This module should ease the way of creating powerful charts in Magento 2. It is based on the chart.js library (which itself is already used by Magento2 for its dashboard charts) and various extensions for additional chart types.
Goals of this module:
- Be independent of the version management of Magento and updates of its library dependencies (only the current 2.4.7-beta2 uses chart.js v4.4.0!) and use newer chart.js versions in older Magento2 installations
- Provide a simple way to create charts in Magento2 without much knowledge of the chart.js library itself
- Provide boilerplate codes to easily integrate any type of chart in various places within Magento
- Encourage everyone to create meaningful representations of data already available in Magento2, no stackholder would see otherwise as it is buried in the databases
composer require brocode/module-chartee
bin/magento module:enable BroCode_Chartee
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Bar chart Based on the base implementation from
Stacked bar chart
A bar chart variation with the help of the chart.js plugin
Polar chart
A polar chart based on the sample from
Doughnut chart
A variation of the base doughnut chart, based on
Gauge chart
A variation of the doughnut chart, based on
Boxplot chart
What is a Boxplot chart? See Wikipedia for more information.
A boxplot chart, based on
Customer Group Distribution
The charts shows the distribution of registered customers between all customer groups. It also provides the possibility to download the shown data as CSV.
It can be found in the page Customers -> Customer Groups
Permissions: only admin users with the permission BroCode_Chartee::chart_customer_group_distribution
can see the chart.
Configuration: Stores -> Configuration -> Services -> Chartee Reports Configuration -> Customer Report Settings
All menus can be found under Content -> BroCode Chartee
Chartbuilder Listing
Shows all registered chart builders.
Currently no further features are implemented. Possible features could be:
- Preview of generated chart.js configurations (TBD)
Demo Charts
Listing of all current demo charts and links how they have been implemented on js side.
Simple base class to order all added subblocks in a column layout. It dynamically sets the according needed columns, based if a chart is shown or not (which can change based on configuration or permissions). Additionally a section title added.
Sample of a row with 2 columns and a section title:
<block name="dashboard.chart.row.1" class="BroCode\Chartee\Block\ColumnBaseChart">
<action method="setData">
<argument name="name" xsi:type="string">section_title</argument>
<argument name="value" xsi:type="string">First Section Title</argument>
<block name="dashboard.chart.row.1.chart.1" ...>...</block>
<block name="dashboard.chart.row.1.chart.2" ...>...</block>
Base chart display class. It can be used within the frontend and adminhtml (a specialized subclass exists with the extension of checking backend permissions: BroCode\Chartee\Block\Adminhtml\BaseCompositeChartsBlock). It provides the following features:
- checks the visibility based on a configuration value
- adds the possibility to prepare a download link of the shown data (or more) as CSV file
- the download file name can be configured (otherwise it will be autogenerated as {current-date}_{md5-hash}.csv)
- the key to the data from the chartbuilder that should be downloadable
- checks the visibility based on a ACL permission (only the adminhtml-class)
<block name="brocode.customer.customergroup.distribution.chart" template="BroCode_Chartee::customer/customer_group_distribution.phtml" class="BroCode\Chartee\Block\Adminhtml\BaseCompositeChartsBlock">
<action method="setData">
<argument name="name" xsi:type="string">visibilityConfigPath</argument>
<argument name="value" xsi:type="string">brocode_chartee_reports/customer/customer_group_distribution</argument>
<action method="setData">
<argument name="name" xsi:type="string">permission</argument>
<argument name="value" xsi:type="string">BroCode_Chartee::chart_customer_group_distribution</argument>
<action method="setData">
<argument name="name" xsi:type="string">chartDataBuilder</argument>
<argument name="value" xsi:type="string">brocode-customer-stacked-group</argument>
<action method="setData">
<argument name="name" xsi:type="string">downloadNameConfigPath</argument>
<argument name="value" xsi:type="string">brocode_chartee_reports/customer/customer_group_distribution_downloadfile</argument>
<action method="setData">
<argument name="name" xsi:type="string">downloadDataKey</argument>
<argument name="value" xsi:type="string">customer_groups_data</argument>
Every chart needs a datasource, which is an implementation of \BroCode\Chartee\Api\ChartDataBuilderInterface. For every base chart a separate Databuilder is already implemented with default configurations for that type of chart and possibly additional methods for creating the needed configuration.
