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#Parcoa: Objective-C Parser Combinators Parcoa is a collection of parsers and parser combinators for Objective-C inspired by Haskell's Parsec package and Python's Parcon library. It is released under a MIT license.

Pure Parcoa Parsers

A ParcoaParser * is a lite wrapper around a function block that takes a single NSString * argument, attempts to parse some value from this string, then returns an OK or Fail result. On success, the parser block returns the parsed value, the unconsumed residual input, and a message indicating what input would have allowed the parser to consume more characters. On failure, the parser block returns a string description of what it expected to find in the input.

Parser Diagram

Consider a very simple parser that expects the unicode character 'a'

ParcoaParser *simpleA = [Parcoa unichar:'a'];

If we pass it the string "abcd", it parses the first character and returns an OK result:

ParcoaResult *result = [simpleA parse:@"abcd"];

result.isOK == TRUE
result.value == @"a"

If there's no leading 'a' then parsing fails:

ParcoaResult *result = [simpleA parse:@"bcd"];

result.isFail == TRUE

What the heck is a parser combinator?

Although simple and self-contained, basic Parcoa parsers are useless in isolation. A parser combinator is a function that takes one or more parsers and creates a new parser with added functionality. Combined parsers can be further combined, enabling complex parsing behaviour via composition of parsing primitives.

For example, instead of a single 'a' character, we can match any consecutive sequence of a's

ParcoaParser *manyA = [Parcoa many:simpleA];

ParcoaResult *result = [manyA parse:@"aaaabcd"];

result.isOK == TRUE
result.value == @[@"a", @"a", @"a", @"a"]]

Perhaps we want to match any consecutive sequence of a's or the string "hello"

ParcoaParser *hello = [Parcoa string:@"hello"];
ParcoaParser *manyAConcat = [manyA concat];
ParcoaParser *thisorthat = [manyAConcat or: hello];

ParcoaResult *result = [thisorthat parse:@"helloworld"];

result.isOK == TRUE
result.value == @"hello"

result = [thisorthat parse:@"aaaaaworld"];

result.isOK == TRUE
result.value = @"aaaaa"

A simple JSON parser

Below is a simple JSON Parcoa parser. It currently only supports integral number literals.

ParcoaParser *colon        = [[Parcoa unichar:':'] skipSurroundingSpaces];
ParcoaParser *comma        = [[Parcoa unichar:','] skipSurroundingSpaces];
ParcoaParser *openBrace    = [[Parcoa unichar:'{'] skipSurroundingSpaces];
ParcoaParser *closeBrace   = [[Parcoa unichar:'}'] skipSurroundingSpaces];
ParcoaParser *openBracket  = [[Parcoa unichar:'['] skipSurroundingSpaces];
ParcoaParser *closeBracket = [[Parcoa unichar:']'] skipSurroundingSpaces];

ParcoaParser *quote         = [Parcoa unichar:'"'];
ParcoaParser *notQuote      = [Parcoa noneOf:@"\""];
ParcoaParser *escapedQuote  = [Parcoa string:@"\\\""];
ParcoaParser *stringContent = [Parcoa concatMany:[escapedQuote or: notQuote]];

ParcoaParserForward *json = [ParcoaParserForward forwardWithName:@"json"
                                                         summary:@"json forward declaration"];

ParcoaParser *string  = [stringContent between:quote and: quote];
ParcoaParser *null    = [Parcoa string:@"null"];
ParcoaParser *boolean = [Parcoa bool];
ParcoaParser *integer = [Parcoa integer];
ParcoaParser *pair    = [[string keepLeft: colon] then: json];
ParcoaParser *object  = [[[pair sepBy:comma] between:openBrace   and: closeBrace] dictionary];
ParcoaParser *list    =  [[json sepBy:comma] between:openBracket and: closeBracket];

[json setImplementation:[Parcoa choice:@[object, list, string, integer, boolean, null]]];

If we run the parser on some input

ParcoaResult *result = [json parse:@"[{\"name\" : \"James\", \"age\" : 28, \"active\" : true}]"];
NSLog(@"%@", result.value);

we get native Objective-C objects as output

2013-01-03 11:16:46.666 ParcoaJSONExample[20822:c07] (
        Active = 1;
        Age = 28;
        Name = James;

Paroca parsers generate tracebacks when fed invalid input

NSString *input = @"[{\"name\" : \"James\", \"age\" : 28 \"active\" : true}]";
ParcoaResult *result = [json parse:input];
NSLog(@"%@", [result traceback:input]);
2013-01-04 00:20:55.691 ParcoaJSONExample[26758:c07] Line 1 Column 1: Expected one or more matches.
  Line 1 Column 1: Expected all parsers in sequence to match.
    Line 1 Column 2: Expected optional child parser matched.
	  Line 1 Column 2: Expected one or more separated items.
		Line 1 Column 2: Expected all parsers in sequence to match.
		  Line 1 Column 2: Expected one or more matches.
			Line 1 Column 2: Expected all parsers in sequence to match.
              Line 1 Column 31: Expected more matches of delimiter and child parser.
			    Line 1 Column 31: Expected more matches of child parser.
			      Line 1 Column 31: Expected all parsers in sequence to match.
					Line 1 Column 31: Expected all parsers in sequence to match.
				  	  Line 1 Column 32: Expected Character matching predicate inCharacterSet(whitespace).
					  Line 1 Column 32: Expected Character matching predicate isUnichar(',').
			  Line 1 Column 31: Expected all parsers in sequence to match.
			    Line 1 Column 32: Expected Character matching predicate inCharacterSet(whitespace).
				Line 1 Column 32: Expected Character matching predicate isUnichar('}').

The parser encountered invalid input at Line 1 Column 32 and was expecting a space, comma , or close brace }.


Parcoa is still in active development. Some current sore points:

  • There is some unit test coverage. Ideally all primitive parsers and combinators will have full unit tests.
  • There are no performance benchmarks.
  • Most of the Parsec combinators are implemented. If you find a recurring primitive pattern or combinator during your parsing travails, feel free to send a pull request.
  • Error reporting and tracebacks are currently programmer and not end user friendly.


You can clone Parcoa from it's github repository or install it using CocoaPods.

I recommend using CocoaPods because all your linking, build settings, and header includes are set automatically. If you clone from github you'll have to configure these settings manually.


Install and configure CocoaPods.

In the root of your project create a file named Podfile containing

platform :ios
xcodeproj '<# YOUR PROJECT #>.xcodeproj'
pod 'Parcoa', :git => ""

then run

pod install

Note: After running pod install open <# YOUR PROJECT #>.xcworkspace in xcode, not <# YOUR PROJECT #>.xcodeproj.


Parcoa builds a static library libParcoa.a. The library target is in Parcoa.xcodeproj. To link Parcoa with your target:

  1. Clone the Parcoa github repostiory git clone
  2. Drag Parcoa.xcodeproj into your XCode project.
  3. Add libParcoa.a (Parcoa OS X.dylib on OSX) to Link Binary With Libraries on your target's Build Phases tab.
  4. Ensure Parcoa (Parcoa) (Parcoa OS X (Parcoa) on OSX) is in Target Dependencies on your target's Build Phases tab.
  5. Add the Parcoa directory as a recursive path to User Header Search Paths and set Always Search User Paths to YES on your target's Build Settings tab.
  6. Add -ObjC to Other Linker Flags on your target's Build Settings tab.

Git Submodule

From the root of your project clone the Parcoa repository into a git submodule

mkdir -p Submodules
git submodule add Submodules/Parcoa
git submodule update --init

then follow the steps under the Git heading above.


Objective-C Parser Combinators







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