Provide ready-to-use RyzenAdj software for snap-enabled GNU/Linux distributions.
Currently due to the missing snapd confinement interface support of writing to the north bridge PCI config space the snap can now only installed using the devmode
confinement mode by running the following commands in a text terminal:
# Install the snap under devmode confinement
# Install the version from the beta channel(the snap currently can
# only be distributed via the beta and edge channels)
sudo snap install "${snap_install_opts[@]}" ryzenadj
The following external material is referenced during the development of this project:
- FlyGoat/RyzenAdj: Adjust power management settings for Ryzen APUs
Upstream project.
Unless otherwise noted(individual file's header/REUSE.toml), this product is licensed under the MIT license, or any of its recent versions you would prefer.
This work complies to the REUSE Specification, refer the REUSE - Make licensing easy for everyone website for info regarding the licensing of this product.