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Code and a few data files for review; will eventually be uploaded to Dryad with additional data.

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Last updated 09 July 2018

This is an initial version of the Dryad repository that will eventually
be created for the Ensifer meliloti GWA manuscript. To facilitate
review, it is being uploaded to github, and only the code is being
included to keep the upload size reasonable. This README contains
information on all the files that will eventually be uploaded to Dryad.

This repository has the major input and output files and code from
Epstein et al. XXXX. The first section gives the locations of data that
were used as input for everything else (reference genome, reads, etc.).
The second section explains the analysis workflow and tells you where to
find scripts and output files for each step. The third section explains
the code used to make the figures and tables in the manuscript.

All of the analysis was run on Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
servers, and we copied the code as-is to this repository. Thus, anyone
interested in re-running the analysis will have to make modifications to
the file paths and the job submission code. However, these scripts do
provide a complete record of how the analysis was conducted.


For your convenience, we list here the files that are most likely to be
useful to other researchers:

1. Selected input and output files
    - Raw PAVs: pav_calls/output.vcf.gz
    - Filtered variants (filtered on missingness and whether or not they
      were segregating, MAF filters applied later):
    - Phenotype values for the 20 traits presented in the manuscript:
    - LMM GWA raw output: gwas/gemma_lmm/*/output/output0.assoc.txt.gz,
      where * = phenotype name
    - BSLMM hyper-parameters (PVE, etc) from all chains combined:
    - Raw SNP calls from FreeBayes will be included in the final Dryad
      repository, but are too large to include right now.

2. Reference genome
    We used Ensifer meliloti USDA1106 as the reference genome. The
    assembly is available from NCBI (Accessions NZ_CP021797.1, NZ_CP021798.1,
    NZ_CP021799.1), but for convenience, we include the sequence and annotation
    here, under reference_genome/. These files are used in the data processing
    and analysis scripts discussed below, so here are the original file names
    on the MSI server:

    | File           | Original File Name                                                |
    | USDA1106.fasta | data/genotype/annotation/USDA1106/2016-07-18/ |
    | cds.gff3       | data/genotype/annotation/USDA1106/2016-07-18/cds.gff3             |
    | all.gff3       | data/genotype/annotation/USDA1106/2016-07-18/all.gff3             |

3. NCBI data

    All of the reads for the strains used in this study are available
    from SRP118385 on NCBI. The BioSample accession numbers for each
    strain are found in ncbi/biosamples.txt

4. Strain information

    The 153 E. meliloti strains and some information about where they
    were collected is in strain_info/. In the file called
    "strain_metadata.txt", the "GWAS_ID" column gives the strain name
    used throughout the manuscript. The metadata was mostly compiled by
    Liana Burghardt and Matt Nelson.


Here we list the complete analysis workflow. All the code, and the most
relevant input and output files are included in this repository.

1. Calling variants

1.1. SNPs

Joseph Guhlin called SNPs for the 153 strains using FreeBayes (in
diploid mode), then filtered out variants with QUAL < 20. This file
is found in snp_calls/all_smeliloti_filter_qual20.vcf.gz.

1.2 PAVs

J. Guhlin also made de novo assemblies from short reads for the 153 E.
meliloti strains (plus 25 additional strains from other species), and
annotated the assemblies using glimmer. The nucleotide sequences of all
the annotated genes were clustered using CDHit (cd-hit-est program). The
scripts needed to run CDHit and the output files are found in pav_calls.

1.3 Combining and filtering for association analyses

The SNPs and PAVs were combined and partially filtered using:

This removed invariant sites and sites with > 20% missingness. It also
"normalized" multi-allelic sites by splitting them into multiple
bi-allelic variants. And, it got rid of indels. Minor allele frequency
filtering was done in downstream steps.

The scripts needed to do this, along with the major output VCF files are
found in variant_filtering_for_analysis/. ** NOTE: These are the variant
files that were used for nearly all of the data analysis reported in the
manuscript. genome.vcf.gz was the input file for association analyses. **

    | File                     | Description                                             |
    | genome.vcf.gz            | Combined SNPs and PAVs, with MNPs left intact, but      |
    |                          | multi-allelic sites split into multiple records         |
    | genome.unnorm.vcf.gz     | Same as genome.vcf.gz, but with each site in one record |
    | genome.primitives.vcf.gz | Same as "unnorm" but with MNPs broken into SNPs         |
    | genome.realcoords.tsv    | Positions of actual segregating sites in genome.vcf.gz  |
    | genome.variants.fasta    | FASTA file with just variant positions included         |
    | genome.variants.tsv      | Tab-delimited format with variants (1=ref, 0=alt)       |
    |                          | created from genome.vcf.gz. For PAVs, 1=present and     |
    |                          | 0=absent.                                               |

    Note that the IDs for PAVs all start with "rdv", and IDs for SNPs
    all start with "snp".

1.4 LD grouping

The variants were put in LD groups using a custom C++ program. The
source code for the program is in src/r2_groups_xtra_sort.cpp.

The script used to run the grouping, along with the major output file
for the 0.95 and 0.80 grouping levels is in ld_groups.

Only variants with MAF > 5% were included. For each group, one variant
was chosen to be the representative for GWAS. This was the variant with
the least missing data, and (if there were ties), the greatest MAF.

