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Add PathSeq WDL (#4143)
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* Add PathSeq WDL
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mwalker174 authored Jan 29, 2018
1 parent 385fa4a commit 2b06bb6
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45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions scripts/pathseq/wdl/
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
## Running the PathSeq WDL

### Setting up parameter json file for a run

To get started, *copy* the ``pathseq_pipeline_template.json`` for the workflow and modify the parameters accordingly.
DO NOT commit your json file to this repo. This file has reasonable default parameters.

PathSeq reference files are available in the [GATK Resource Bundle]( (located [here](ftp://[email protected]/bundle/beta/PathSeq)).

*Please note that there are optional parameters that do not appear in the template files, since we do not want to specify them by default*

### Docker image
- "broadinstitute/gatk:"

### Parameter descriptions

Recommended default values (where possible) are found in ``pathseq_pipeline_template.json``

- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.sample_name`` -- sample ID
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.input_bam`` -- sample BAM file
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.is_host_aligned`` -- Set to true if the input has already been aligned to a host reference. *NOTE: common human references (e.g. GrCh38) contain decoy sequences such as the Epstein-Barr Virus genome. If this flag is set to true, reads aligning to these decoys will be misidentified as "host" and filtered out.*
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.filter_bwa_image`` -- Path to host BWA index image. This corresponds to `pathseq_host.fa.img` in the Resource Bundle.
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.kmer_file`` -- Path to host k-mer file. This corresponds to `pathseq_host.bfi` in the Resource Bundle.
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.microbe_bwa_image`` -- Path to microbe BWA index image. This corresponds to `pathseq_microbe.fa.img` in the Resource Bundle.
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.microbe_fasta`` -- Path to microbe reference FASTA file. This corresponds to `pathseq_microbe.fa` in the Resource Bundle.
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.microbe_fasta_dict`` -- Path to microbe reference dictionary file.This corresponds to `pathseq_microbe.dict` in the Resource Bundle.
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.taxonomy_file`` -- Path to PathSeq taxonomy file. This corresponds to `pathseq_taxonomy.db` in the Resource Bundle.
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.gatk_docker`` -- GATK docker image

Optional parameters:

- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.min_clipped_read_length`` -- Minimum read length after quality trimming. You may need to reduce this if your input reads are shorter than the default value (default 60)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.min_score_identity`` -- Fraction of bases aligned to count a microbe alignment in abundance scoring (default 0.9)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.identity_margin`` -- If a read maps to more than one microbe, the best alignment is counted. Any additional alignments are also counted if they are within this margin of the best alignment (default 0.02)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.divide_by_genome_length`` -- If true, abundance scores are normalized by genome length (default false)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.filter_duplicates`` -- If true, reads with identical sequences will be filtered (default true)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.skip_quality_filters`` -- If true, skips quality filtering steps (default false)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.skip_pre_bwa_repartition`` -- Advanced tuning parameter; recommended if the sample contains a large number (e.g. >10M) microbial reads (default false)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.filter_bwa_seed_length`` -- Sets host alignment MEM length. Reducing this valueincreases host read detection sensitivity but is slower (default 19)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.host_min_identity`` -- Minimum identity score for reads to be classified as host (default 30)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.bam_partition_size`` -- Advanced tuning parameter; set size of Spark read partitions. Reducing this value increases parallelism but may also increase overhead and affect host BWA alignment (default 4000000)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.mem_gb`` -- Virtual machine (VM) memory in GB (default 208 GB)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.preemptible_attempts`` -- Minimum number of attempts on preemtible VMs before the job will fail (default 3)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.disk_space_gb`` -- VM disk space in GB (automatically sized by default)
- ``PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.cpu`` -- Number of VM virtual processor cores (default 32)
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions scripts/pathseq/wdl/pathseq_pipeline.wdl
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@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
## PathSeq Pipeline WDL
## Runs the PathSeq pipeline
## For further info see the GATK Documentation for the PathSeqPipelineSpark tool:
## Input requirements :
## - Sequencing data in BAM format
## - Host and microbe references files available in the GATK Resource Bundle (available on FTP):
## - Input BAM files must comply with the following requirements:
## - - file must pass validation by ValidateSamFile
## - - all reads must have an RG tag
## - - one or more read groups all belong to a single sample (SM)
## Output:
## - BAM file containing microbe-mapped reads and reads of unknown sequence
## - Tab-separated value (.tsv) file of taxonomic abundance scores
## - Picard-style metrics files for the filter and scoring phases of the pipeline
task PathseqPipeline {

# Inputs for this task
String sample_name
File input_bam

File kmer_file
File filter_bwa_image
File microbe_bwa_image
File microbe_fasta
File microbe_fasta_dict
File taxonomy_file

Boolean is_host_aligned
Boolean? skip_quality_filters
Boolean? filter_duplicates
Boolean? skip_pre_bwa_repartition
Boolean? divide_by_genome_length
Int? filter_bwa_seed_length
Int? host_min_identity
Int? min_clipped_read_length
Int? bam_partition_size
Float? min_score_identity
Float? identity_margin

String bam_output_path = "${sample_name}.pathseq.bam"
String scores_output_path = "${sample_name}.pathseq.tsv"
String filter_metrics_output_path = "${sample_name}.pathseq.filter_metrics"
String score_metrics_output_path = "${sample_name}.pathseq.score_metrics"

