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ARKref is a basic implementation of a syntactically rich, rule-based coreference system very similar to (the syntactic components of) Haghighi and Klein (2009). We find it is useful as a starting point to be adapted into larger information extraction and natural language processing systems. For example, by tweaking the gazetteers, customizing mention extraction, turning the syntactic rules into log-linear features, etc., it can be made useful for a variety of applications.

Technical requirements

Only Java is required, probably version 1.6. Various libraries (e.g. GraphViz, Hpricot) are necessary for the various development support scripts.

How to run

To get started, the following command runs ARKref on a demo document included with the code. We start with just one file, the document text:

$ ls demo/

$ cat demo/lee_example.txt
This film should be brilliant. It sounds like a great plot, the actors are
first grade, and the supporting cast is good as well, and Stallone is
attempting to deliver a good performance. However, it can't hold up.

Run ARKref like so, creating intermediate files and output:

$ ./ -input demo/lee_example.txt

$ ls demo/

The file .tagged file is the final output, in a mention/entity-tagged pseudo-xml format.

$ cat demo/lee_example.tagged 
<mention mentionid="1" entityid="1_2_9">This film</mention> should be brilliant .
<mention mentionid="2" entityid="1_2_9">It</mention> sounds like <mention mentionid="3" entityid="3">a great plot</mention> , <mention mentionid="4" entityid="4_5">the actors</mention> are <mention mentionid="5" entityid="4_5">first grade</mention> , and <mention mentionid="6" entityid="6">the supporting cast</mention> is good as well , and <mention mentionid="7" entityid="7">Stallone</mention> is attempting to deliver <mention mentionid="8" entityid="8">a good performance</mention> .
However , <mention mentionid="9" entityid="1_2_9">it</mention> ca n't hold up .

During development, since it takes a while to load the parser and supersense tagger, it can be convenient to run them as background servers. If they're running, ARKref will automatically use them. Start them in a new terminal window with:

$ ./

Please see ./ -help for more options.

Seeing what's going on

The debug output is designed to make it as easy as possible to understand why the algorithm is making its decisions. This is possible since the approach is strongly procedural and rule-oriented. See it with:

$ ./ -debug -input demo/lee_example.txt

Various development utility scripts are included. (They may require libraries to be installed; see their comments.) For example, streamlined tagging view:

$ cat demo/lee_example.tagged | ./tagviz.rb 

*This film*_1 should be brilliant .

*It*_1 sounds like *a great plot* , *the actors*_4 are *first grade*_4 ,
and *the supporting cast* is good as well , and *Stallone* is attempting
to deliver *a good performance* .

However , *it*_1 ca n't hold up .

This makes obvious the false positive "4" cluster, resulting from a predicate-nominative construction. It's often useful to check for parsing errors by looking at the (raw, pre-surgery) trees as PDF or PNG images:

$ cat demo/lee_example.parse | ./
<iframe src="" width="500" height="350" style="border: none;"></iframe>


Evaluation: there is code that loads ACE Phase 2 datasets and evaluates on them. Unfortunately, this data cannot be freely redistributed. If you can get a copy of it, evaluation can be run something like this:

$ ./ -ace -input ace_rothdev/*.txt | tee log | ./
PRECISION:  0.657617
RECALL:     0.552433
F1:         0.600454

More information

We are working on a real tech report for this, but in the meantime, a preliminary class project report is available with the code: notes/class_paper/coref_final_for_rtw.pdf. Please first read:

Out of the box, ARKref is roughly equivalent to H&K's system. On the dev data set, its F-score is about the same, though the precision/recall tradeoff is different.

This approach depends on having a supersense tagger and a syntactic constituency parser. ARKref is written to use a reimplementation of the system described by Ciaramita and Altun (EMNLP 2006) and the Stanford Parser, which are included in this download. ARKref also makes heavy use of the Stanford Tregex library for implementation of syntactic rules. Please see the file LICENSE.txt for information on implications for redistribution.

References: M. Ciaramita and Y. Altun. 2006. Broad-coverage sense disambiguation and information extraction with a supersense sequence tagger. In Proc. EMNLP.


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