Client for YodaQA writen in HTML5 with jQuery mobile and Cordova.
You can see it live on or . That's the gh-pages branch; to push there, use:
git subtree push --prefix www origin gh-pages
Client works with Hub only. Get it from and use it as non-default REST API endpoint.
: show dialog with id N and opens question with id M?e=
: use a non-default REST API endpoint?feedback=true
: show feedback form
Client itself is located in www
folder. There is index.html
Javascript files are in www/js
File yodaAnswerGetter.js
handles getting of answers and their displaying.
File androidControl.js
handles native android functions.
jQuerry mobile is located in www/js/jQuery
CSS files are located in www/css
. style.css
contains custom stylesheet. jQuery mobile css files are located in www/css/jQuery
Files genrated by Cordova for android app are located in platforms\android
. Current apk file is in platforms\android\build\outputs\apk
. There are Cordova plugins in plugins
Feedback form is handled by feedbackHandler.js
located in www/js
. To deploy feedback, create google form with 9 text
fields (email,question,expected answer[0-5],more correct answers). To variable BASE_URL
copy form's id, to array FIELDS_IDS
copy text field's
ids in order: email,question,expected answer[0-5],more correct answers. SUBMIT_REF
holds name and action of form's button.
Field more correct answers
stores answers separated by vertical bar (answer|answer|answer
See the top of the feedbackHandler source code for the form URLs.