae6d0

Locklift docs

This section describes the features of the locklift module.


Module provides access to keystore

const signer = await locklift.keystore.getSigner("0");

Get Balance (locklift.provider.getBalance)

Get balance of account

const userBalance = await locklift.provider.getBalance(user.address);

expect(Number(userBalance)), "Bad user balance");

Transactions (locklift.transactions)

The module provides access to high-level control of transaction flow.

This method allows you to wait until all transactions in the chain are finalized.

const transaction = await locklift.transactions.waitFinalized(tokenRoot.methods.deployWallet({...}))

Full contract state (locklift.provider.getFullContractState)

Get full account state

expect(await locklift.provider.getFullContractState({ address: addr }).then(res => res.state?.isDeployed));

Testing (locklift.testing)

The module provides access to special testing utils, which available only with the dev node

locklift.testing.increaseTime with this method, you can increase local node time by seconds

// increase time by 10 seconds
await locklift.testing.increaseTime(10);
// get current offset in seconds
const currentOffsetInSeconds = locklift.testing.getTimeOffset();

Note: this method increases your local node and provider time, we can't change the time back. So if you need to reset the offset you will need to restart the local node. After each run locklift makes syncing the provider with the local node. And you will see the warning about the current offset, please skip this warning if this is expected behavior, otherwise, just restart the local node

Context (locklift.context)

The module provides information about the current context

const networkName =; // network name which provided as --network param with locklift run command
const networkConfig =; // network setting related with selected network

Factory (locklift.factory)

This module provides the factory with getting sources of the contract and functionality for deploying contracts. From the factory, you can receive contract objects from the project Solidity sources and contracts provided in config.extarnalContracts.


Returns all compilation artifacts based on the .sol file name or name from value config.extarnalContracts[pathToLib].

const myContractData = await locklift.factory.getContractArtifacts("MyContract");

Deploy locklift.factory.deployContract

Deploy specified contract and returns contract instance and transaction.

// Deploy
const {contract: DeployedMyContract, tx} = locklift.factory.deployContract({
  // name of your contract
  contract: "MyContractName",
  // public key in init data
  publicKey: signer.publicKey,
  // static parameters of contract
  initParams: {...},
  // runtime deployment arguments
  constructoParams: {...},
  // this value will be transfered from giver to deployable contract
  value: toNano(2),
// Ot you can get instance of already deployed contract
const GettedMyContract = await locklift.factory.getDeployedContract(
  "Wallet", // name of your contract
  new Address("MyAddress"),
// In this example 'DeployedMyContract' and 'GettedMyContract' are the same contract


The contract object includes all methods based on built sources (Abi). It is based on

const MyContract = locklift.factory.getDeployedContract(
  "Wallet", //name infered from your contracts
  new Address("MyAddress"),
// Send External
await MyContract.methods.changeCounterState({ newState: 10 }).sendExternal({ publicKey: signer.publicKey });
// Run getter or view method
const counterSatate = await MyContract.methods.getCounterState({}).call();
// Await event that is still not emitted
const futureEvent = await MyContract.waitForEvent({ filter: event => event.event === "StateChanged" });
// Get past events
const pastEvents = await MyContract.getPastEvents({ filter: event => event.event === "Deposit" });


This module provides the possibility to interact with contracts directly e.g.{}).send({
  //sender account
  from: myAccountAddress,
  amount: toNano(20),

For this flow need to add accounts to the locklift.factory.accounts. We are supporting WalletV3, HighLoadWallet, MsigAccount and other wallets which should provide directly

Deploy and add new account to the account storage

For creating and adding a new account need to use locklift.factory.accounts.addNewAccount this method sends values and deploys new account

1. WalletV3 or HighLoadWallet

const account = await locklift.factory.accounts.addNewAccount({
  type: WalletTypes.EverWallet, // or WalletTypes.HighLoadWallet or WalletTypes.WalletV3,
  //Value which will send to the new account from a giver
  value: toNano(100000),
  //owner publicKey
  publicKey: signer.publicKey,

2. Msig like Wallets (e.g. SafeMultisig like)

Note: For custom wallets, needs to follow the same rules as for simple deploy(need to pass constructor and init params)

Msig like Wallet should implement method sendTransaction from Account)

const account = await locklift.factory.accounts.addNewAccount({
  type: WalletTypes.MsigAccount,
  // Multisig type SafeMultisig supports 2.0 ABI version, multisig2 supports 2.3 ABI version
  mSigType: "SafeMultisig", // or SafeMultisig
  //Contract should included to the locklift.config.externalContracts or should compiled from contracts folder
  contract: "Account",
  //Value which will send to the new account from a giver
  value: toNano(100000),
  publicKey: signer.publicKey,
  constructorParams: {},
  initParams: {
    _randomNonce: getRandomNonce(),

And then account.address can be used as sender.

