Adder in VHDL to test the digital flow using ghdl + GTKwave (front-end) and openlane (back-end).
- Test GHDL + GTKWave (Front-end) using the classic full adder (reference:
- Use Yosys + GHDL (ghdl-yosys-plugin) to convert the VHDL design in to a .v (Verilog) equivalent code to be the starting point to openlane flow. (see write_verilog reference: ghdl/ghdl#1174)
- Use openlane (Back-end) to generate the layout (.gds) from previously generated .v (design file). Ref:
- Repository documentation
The system consists on the implementation of the classic digital adder.
Files | Description |
full_adder.vhd | Description of the behaviour of the full adder. |
full_adder_tb.vhd | Full adder testbench. |
adder.vhd | Decription of the 8-bit adder implemented using full adder. |
adder_tb.vhd | 8-bit adder testbench. |
# Design analysis of the sources
$ ghdl -a ./src/vhdl/full_adder.vhdl
$ ghdl -a ./src/vhdl/adder.vhdl
# Design analysis of the testbenches
$ ghdl -a ./src/vhdl/full_adder_tb.vhdl
$ ghdl -a ./src/vhdl/adder_tb.vhdl
# Test units elaboration
$ ghdl -e full_adder_tb
$ ghdl -e adder_tb
# Execute the simulation and export the waveforms
$ ghdl -r full_adder_tb --wave=./waves/full_adder_tb.ghw
$ ghdl -r adder_tb --wave=./waves/adder_tb.ghw
# full_adder
$ gtkwave ./waves/full_adder_tb.ghw
# adder
$ gtkwave ./waves/adder_tb.ghw
# full_adder
$ yosys -m ghdl -p 'ghdl ./src/vhdl/full_adder.vhdl -e full_adder; write_verilog full_adder.v'
# adder
$ yosys -m ghdl -p 'ghdl ./src/vhdl/adder.vhdl -e adder; write_verilog adder.v'
Due to some installation problems related to ghdl-yosys-plugin natively, we used a image hdlc/ghdl:yosys and the Docker to execute the procedures.
# Download the image
$ docker pull hdlc/ghdl:yosys
# Mount the container
$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/home -w /home -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) hdlc/ghdl:yosys bash
# Execute the commands inside the container
$ yosys -m ghdl -p 'ghdl ./full_adder.vhdl -e full_adder; write_verilog full_adder.v'
$ yosys -m ghdl -p 'ghdl ./adder.vhdl -e adder; write_verilog adder.v'
# Access the openlane local installation directory (e.g.)
cd ~/sky130_skel/openlane
# Mount the container image(e.g. openlane:rc6)
$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/openLANE_flow -v $PDK_ROOT:$PDK_ROOT -e PDK_ROOT=$PDK_ROOT -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) openlane:rc6
# Begin a new design 'adder'
$ ./flow.tcl -design adder -init_design_config
# Exit the container
$ exit
After the above procudure, the file ./designs/adder/config.tcl
needs to be edited as mentioned on this repo. Also, due to the design be small, some problems can occur on the placement stage, as explicited here. So, we needed the following configurations:
# configuration added to the file: ./configuration/floorplan.tcl [inside the openlane directory]
set ::env(FP_CORE_UTIL) 5
# configuration added to the file: ./configuration/placement.tcl [inside the openlane directory]
set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) 0.5
After those configurations it is needed to access the openlane directory root with the final procedures:
# Copy the 'Verilog' files to the design folder inside the openlane directory
$ cp -r ./src/verilog ~/sky130_skel/openlane/designs/adder/src
# Access the openlane local installation directory (e.g.)
$ cd ~/sky130_skel/openlane
# Init the flow
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/openLANE_flow -v $PDK_ROOT:$PDK_ROOT -e PDK_ROOT=$PDK_ROOT -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) openlane:rc6 ./flow -design adder -tag openlane_run
This will generate the layout automatically.
staydh - 2021