This is Terraform module to install and configure the kube-prometheus-stack helm chart. It also allows to control the grafana annotations to secure the grafana access, trough nginx-ingress + cert-manager.
This module could also install the Prometheus Adapter helm chart.
This module is provided without any kind of warranty and is GPL3 licensed.
provider "kubernetes" {
host = # reference cluster endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = # reference cluster ca certificate base64decode
token = # reference access token
provider "helm" {
kubernetes {
host = # reference cluster endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = # reference cluster ca certificate base64decode
token = # reference access token
locals {
prometheus_stack_additional_values = yamlencode({
commonLabels: {
label1: "this-is-my-first-label"
label2: "this-is-my-second-label"
prometheus_adapter_additional_values = yamlencode({
resources: {
requests: {
cpu: "10m",
memory: "32Mi"
module "kube_prometheus_stack" {
source = "sparkfabrik/terraform-sparkfabrik-prometheus-stack"
prometheus_stack_chart_version = "31.0.0"
prometheus_adapter_chart_version = "3.0.1"
namespace = "kube-prometheus-stack"
regcred = "regcred-secret"
grafana_ingress_host = ""
grafana_ingress_class = "nginx"
grafana_cluster_issuer_name = "prod-certmanager"
grafana_tls_secret_name = "monitoring-tls"
grafana_ingress_basic_auth_username = "admin"
grafana_ingress_basic_auth_message = "Grafana basic auth"
prometheus_stack_additional_values = local.prometheus_stack_additional_values
prometheus_adapter_additional_values = local.prometheus_adapter_additional_values