File? gatk4_jar_override

# Runtime parameters
Int? mem_gb
String gatk_docker
Int? preemptible_attempts
Int? disk_space_gb
Int? cpu
Boolean use_ssd = true

# You may have to change the following two parameter values depending on the task requirements
Int default_ram_mb = 208000
# WARNING: In the workflow, you should calculate the disk space as an input to this task (disk_space_gb).
Int default_disk_space_gb = 400
# Mem is in units of GB but our command and memory runtime values are in MB
Int machine_mem = if defined(mem_gb) then mem_gb *1000 else default_ram_mb
Int command_mem = machine_mem - 4000

Float default_min_score_identity = 0.9
Float default_identity_margin = 0.02

command <<<
set -e
export GATK_LOCAL_JAR=${default="/root/gatk.jar" gatk4_jar_override}
gatk --java-options "-Xmx${command_mem}m" \
PathSeqPipelineSpark \
--input ${input_bam} \
--output ${bam_output_path} \
--scores-output ${scores_output_path} \
--filter-metrics ${filter_metrics_output_path} \
--score-metrics ${score_metrics_output_path} \
--kmer-file ${kmer_file} \
--filter-bwa-image ${filter_bwa_image} \
--microbe-bwa-image ${microbe_bwa_image} \
--microbe-fasta ${microbe_fasta} \
--taxonomy-file ${taxonomy_file} \
--bam-partition-size ${select_first([bam_partition_size, 4000000])} \
--is-host-aligned ${is_host_aligned} \
--skip-quality-filters ${select_first([skip_quality_filters, false])} \
--min-clipped-read-length ${select_first([min_clipped_read_length, 60])} \
--filter-bwa-seed-length ${select_first([filter_bwa_seed_length, 19])} \
--host-min-identity ${select_first([host_min_identity, 30])} \
--filter-duplicates ${select_first([filter_duplicates, true])} \
--skip-pre-bwa-repartition ${select_first([skip_pre_bwa_repartition, false])} \
--min-score-identity ${select_first([min_score_identity, default_min_score_identity])} \
--identity-margin ${select_first([identity_margin, default_identity_margin])} \
--divide-by-genome-length ${select_first([divide_by_genome_length, true])}
runtime {
docker: gatk_docker
memory: machine_mem + " MB"
# Note that the space before SSD and HDD should be included.
disks: "local-disk " + select_first([disk_space_gb, default_disk_space_gb]) + if use_ssd then " SSD" else " HDD"
preemptible: select_first([preemptible_attempts, 3])
cpu: select_first([cpu, 32])
output {
File bam_output_pathFile = "${sample_name}.pathseq.bam"
File outputScoresFile = "${sample_name}.pathseq.tsv"
File outputFilterMetricsFile = "${sample_name}.pathseq.filter_metrics"
File outputScoreMetricsFile = "${sample_name}.pathseq.score_metrics"

workflow PathSeqPipelineWorkflow {

String sample_name
File input_bam

File kmer_file
File filter_bwa_image
File microbe_bwa_image
File microbe_fasta
File microbe_fasta_dict
File taxonomy_file

Boolean is_host_aligned
Boolean? filter_duplicates
Boolean? skip_pre_bwa_repartition
Boolean? divide_by_genome_length
Int? filter_bwa_seed_length
Int? host_min_identity
Int? min_clipped_read_length
Int? bam_partition_size
Float? min_score_identity
Float? identity_margin

File? gatk4_jar_override

# Runtime parameters
Int? mem_gb
String gatk_docker
Int? preemptible_attempts
Int? cpu

# Optional input to increase all disk sizes in case of outlier sample with strange size behavior
Int? increase_disk_size

# Some tasks need wiggle room, and we also need to add a small amount of disk to prevent getting a
# Cromwell error from asking for 0 disk when the input is less than 1GB.
# Also Spark requires some temporary storage.
Int additional_disk = select_first([increase_disk_size, 20])

# Disk sizes for Downsample and PathSeq tasks
Float disk_space_gb = size(input_bam, "GB") + size(kmer_file, "GB") + size(filter_bwa_image, "GB") + size(microbe_bwa_image, "GB") + size(microbe_fasta, "GB") + additional_disk

call PathseqPipeline {
output {
File pathseqBam = PathseqPipeline.bam_output_pathFile
File pathseqScores = PathseqPipeline.outputScoresFile
File pathseqFilterMetrics = PathseqPipeline.outputFilterMetricsFile
File pathseqScoreMetrics = PathseqPipeline.outputScoreMetricsFile
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions scripts/pathseq/wdl/pathseq_pipeline_template.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.sample_name": "sample",
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.input_bam": "gs://my-bucket/sample.bam",

"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.is_host_aligned": false,
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.min_clipped_read_length": 60,
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.filter_duplicates": true,
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.min_score_identity": 0.90,
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.identity_margin": 0.02,
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.divide_by_genome_length": true,

"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.filter_bwa_image": "gs://my-bucket/references/pathseq_host.fa.img",
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.kmer_file": "gs://my-bucket/references/pathseq_host.bfi",
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.microbe_bwa_image": "gs://my-bucket/references/pathseq_microbe.fa.img",
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.microbe_fasta": "gs://my-bucket/references/pathseq_microbe.fa",
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.microbe_fasta_dict": "gs://my-bucket/references/pathseq_microbe.dict",
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.taxonomy_file": "gs://my-bucket/references/pathseq_taxonomy.db",
"PathSeqPipelineWorkflow.gatk_docker": "broadinstitute/gatk:"

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