Public data project aimed at creating much more user friendly interface to interesting public data provided by Departement of Justice and The Judical Council of Slovak Republic
- Ruby 2.2
- Rails 3.2
- PostgreSQL 9.1 with trigram extension
- Elasticsearch 1.7
- Redis 3.4
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib -y
sudo service postgresql restart
cd /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/extension/
psql -U postgres -d opencourts_$RAILS_ENV -f pg_trgm--1.0.sql
Note that you need to set up the Trigram extension for all Rails environments you plan to use
git clone --recursive git://
cd otvorenesudy
bundle install
cp config/configuration.{yml.example,yml}
cp config/database.{yml.example,yml}
cp config/newrelic.{yml.example,yml}
Following commands across this section should be executed subsequently in general
rake db:create
rake db:seed
Note that the seed data are essential for the next steps
Crawl courts and judges from
rake crawl:courts
rake crawl:judges
Process court acronyms from other source:
rake process:court_acronyms
Process paragraph descriptions from other source:
rake process:paragraphs
Crawl and process hearings and decrees from
rake crawl:hearings:civil
rake crawl:hearings:criminal
rake crawl:hearings:special
rake crawl:decrees
Note to see rake work
tasks to crawl via background jobs
Crawl judge selection procedures from
rake crawl:selection_procedures
Judge property declarations processing currently fails as switched from semi-structured (HTML tables) to unstructured (PDF document) publishing
Crawl judge property declarations from
rake crawl:judge_property_declarations
Note that current support is only for property declarations of 2011 and 2012
Process court statistical summaries from
rake process:court_statistical_summaries:2011
rake process:court_statistical_summaries:2012
Process judge statistical summaries from
rake process:judge_statistical_summaries:2011
rake process:judge_statistical_summaries:2012
Process court expenses from
rake process:court_expenses:2010
rake process:court_expenses:2011
rake process:court_expenses:2012
rake process:court_expenses:2013
Process judge designations from and
rake process:judge_designations:nrsr_sk
rake process:judge_designations:prezident_sk
Run specs with bundle exec rspec
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch
git checkout -b new-feature
- Commit your changes
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch
git push origin new-feature
- Create new Pull Request