A simple SaaS product that offers ChatGPT interaction on WhatsApp. Here's an outline of the steps you'll need to follow:
Product outline:-
- Set up a WhatsApp API client
- Create a web server to handle incoming messages and interact with the ChatGPT API
- Deploy your server on a cloud provider or local server
For the sake of simplicity and using free resources, we'll use the following tools:
a. Twilio API for WhatsApp: This API will help us integrate WhatsApp messaging with our server. b. Flask: A lightweight Python web framework to create the server. c. OpenAI API: For accessing the ChatGPT API. d. Ngrok: A platform to deploy our local Flask server on internet
Note: These services are free tiers, they may not be sufficient for a full-scale production environment.
-----------------------------Detail Steps---------------------------------------------------------------
Step 1: Set up a WhatsApp API client Sign up for a Twilio account: https://www.twilio.com/try-twilio Follow the instructions to set up a WhatsApp Sandbox: https://www.twilio.com/docs/whatsapp/sandbox
Step 2: Create a web server to handle incoming messages and interact with the ChatGPT API Install some dependencies by below command: pip install flask twilio openai
Step 3: Create a file named app.py copy app.py from repository Replace "openai_api_key" with your actual OpenAI API key.
Step 4: Run the Flask web server on your local machine by entering the following command in your terminal: python app.py
The server should now be running on your local computer. You'll see output indicating that the server is running, and it will show a URL like or http://localhost:5000/. This is the local address for your server.
Step 5 : While your server is running on your local computer, it is not accessible from the internet, and therefore it cannot be used as a webhook for Twilio. To make your local server accessible, you can use a tool like ngrok (https://ngrok.com/) to expose it to the internet temporarily. However, this is not recommended for production environments.
------------------------------Deep Dive If you are using Ngrok-------------------------------------
Step 1: Install ngrok Visit the ngrok download page: https://ngrok.com/download Download the appropriate version for your operating system. Unzip the downloaded file to a folder where you'd like to keep the ngrok executable.
Step 2: Expose your local server using ngrok Open a new terminal window and navigate to the folder where you unzipped the ngrok executable. Run the following command to expose your local Flask server (which should be running on port 5000): ./ngrok http 5000 If you're on Windows, the command will be: ngrok.exe http 5000
You should see output showing the ngrok session status. Look for the "Forwarding" URLs. You'll see an "http://" and an "https://" URL. You can use either one, but it's recommended to use the "https://" URL for secure communication. Step 3: Configure the Twilio webhook
Step 3: Go to your Twilio Console: https://www.twilio.com/console Navigate to the "Phone Numbers" section: https://www.twilio.com/console/phone-numbers/incoming Click on the phone number you're using for your WhatsApp Sandbox. Scroll down to the "Messaging" section. In the "A MESSAGE COMES IN" field, enter the ngrok URL you got in Step 2, and append /webhook to it. For example: https://your-ngrok-url.ngrok.io/webhook Click "Save" at the bottom of the page.