- Asturias
A Ruby wrapper to communicate with Telegram's Bot API using web hooks.
Responsive Youtube Player with Playlist
A simple Rails wrapper for Google Material Icons
orgmode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system.
Sample applications built using AWS' Amazon Machine Learning.
ActiveSupport::Memoizable with a few enhancements
Fetch your twitter posts without using the new Twitter 1.1 API. Pure JavaScript! By Jason Mayes
A bash shell script wrapper for git-archive that archives a git superproject and its submodules, if it has any.
📚 Freely available programming books
Programas para la descarga, análisis y visualización de datos referentes al trabajo realizado por los diputados españoles en el Congreso.
Transformación de los datos abiertos de la información suministrada por los Informes de Fiscalización de los estados contables de los Partidos Políticos (Tribunal de Cuentas)
A Skype bot supporting integration with external services
This gem calculates descriptive statistics including measures of central tendency (e.g. mean, median mode), dispersion (e.g. range, and quartiles), and spread (e.g variance and standard deviation).
Brand new website based on lastfm-pathfinder gem. Let's go find paths!!
Transparencias para mi intervención en el XI Congreso Ciberciudadano "Cloud Computing: las TIC se suben a la nube."
Adds menus to pages, so you can create various custom menus to use on your frontend
A Framework which allows the user to consume information from a data Streaming (p.e. Twitter) in a standard way with data mining purposes.
Finding paths between artists in Lastfm since 1888