Full example:

const account = await locklift.factory.accounts.addNewAccount({
  type: WalletTypes.EverWallet, // or WalletTypes.HighLoadWallet or WalletTypes.WalletV3,
  //Value which will send to the new account from a giver
  value: toNano(100000),
  //owner publicKey
  publicKey: signer.publicKey,
  nonce: getRandomNonce(),

  //sender account
  from: account.address,
  amount: toNano(20),

3. Custom wallets

Note this is very low level adding account method, so if you need to use something custom would be a better way to use 2. Msig like Wallets method

MsigAccount can be used as example for own implementation


import {GenericAccount} from 'locklift/everscale-standalone-client'

const {abi: myMsigAccountAbi} = locklift.factory.getContractArtifacts("MyMsigAccount");

//derived from
class MyMsigAccount extends GenericAccount {
  constructor(args: {
    address: string | Address,
    publicKey?: string
  }) {
    super({abi: myMsigAccountAbi, ...});

const signer = await locklift.keystore.getSigner('0')
const {contract: myMsigContract} = await locklift.factory.deployContract({
  contract: "MyMsigAccount",
  constructorParams: {},
  initParams: {
    _randomNonce: getRandomNonce(),
  value: toNano(10),
  publicKey: signer.publicKey,
const myMsigAccount = new MyMsigAccount({address: myMsigContract.address, publicKey: signer.publicKey})

  //sender account
  from: myMsigAccount.address,
  amount: toNano(20),

Using an existing account

const everWalletAccount = await locklift.factory.accounts.addExistingAccount({
  address: "MyAddress",
  type: WalletTypes.EverWallet,

const walletV3Account = await locklift.factory.accounts.addExistingAccount({
  publicKey: signer.publicKey,
  type: WalletTypes.WalletV3,
const mySafeMultisigAccount = await locklift.factory.accounts.addExistingAccount({
  publicKey: signer.publicKey,
  type: WalletTypes.Custom,
  address: "MyAddress",

  //sender account
  from: mySafeMultisigAccount.address, // walletV3Account.address
  amount: toNano(20),

AccountFactory (locklift.factory.getAccountsFactory)

this is deprecated since 2.2.0, use locklift.factory.accounts instead

This module provides the generic account factory. You can provide your own implementation of the account if needed, there is only one constraint - the custom contract should include this method

accountAbiBase = {
  functions: [
      name: "sendTransaction",
      inputs: [
        { name: "dest", type: "address" },
        { name: "value", type: "uint128" },
        { name: "bounce", type: "bool" },
        { name: "flags", type: "uint8" },
        { name: "payload", type: "cell" },
      outputs: [],
let accountsFactory = locklift.factory.getAccountsFactory(
  "Wallet", // name of contract used as a wallet

Now you can use it for deploying contract or getting deployed ones


const {contract: MyAccount, tx} = accountsFactory.deployNewAccount({
  publicKey: signer.publicKey,
  initParams: {
    _randomNonce: getRandomNonce(),
  constructorParams: {...},
  value: locklift.utils.toNano(100000)

Get account by address

const Account = accountsFactory.getAccount(new Address("MyAddress"), signer.publicKey);


In most cases users interact with your contract through wallets with internal messages. To make testing realistic we added Account class that allows you to imitate user and send all transactions to contracts through wallet contract.

This class extends the basic Contract functionality by adding special runTarget method, which allows interaction with other contracts, by sending internal messages from "Account" contract. It encodes the specified method + params into the internal message, according to the target contract's ABI and call the Account's external method.

The basic Account contract can be found here Account.sol.

const userAccount1 = accountsFactory.getAccount(new Address("MyAddress"), signer.publicKey);
// send tokens by interacting with tokenWallet contract
await userAccount1.runTarget(
    contract: tokenWallet,
    value: locklift.utils.toNano(5),
  tokenWallet =>
      amount: DEPOSIT_AMOUNT,
      payload: "",
      notify: true,
      remainingGasTo: userAccount1.address,
      recipient: bankContract.address,
      deployWalletValue: 0,

Giver (locklift.giver)

This module allows you to send native tokens. locklift.factory is using the giver under the hood, for deploying contracts


This module provides some utility functions for more convenient work with Ever objects.

import { toNano, fromNano, getRandomNonce, convertAmount, isValidEverAddress, stringToBytesArray } from "locklift";

toNano(10); // 10000000000
fromNano(10000000000); // 10```


  1. locklift-verify
  2. locklift-deploy
  3. locklift-plugin-boilerplate(example of implementation)