Output files:
    - one_variant.tsv       One row per seed variant
    - output.tsv            One row per variant

2. Processing phenotypes

There were several sources of phenotypes:
    - biolog plates (one replicate each) from Abdelaal Shameldsin
    - "binary" phenotypes from Reda Abou-Shanab
    - growth rate phenotypes from Margaret Taylor
    - plant nodule number and biomass phenotypes, also from Margaret
      Taylor and Matt Nelson

2.1 Biolog phenotypes

The raw absorbance values for the Biolog plates are found in

The data were transformed using a python script. This produced the
transformed phenotype values that have been used for GWAS. The idea was
to reduce differences due to batches, and overall strain growth rates,
by dividing by the mean absorbance of three sugars (Sucrose, Glucose,
and Fructose) that had reliably good growth.

The script ( and the output file (biolog.tsv) are
also in pheno_data/biolog/. Note that there were some strains that were
not included in the ms that were part of the original dataset -- these
have been removed. Strain 1280 was also removed because the water
absorbance was relatively high.

2.2 Binary phenotypes

The raw binary phenotypes can be found in

For certain phenotypes that occurred in series -- like testing whether a
strain could grow at five different temperatures -- I combined them into
a single composite phenotype. The script
(process_phenotypes_composite_2017-01-31) and output file
(composite_pheno.tsv) are also found in pheno_data/binary. There are a
few extra strains included.

There is a file with details on all the binary traits: binary_trait_details.tsv.

2.3 Growth rate

Raw data and the reciprocal of doubling time column that is actually
used for the association analyses (there are a few extra strains here


2.4 Plant phenotypes

Data that have been reformatted, cleaned, and adjusted for various
experimental design effects (block, chamber):



Note that these plant phenotype data were also used for Burghardt et al.
2018 (PNAS, 10.1073/pnas.1714246115). That manuscript has some details
on the data processing.

2.5 Bioclim climate phenotypes

First, the raw bioclim data was assembled using the script
add_bioclim.r, which can be found in pheno_data/bioclim. The output was
data_bioclim.tsv (same directory).

Then, a pca was run on the raw data:
process_phenotypes_bioclim_30sec_2016-10-13.r. The PCA loadings are in
loadings.tsv, and the coordinates of strains on the PC axes are in

2.6 Combined for association testing convenience

A table of processed phenotypes was assembled using The script and output are in

2.7 Randomized phenotypes for association

We created 100 random permutations of phenotypes for running association
testing in one of the gwas scripts (see below), and then compiled them
for use in other analyses. The script and results are in


3. Linear mixed models in GEMMA

The standard GWAS analysis was run using GEMMA with the -lmm 4 option.
The script ( and selected output files (grouped
by phenotype) can be found in gwas/gemma_lmm.

A few notes:
    - The gwas script runs several iterations, each of which uses the
      top variants from previous iterations as covariates. However, we
      decided to only use the results of the first iteration (no
      covariates aside from the K matrix) in the ms.
    - output.0.closest.genes.tsv: output file containing annotations,
      ordered by p-value
    - output/output0.assoc.txt.gz: raw output from GEMMA

The gwas was also run 100 times on permuted phenotypes. The script and
selected output files for this are found in gwas/gemma_lmm_random.


The scripts and results are in the bslmm directory.

    | Script                        | Description                                           | Directory
    | 2017-07-17                    | All variants, non-permuted                            | all_vars                 |
    | 2017-07-17_separate           | SNPs or PAVs alone                                    | snps, pavs               |
    | 2017-07-17_random             | All variants, permuted                                | all_vars_random          |
    | 2017-07-17_separate_random    | SNPs or PAVs alone, permuted, five "focal" phenotypes | snps_random, pavs_random |
    | 2017-07-17_20_random          | All variants, permuted, all phenotypes                | all_vars_random          |
    | 2017-07-17_20_separate_random | SNPs or PAVs alone, permuted, all phenotypes          | snps_random, pavs_random |

The "_20_" scripts were run for a very small number of iterations, just
to get the LMM null model PVE estimates, and originally sent their
output to a different directory. We decided that running the full length
chains would be too computationally intensive.

Selected output files:
    output_0.log: log file for first chain, contains LMM PVE estimate
    output.hyp.merged.tsv: hyperparameters from all chains
    output.param.marged.tsv: parameters (per-SNP stats) from all chains
    stats.txt: collected PVE statistics

5. Model selection on top variants

The code for running model selection on the top 25 variants from the LMM
association tests (see 3 above) is in
model_selection/ The R script
used to actually do the model selection, and a file (output.stats.tsv)
with the summarized output is also available for each phenotype.

output.stats.tsv columns:
    run                 "real" for the real data, random-* for each random phenotype
    n_vars_start        step in the model (number of variants included)
    r2                  adjusted R^2 of the model
    r2_unadj            plain R^2 of the model
    r2_resid            R^2 of running the last added variant on the residuals from a model that included all the other variants (reported in ms)
    genomic_r2          mean adjusted R^2 of running models with other variants as the response instead of the phenotype
    genomic_r2_unadj    same as above, but plain R^2
    n_vars_final        number of variants included in the model, should be the same as n_vars_start
    ranks_final         GWAS rank (e.g. 2 = 2nd most significant GWAS SNP) of the included variants
    vars_final          IDs of the included variants
    coefficients        model coefficients; first one is the intercept

6. Population genetics

See popgen/: includes batch script, python script for making input file,
and tsv files with summary statistics for the entire genome and each


All code used to create figures and tables is in the figs_tables/
directory, with subdirectories by figure or table number. Note that not
all tables have code associated with them.

Note that minor aesthetic modifications were made to many figures and
tables after running the code.


Code and a few data files for review; will eventually be uploaded to Dryad with additional data.






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