This sandbox is a testing ground for the cmf bundles being developped.
It is based on the Symfony Standard edition and adds all cmf related bundles on top of the standard edition bundles.
- Git 1.6+
- PHP 5.3.2+
- phpUnit 3.5+ (optional)
git clone git://
cd cmf-sandbox
# we skipped the web installer for now
# copy parameters template and edit as needed
cp app/config/parameters.yml.dist app/config/parameters.yml
bin/vendors install
This will fetch the main project and all it's dependencies ( Cmf Bundles, Symfony, Doctrine\PHPCR, Jackalope ... )
Follow the guide in the Jackalope Wiki and then register the node types for phpcr-odm:
app/console doctrine:phpcr:register-system-node-types
We currently do not yet have an edit backend. Until somebody builds one, you can only programmatically create data. The best way to do that is with the doctrine data fixtures. The DoctrinePHPCRBundle included in the symfony-cmf repository provides a command to load fixtures.
app/console -v doctrine:phpcr:fixtures:load --path=src/Sandbox/MainBundle/Resources/data/fixtures/ --purge=true
If you're using the lastest version of the Jackrabbit server (2.3.x) and are getting an error when loading the fixtures
try removing: --purge=true
Create an apache virtual host entry along the lines of <Virtualhost *:80> Servername cmf.lo DocumentRoot /path/to/symfony-cmf/cmf-sandbox/web <Directory /path/to/symfony-cmf/cmf-sandox> AllowOverride All
And add an entry to your hosts file for cmf.lo
Then point your browser to http://cmf.lo/app_dev.php
THIS IS CURRENTLY BROKEN as it is based on the old form framework.
There is a proof-of-concept admin interface at http://cmf.lo/app_dev.php/admin
We intend to replace this either by VIE ( or something with one of the AdminBundle s.
Tests are written with PHPUnit.
phpunit -c app