Fibonacci-sequence generator implemented in Logisim.
Schematized with discrete built-in logic gates only
Sequential logic with custom D flip-flop storage
Naive generation using the recursion: F_{n}=F_{n-1}+F_{n-2}
Seed values hardwired to F_{0}=F_{1}=1
Custom hexadecimal seven-segment display
32 D flip-flops forming two 16-bit registers
Four hexadecimal seven-segment displays
Clocked at 2 Hz for demonstration purposes, capped at 4.1 KHz
Full displayed sequence: 2 -> 3 -> 5 -> 8 -> 13 -> 21 -> 34 -> 55 -> 89 -> 144 -> 233 -> 377 -> 610 -> 987 -> 1597 -> 2584 -> 4181 -> 6765 -> 10946 -> 17711 -> 28657 -> 46368 -> Overflow
Simulate -> Reset Simulation (Ctrl+R)
Toggle on CLK_ENABLE
Simulate -> Ticks Enabled (Ctrl+K) OR manually clock via Simulate -> Tick Once (Ctrl+T)
Hamming distance calculator implemented in Logisim.
Schematized with discrete built-in logic gates only
Sequential logic with custom D flip-flop storage
Custom hexadecimal seven-segment display
Two 16-bit numbers are compared bit-by-bit. The Hamming distance between them--the number of positions at which the numbers differ--is stored in memory and output to a hexadecimal display.
Bit-by-bit scanner driven by T flip-flop counter
Four-bit adder tracks distance
Result stored in four-bit register/accumulator
One hexadecimal seven-segment display
Clocked at 16 Hz for demonstration purposes, capped at 4.1 KHz
Simulate -> Reset Simulation (Ctrl+R)
Toggle CALC to reset memory elements
Simulate -> Ticks Enabled (Ctrl+K)
Enter binary inputs
Toggle CALC again
The hexadecimal output to the seven-segment display is the Hamming distance. If the display shows 0xF and the TOTAL? indicator light is on, the display has overflowed. The correct Hamming distance should be taken to be 0x10, or 16.