Every base chart has its default DataBuilder and an implementation example within \BroCode\Chartee\Model\DataBuilder\Demo.
Implementation of a new Databuilder
Extend the needed specific ChartDataBuilder, here a Sample of the DemoPolarChartDataBuilder:
class DemoPolarChartDataBuilder extends PolarChartDataBuilder
public function build()
$this->setDataLabels(['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'])
->setLabel('Weekly Sales')
->setDataValues(12, 19, 3, 17, 28, 24, 7)
->setBackgroundColors("#2ecc71", "#3498db", "#95a5a6", "#9b59b6", "#f1c40f", "#e74c3c", "#34495e")
return parent::build();
To add downloadable data to be used, any data must be set separatelly to the chart builder class:
public function build()
$this->setData('customer_groups_data', $groupData);
return parent::build();
Registration within the databuilder service
The databuilder needs to be registered within a di.xml in order to use it as named builder within the Template-block class:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
<type name="\BroCode\Chartee\Model\ChartDataService">
<argument name="chartDataBuilders" xsi:type="array">
<item name="brocode-customer-stacked-group" xsi:type="object">\BroCode\Chartee\Model\DataBuilder\Customer\StackedCustomerGroupDataBuilder</item>
the \BroCode\Chartee\Model\ChartRequestParameterService provides methods to gather all set filtering parameter that should be considered when building up the needed data.
Current following parameters are supported:
- Scope (ChartRequestParameterService::getStoreIds(), based on the backend store switcher Magento\Backend\Block\Store\Switcher)
- DateRange (ChartRequestParameterService::getStartDate() & ChartRequestParameterService::getEndDate(), null if not set)
Hint for adding a store filter to your backend page:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi=""
<referenceContainer name="page.main.actions">
<block class="Magento\Backend\Block\Store\Switcher" name="store_switcher" as="store_switcher" template="Magento_Backend::store/switcher.phtml">
<action method="setUseConfirm">
<argument name="params" xsi:type="string">0</argument>
<action method="setSwitchWebsites">
<argument name="params" xsi:type="string">1</argument>
<action method="setSwitchStoreGroups">
<argument name="params" xsi:type="string">1</argument>
Hint for adding a date range filter to your backend page:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi=""
<referenceContainer name="page.main.actions">
<block class="BroCode\Chartee\Block\Filter\DateRangePicker" name="date_range_picker" />
Hint for using a date range picker in a custom element:
<input type="text" name="daterange" value="" data-mage-init='{"date-range-picker": {}}'/>
Hint for configuration possibility (see, e.g. hiding the week numbers:
<input type="text" name="daterange" value="" data-mage-init='{"date-range-picker": {"showWeekNumbers":false}}'/>
These charts are used by the BaseCompositeChart class and can also be used as standalone charts too. The according demo page charts are implemented that way.
Steps to add a new chart:
- create a databuilder (see above)
- create a virtual type and define a specific view model for that databuilder
<virtualType name="BroCode\Chartee\Block\ViewModel\DemoBoxplotChartConfiguration" type="BroCode\Chartee\Block\ViewModel\BaseChartDataViewModel">
<argument name="dataBuilder" xsi:type="object">BroCode\Chartee\Model\DataBuilder\Demo\DemoBoxplotDataBuilder</argument>
- create a layout update and set a the defined view model
<block class="BroCode\Chartee\Block\Widget\BaseChart" name="chartee.boxplot.demo.chart">
<action method="setViewModel">
<argument name="viewModel" xsi:type="object">
- chart.js v4.4.0
- chart.js helpers (parts of it) v4.3.2
- chart.js boxplot plugin v4.2.4
- chart.js stacked100 plugin v1.5.2
- chart.js autocolors plugin 0.2.2
- custom implementation (based on samples from the internet, see above for reference) within graph.js
- doughnut labels line plugin
- gauge chart
- JQuery daterangepicker extension